I first began listening to Stefan Molyneux about 3 yearsago, it took me some time to assimilate the meaning and truth of what he wassaying. Because of the main stream use of the word anarchism I was thrown offbalance until I realised my statist education had only allowed me a very narrow meaningof the word. My education had begun and I started to look for other anarchistbloggers , Mike Shanklin, Larkin Rose.
From the Ludwig Von Mises website I learned of people likeMurray Rothbard who at the time meant little to me. Not being much of a reader, I rely onvideos such as the ones on you tube by some of the above authors, I find theminspiring and stimulating and I hope to reach a point where I too can help spread the word once I have acquired enough knowledgeto allow me the confidence to engage others in debate.