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    Leonberg near Stuttgart, Germany
  • Interests
    feelings & empathy, inner child, singing, math, philosophy, reading, coding, tutoring
  • Occupation
    math student

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  1. Thank you all for your responses! I think I get the general tenor of it. You have helped my friend a lot.
  2. Hello everybody, I'm curious what you think about this issue. A friend of mine (not me) is currently in a third world country and has to do a visa run (a stupid bureaucratic thing in itself already). It's very common to give 5$ more lest the officials let you wait for a couple of hours while you are anxiously waiting and worrying if they will approve the visa or not. Many people told my friend that he should give the "coffee money" to make things easier. On the one hand, there might be a moral problem with giving money to corrupt officials because it rewards bad behavior and gives even more money to government officials, it's probably illegal, though never enforced, (we are talking about my friend here, I would never do such a thing) but on the other hand if it was not a moral issue, my friend would happily pay 5$ for less stress and saving time my friend is already very anxious about essentially being at the mercy of the officials when in Rome, do as the Romans do - it's the responsibility of the citizens to fix their country refusing to pay would have little impact on corruption as with the grey and black market, corruption is sometimes the only thing that keeps things running in an authoritarian system - maybe it's good that you can get everything you want with enough cash Please let me know what you think!
  3. You tell me! What would you think is fair? As I said, it will be FREE for the beta testers. Basically everybody who responds now will be rewarded with rebates or even 100% free. Right now I am doing market research. So an answer to any of the questions in my post would help a lot. Don't forget to sent me an email to get updates. Thanks!
  4. Stef talked about how he greatly enjoyed D&D and looks forward to playing it with his daughter. I am right now working on a philosophical Adventure. This could be: A skype conference where I am the DM, you don't need to do anything but play. An e-book giving you all the tools you need to play it with your friends. A coaching course on how to be a great DM. Please help me out to make this project happen and tell me: Would you like any of the above? Which would you like the most? Would you like me to do anything else? Would you pay money for such a service? How much? If you wish to get updates, please write an email to [email protected]. If you answer in this thread or write me an email, you have the chance to become a beta tester and get my services for free! Thanks!
  5. Sylvie Shene, she wrote a book I backed on Indiegogo. It tells her story, which is truly remarkable. I highly recommend it. I'm curious: Why are you interested in women in particular?
  6. I agree, you can get pretty far. For me, it helped a lot to have an "enlighted witness" to help me. It also helped a lot to have people in my life who can hug me. :-) I heard from a woman who healed herself from repression by reading Alice Miller and she did not have anybody.
  7. Well, I most important thing is to have the COMMITMENT to change. Then you will spend time on self-knowledge (and then it's o.k. to only have 24 hours in a day), i.e. journaling, (self) therapy, meditation, deep conversations with other people etc. But most importantly FEELING the feelings from the past. It took me a long time to get that. Only knowing the truth intellectually is not enough, you have to feel it in your bones. Other than that, I don't think much more can be said to this because your post is very abstract.
  8. I should have mentioned that I have TWO podcasts: One in English and one in German, here's the German one: http://howihelpmyself.com/alice-miller-audio-deutsch/ Alice Miller Bot DE: https://twitter.com/AliceMillerBotD Yes, for now I am just reading things posted on her website. But I would like to do discussions and conversations with listeners as well. If people like it a lot, I might just begin translating. If I post an article or reader's mail every day, I'll be done in almost three years So there is lots of content for now. Not to forget that she also has content in Spanish and French.
  9. Hello Freedomain Radio community! Do you know Alice Miller? Her books and the reader’s mail helped me a lot to understand my own past and free myself from trauma. This made me a much happier and carefree person. Now I want to share them with you! Check out my podcast, where I read Alice Miller's articles and reader's mail: http://howihelpmyself.com/alice-miller-audio-english/ Please follow the Alice Miller Bot on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AliceMillerBot
  10. Oh, I've been there and I sympathize. The difference is you have a son, which makes it much more urgent. As a short term solution, you can delete your account. You write that the anxiety is real and I believe you. I think it is totally logical for you to feel anxiety. It's not logical if you think of it in terms of not playing a game. That wouldn't cause anxiety. But it is perfectly logical if you think about it as a feeling from your past. Try to recognize that that feeling comes from your childhood. When did you feel anxiety as a child? YES, go to a doctor, dentist and most importantly a therapist. Also read a lot of books, which is almost free (book recommendations on my blog). Read reader's mail and articles on alice-miller.com. You can only free yourself from gaming addiction by treating the root cause.
  11. Both your childhoods was truly a HELL. I was horrified by what you described and I sympathize a lot. I have some thoughts, hopefully they'll help. I couldn't agree more. Madman, you also seem to (used to) seek dangerous situations and especially adrenalin rush. You call your rage "this horrible darkness in me" and "disgusting white-hot rage". Why? I think your rage was thoroughly justified! You are not a bad person for standing up for what is right. You KNOW what hurt you in your childhood, so you know better than anyone just how mindbogglingly evil that preacher was! Have you read the books of Alice Miller? To quote her: "It is necessary for you to get eventually angry ONLY with your PARENTS and overcome the fear of them." How to get rid of the rage? "You shouldn't kill your rage, you NEED it as your compass. But you must direct it toward the people who deserve it." We need the rage as a compass "SCREAM OUT YOUR JUSTIFIED RAGE and THE PAIN OF YOUR WOUNDED SOUL and the pain of your body will leave you." Psychosomatic Symptoms and Working Through the Pain, #2 More about rage Reading her reader's mail has helped me a LOT! She advised against medications btw, but that is your decision. I once talked with some people about abusive parents and the discussion was cut off short because we were car pooling and it was my destination. I went home with this feeling of deep rage. It grew more and more. I imagined punching my father in his goddamned face over and over again, imagining his bloody face. Once I got home, I put heavy metal on my iPod, took my favorite stuffed animal (representing my inner child) and went into the nearby forest. There I listened to the angry music, sang along and screamed. I imagined punching my parents, making them hurt, paying them back for all that they did to me! Taking revenge for all the abandonment, neglect, manipulation and sadism. I took a large piece of wood and smashed it against the trees, which I imagined to be my parents. I held the stick in one hand, my stuffed animal in the other. I said, “Now I will protect you.” You don't even need to get triggered to get the emotions. I suppose art can help a lot. For me, it was dreams or they just showed up when I was ready. I always try to listen to my body and my feelings. I still sometimes feel the rage against my parents. I let it come and try to feel it as much as possible. That helps me tremendously. I felt the rage DIRECTED AT THE PEOPLE WHO HURT ME THE MOST.
  12. I go: your link -> Board -> Start New Issue -> (filling in Text ->) Post New Issue -> error Tried it again today, same problem.
  13. Unfortunatly I get this error. I have tried yesterday, too.
  14. +1 for recommending meditation (and science for it!), which I had not considered. Do you know any good books about it? I have read a couple of books about it but they were not very helpfull (e.g. a mystic going on about how his wife left him because he spend too much time on meditation... ).
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