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Irwin Leonardo

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Everything posted by Irwin Leonardo

  1. Any people or group here in vancouver or victora going to the night for freedom in washington dc? thanks
  2. ff Sorry man. somehow I failed to see this first response. Yeah, thanks a lot for the advice, I do suck at writing btw hehe. Would you mind sharing your blogs? thanks
  3. Thanks Jos for your interest I hope we can connect more for this goal. I'm interested too in what you and maybe more people who would find this thread to what kinds of goals they want to meet. When it comes to circles, I've tried a lot to find people locally and Trump has always been the litmus test.. and holy s**t that tells a lot. Hehe, If possible, maybe people here in the forums, at least people who can connect to fdr can be more productive and more.. conversation worthy when it comes to this goal. This thread basically is my starting ground to build a new circle for everyone who shares the same goal to connect to. I can make a private fb group so we can connect to each other faster and more conveniently.
  4. I have info on techniques to bypass or ignore youtube revenue.. making it like a bonus. There are lots of ways to earn money online aside from youtube.
  5. producing any online content? but cant? because its hard to produce something that grandiose when you're sort of alone? Its really difficult to be creative when theres no feedback, at least thats what i'm finding out. I'm interested in creating a circle at least for now for any aspiring online creators so at least we can give each other some tips or feedbacks for our plans. Looking forward to hear from you guys
  6. hey man! welcome to the forums! i live in victoria bc!
  7. @JD - "I can't count the number of LAN parties that I've helped run and attended over the years. I don't recall a single moment when the NAP or Socrates was mentioned, let alone discussed at length" well.. cause they are your close friends.. (I'm nobody.. at least when I enter it) If games are distractions.. why not be part of it and slip in some philosophy in it. @Lux - yeah I got your invite! cant catch you online though.. Lol @shirgal - is bacon your steam name or shirgall?
  8. Stanley Parable is a really good game to start with. Check it out, it will freak you out. Its a story about a guy in stasis.. freeze.. in a flight or flight scenario. When something different happened in his everyday same old life. Games have to be picky when it comes to this agenda. I can pre record a thought/topic and mute the game and I play while people listen to my content audio. since its live, after the game is done, the final product will be published on youtube etc. What do you think?
  9. oh my! thanks very much all the input! I really appreciate it, plus you guys responded really fast! haha! @Neel - Yeah, the niche is tiny, but wasn't that the case too when FDR started? There are programs where strangers can join in the conversation like teamspeak, while playing, while streaming.. while recording, (it sounds a bit complicated but when it comes to technicality, it can work.). It's not limited to the game it self, but there can be some serious talks after playing the game, (which i think is the catch). It's not written in stone but that's the idea. Thanks for the input @JD - Saying that videogames are anti philosophy is like saying that sports is anti philosophy. Twitch, like youtube, facebook etc.. are tools of social media. I'm simply being creative in the method I will use to promote the thing that I love, philosophy mainly, and videogames. So, why not both? It's not the game you play, it's the act of gaming itself. thanks for you input as well. Let me know if it makes sense.. haha! thanks for your input as well @lux - yeah, haha! if you're interested in sharing some thoughts, I'd be happy to hear it, or talk about it, haha! wanna exchange skype or facebook? if anyone in this thread are interested, add me on facebook its at [email protected] thanks! @yeravos - yeah! lets play sometime, my steam name is shaideruppercut, haha! I have games I really like to play.. DOTA2 and other resident evil games, but it's not really limited to those games, it's twitch.. its any game you feel like playing basically that day.. haha! @bacon - haha! yeah, I remember that podcast, If you spend your time a lot on something, you will be really good at it, but you'll somewhat sacrifice being good at something else. The problem is not being worried about the things you might be good at something else, but to focus on things you want to be good at in the moment. Philosophy and videogames. Plus! The opportunity to earn money too! So why not both?? It's a win - win - win -win. Irwin haha! 1st, you get to talk about pilosophy, 2nd you get to play videogames, 3rd, you learn something new everyday, 4th people learn from you! be it playing a videogame or philosophy! haha! Let me hear your thoughts! thanks again! Irwin
  10. I have an idea! Does anyone here plays steam games and are familiar with twitch? we're gonna play online games anyways, so why not combine both!? Talk about philosophy while playing games, I mean.. there's a huge niche in the realm of gaming when it comes to people watching live shows. any thoughts? cheers!
