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shortus cynicus

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Everything posted by shortus cynicus

  1. Hi, I'm organizing a Meetup group in Frankfurt/Germany. If anyone is interested please, join. Direct link: http://www.meetup.com/Freedomain-Radio/Frankfurt-DE/1116732/ shortus cynicus
  2. Is that something unusualor unexpected?
  3. That was good. Thank you. The other tragic example is government having a claim on most of your income because they are work by giving you permission to exist.
  4. No, they don't. It is by natural low of live and evolution. As living creature you are obliged to extend live. Having kids is not a "work" but fulfillment of this destiny. They are not product of your labor but product of your genetical heritage. I other way, one can say, that kids owns parents. Why? Because by the same rule of natural low, there is an expectation that parents should prefer behavior supporting children. Parents are servs to the children. If they are servs, they can not be owners. Parens are given to the children by the nature as one of natural resources supporting their lives. If we take this as fundamental axiom of the live and compare with current societies, it became clear how up-side-down all the world is. National debt, unfounded liabilities, nuclear waste, diminished resources by Keynesian grow by consumption madness - all that is directly destroying younger generation. Generational Payback is coming: Neil Howe and William Strauss on The Fourth Turning in 1997 CSpan
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