Hi my name is Nathan and I've been watching Stefan's videos for the past couple of months and when logic is staring you in the face you just can't deny it. I was a Ron Paul supporter and believed in limited government. The thing is I never even tried to imagine a world without the state before watching Stefan's videos, never even crossed my mind, which saddens me now. Lets just say after about 10 minutes of watching Stefan's videos I'm a believer of anarchy. Yea it really didn't take much for me to jump across, I just can't argue with logic.
I guess the one thing I don't believe is not using the political system. Not because I think we can get rid of government that way, I'm not so naive to believe that but maybe if we could get some type of libertarian/non-aggression princple person in there maybe we can get rid of some of the war and military action that causes so much death and destruction.
Also a question, I hear many people try to apply a label to anarchy such as anarcho-capitalism or anarcho-communism. As long as these type of communities are voluntary couldn't we have them all in some form or another? I don't see why a group for example couldn't we have common ownership of some things as long as it's voluntary, not stealing someone's land etc? It just seems that when I read some debates it goes down the road of anti-this or anti-that, I just don't see the problem as long as its voluntary. Please educate me