  11. Haha! I was 25 when I went to college again to for psychology.. and took philosophy courses as electives.. my marxist.. I was a gadfly in all those courses, especially at my politics class. I was compared to socrates in a philosophy class with an insult as the intention.. and was told by my professor in politics that my comments and questions are high level thinking when I introduce the simple idea of voluntarism. Guess what their reaction was when one of them said that human nature is evil thats why we need government and I responded to thats more reason to not have a government?? I've experienced the effects of propaganda at its most purest form. thats why I gave up continuing that school.
  12. Thank you guys for all the input I just discovered a website that sells a 3d printer at around 300$-400$ with decent reviews. Well I always strikes me to how the printer is going to be really useful when the dollar collapse. I don't know how its going to be useful but I have a feeling that it will be. haha! I can throw in that much money for a 3d printer. I'm always buying gold and silver on a website everytime their shipping cost is free. 3d printer consumables has gone down.. at least according to this website http://www.aliexpress.com/wholesale?catId=0&initiative_id=AS_20150503021555&SearchText=3d+printer+filament at least its more cheaper that a regular printer ink right? Well it takes some brain power to operate pretty much anything that has been normalized.. like driving.. and a computer! it takes a little bit of an attitude towards the approach.. most old people I know have already convinced them selves that computers arent for them.. including a smart phone. With a 3d printer I can make my own custom desktop casing haha!
  13. How about.. philosophy is sexy?
  14. Pros and Cons about buying a 3D Printer. I've been keeping my eye on a 3d printer I can buy at aliexpress.com It's kinda pricey.. but can you guys give your thoughts on the pro's and con's about buying a 3d printer? haha!
  15. add me "shaideruppercut" on steam
  16. wow.. that's a lot of resources.. thanks for all the work!
  18. anyone out there from the vancouver island?
  19. hey! I live in victoria, bc.. its easier to find a job here and the cost of living is slightly lower.. and the people is nicer.. When she says that ask her back with.. " so.. you own me then? " so.. " I owe my life to you then? " .. "am I allowed to think for my self? or should I dedicate my life to please you? " I kid you not, they wont know what to say.. those are honest questions, you will not change their minds, what their response will be should tell you the kind of relationship you have with them.. it would also tell you if you actually had one on the first place.
  20. Let's meet! i live here in victoria bc!
  21. convo from chat Irwin Leonardo I posted a topic on the forums http://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/37415-prostitution-argument-from-morality-vs-effect/ I'm debating my philosophy teacher on friday Lolz and english isnt my first language.. hahaha!! LuckyNumber23 but isn't that cheating ? Irwin Leonardo I hope I made my post easier to understand Morse Code Stutters oh man Im as much in the dark as anyone about this Irwin Leonardo cheating? this is a form of research.. cheating is done in the moment not before.. its called preparation! ahaha! Morse Code Stutters prostitution SHOULD be legal itd definitely reduce crimes committed around it 11:05 AM Morse Code Stutters people having the choice to engage in sex for money is perfectly fine LuckyNumber23 ahhh. this is how you yoiung ones call it. Morse Code Stutters but that raises the question as to why their self esteem is low enough that that they have to resort to that kind of profession Undelution1982 Nope da American Puritan Club doesn't approve it Irwin Leonardo argument.. please.. any tips would help hahaha! Morse Code Stutters am I not helping so far? is it solely focus on the legality or the ethical aspect too? LuckyNumber23 how is a traditional marriage different from prostitution one may ask Morse Code Stutters because it is just continuing to exploit victims of childhood molestation Irwin Leonardo yeap you are ill probably copy paste this conversation in the post later LuckyNumber23 after all, the woman exchanges sex for money Irwin Leonardo " continuing to exploit victims of childhood molestation " can you elaborate please? Morse Code Stutters most prostitutes are prostitutes, because according to a study, are victims of childhood molestation the fact they have lowered their self value due to such ingregious acts Irwin Leonardo i mean how so that its.. continuing to exploit victims of childhood molestation Morse Code Stutters is the very reason why the only value they can find in themselves is the offering of their bodies for money because it's unexamined Irwin Leonardo Mysterion!! Morse Code Stutters their childhood trauma is unexamined, so they lower the bar on their personal value. These women can be doing more for themselves than just being objects of carnal desire lol YES now you must read my messages in his voice Irwin Leonardo i already am hahaha! Morse Code Stutters HAHAHAH alright good ok now its making me laugh now that Im typing with his voice in mind Irwin Leonardo how is that supporting the legalization of prostitution? Morse