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Ian Zen

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Everything posted by Ian Zen

  1. I'm sorry for not anwering sooner, anarchy is still quite far in México, people are paternalistic, government education indoctrinates the vast mayority of the population. Mexico's economy is very dependant on the US economy, my guess is that when US falls, MX will fall just as hard. And to be honest I don't know of any news source worth following about México. I'll let you know if there is one.Thanks for the welcome!
  2. Hi, I'm Ian, I live in Aguascalientes, Mexico. 25 years old. My path was Ron Paul 6 years ago-> Libertanism -> Anarchism -> FDR. I've been soaking in FDR for the last 6 months. It's an honor to be part of the community. https://www.facebook.com/hidrox4
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