Code Stutters oh I dont know yet...Im trying to build toward that Im more attuned to the ethical nature of it than legality Irwin Leonardo ok ok.. hahaha!! my apologies Morse Code Stutters but the fact that its illegal, it drives up the cost of it right? its untaxable Irwin Leonardo yeap, I can see that.. but im debating a professor.. hahaha Irwin Leonardo oh yes yes! 11:10 AM Morse Code Stutters most pimps have to make their money through other means such as dealing drugs the very same drugs designed to NUMB the prostitutes feelings to they can put UP with being fucked for money yeah I dunno Ive never debated professors, so I dunno how much higher the standard for reason and evidence has to be...but I think I've got a good foundation for a start on it not too sure about it being valuable as the only framework to look at it through Irwin Leonardo its pretty much the same.. but this is my first time debating one.. so the gap between experience and knowledge are huge Morse Code Stutters well I want to know why you think it should be legal Irwin Leonardo its in the post Morse Code Stutters because I might be telling you stuff you already know, or stuff that might deter you from it further oh ok just didnt read the last paragraph yet youre on a good start too Irwin Leonardo if its possible.. maybe post your thought there too... could be usefull to someone in the future as well.. cause its relative to drug addiction.. Morse Code Stutters but I think if it was legal, and that if th government's over seeing eyes protected like they claim to be, then prostitution can be watched over and regulated so that government workers can keep an eye on prostitutes mental health to see if theyve been abused by their customers or pimps a happy whore is a happy pimp after all aghhh but Im just talkin outta my ass as I go along here Irwin Leonardo ..it's hard to make that argument though we both know that we are both talking to statists.. here.. I would sound like a conspiracy theorist i'll just copy paste it haha Morse Code Stutters Wesley already said what I would want to say in addition to that yeah and then see what you can take from what Ive said, either fully face value, or reworded to your understanding hey you might even find a better understanding after refuting a bit of what I said because I know its not fully valid Irwin Leonardo the government wants to maintain problems so that they would be needed 11:15 AM Morse Code Stutters all I'm saying is that if it was legal, the government can extend the same care they have for the welfare state, towards the prostitutes so that government regulation laws can protect them and their health. MUCH like how restaurants require health codes right? Irwin Leonardo I agree.. but i need data.. Morse Code Stutters yes we know that as anarchists, but if youre gonna debate a statist professor, its best to stay in their ideology that IF government can provide a solution Irwin Leonardo oh good!! thats a nice argument Morse Code Stutters well you can compare it to heroin addicts I dont know which countries in europe have these, but they have heroin clinics where people can use fresh clean needles to get their fix and because of these welcoming clinics that help people ease themselves away from their addiction, there's a lower addiction rate Irwin Leonardo I think I own the adult side now in the debate.. but what about child prostitution Morse Code Stutters SWITZERLAND is one of them Irwin Leonardo the topic said isnt limited to one country.. Morse Code Stutters right but if you can learn from that example legalizing things that are addictive allows for more state programs even like AA to arise and actualyl DO help Irwin Leonardo what about switzerland? Morse Code Stutters despite of th monopoly of force that goes behind it Switzerland has heroin clinics and their addiction rates went down exponentialy Irwin Leonardo I'll look in to that Morse Code Stutters instead of viewing prostitutes and drug addicts as criminals, and seeing them as people who need to be helped it reduces its uhhh you know...rate? lost my words there haha got so into it http://sciencenordic.com/heroin-clinics-improve-addicts-lives Irwin Leonardo how can i compare drug addicts to prostitution? Morse Code Stutters this isnt about protitution for sure, but its not unimportant most prostitutes are lured in by charming pimps that turn into abusers 11:20 AM Morse Code Stutters because they're operating under the state law, they will have tendancies to act like their own kinda state and enforce shit. So basically pimps FORCE their prostitutes to stay in the game in a variety of ways: getting them addicted to drugs so that they FUCK for drugs, thus making them manage their childhood traumas in the most counterproductive ways possible Irwin Leonardo my professor doesnt "believe" in sub concious she relates to it as.. remembering stuff Morse Code Stutters he or she wont have to with this in mind yeah like I said, focus on the fantasy that IF government COULD provide the over seeing help it claims, THIS is how it would do it. They could legalize and keep an eye on the pimps and prostitutes to know that its all gonna be peaceful interactions for the most part between the pimps and their slaves, as well as the slaves and their customers they would have enforced doctor check ups to see if theyve contracted STDs and they would limit probably the amount of partners a prostitute can legally have in a week or so Irwin Leonardo woah! one really most important thing we forgot! Morse Code Stutters it hurts my soul to actually see the state as a solution, but if it WAS to do what it was meant to, this is how I persoonally think legal prostitution would work. ALRIGHT Ill stop now I think I typed a lot lol whats that? Irwin Leonardo thats an argument from effect! i guess I should start with morality and jump from effect from time to time.. or do you think its inevitable that I would really have to go to there? Morse Code Stutters what Im using? Irwin Leonardo yep Morse Code Stutters it's inevitable if youre gonna be in a debate with a statist but I dunno how to extend that to morality before we proceed though what do you think of my views on the matter? even if it is from effect Irwin Leonardo oh yes, its great! i didnt thought about switzerland, as an example I really appreciate your help Morse Code Stutters IN SHORT, legalization makes these non violent practices safer (as sad as needing a state has to bring this about) you're welcome Irwin Leonardo yeap that as a principle itll work out 11:25 AM Morse Code Stutters the moral side of it is simple HanKu What kind of professor are you debating? Field? Morse Code Stutters the prostitutes are victims of their circumstance Irwin Leonardo yeap it is.. its so universal that a bunch of stuff will come out Morse Code Stutters to lock them up would only continue to degrade their humanity right? Irwin Leonardo that might produce some anxiety to all people in the class Morse Code Stutters it's immoral to make prostitution illegal because thats excluding them from the safety of what the state claims to provide Irwin Leonardo degrade their humanity even more Morse Code Stutters GOOD it fucking should lol Irwin Leonardo I know hahaha! Morse Code Stutters they need that anxiety to know what theyve been taught is questionable at best Irwin Leonardo I'm gonna play the... five most important questions clip from stef before we start the debate cause its allowed
  22. thank you! The challenge there now I would assume if the expected happens is to take her side of being the more compassionate one.. well, first off, I think she will try to make that argument that prostitutes should be put into jail to... "Prevent prostitution" which doesnt really make any sense are these are abused people... blah blah blah.. cause once they are out, the police records they had is permanent which makes them less able to get more opportunities in the long run.. providing them help and counselling is way better than placing them in rape rooms Thanks for giving that porn and dating argument as well I really appreciate it
  23. I'm debating my philosophy professor on friday, and if its possible, maybe I can receive some tips on this topic? the debate topic is "Should prostitution be legal" First, since its allowed.. I'm gonna play the "5 Most important questions" youtube from stef then I'm going to go on from there I'm gonna start with defining the word prostitution and the word legal prostitution which is the voluntary exchange of service for some kind of resource.. mostly the currency in that specific geographical area... money - as a base first principle legal which is the permission of behaviour allowed by the government based on a geographical location the professor is going to argue from effect as expected but she might jump from M and E from time to time My Argument "When a transaction that which involves two or more people that is voluntary isn't a problem for that which has consent from both parties. for example.. if two people voluntarily engage in a sexual interaction.. sex.. then it is called "Love making" If either one of them are is forced to engage in the interaction then it is called rape. If a behaviour is then called Illegal, it doesn't mean that the behaviour is bad.. although there are consequences, people who decides to engage in any behaviour that which results to a negative effect should provide some restitution to those who are affected. in this case, prostitution.. since there are some expected risks, the effects could be temporary.. or worse.. permanent.. concerning health. thus Making prostitution illegal wont solve the problem as in most in all cases, it only exacerbates it." Her expected argument ( I'm assuming that she will list a bunch of list that supports that it should be illegal like rape.. physical/mental abuse etc. ) My response " ( I have a link that provides statistics that mentions that majority of prostitutes were abused as a child most by their parents and some by guardians.. 92% of them wants to leave the said profession) showing that.. making it illegal is the worst solution to solve the issue, as first.. violating property rights of the prostitutes and the Buyer in some states as the law forcefully persecute two consenting adults in the transaction.. just because a few politicians says its wrong and 2nd placing them inside a prison (showing some statistics of rape inside the prison) which is a den of more rape seems very counter productive. " at this point what ever goes.. Lolz any tips? corrections? suggestions? thanks -Irwin Leonardo (Location; Victoria,B.C. Canada)
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