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Everything posted by weeb

  1. cobra - The school did her a favor, by cutting her loose of that statist indocrination hell-hole. Hopefully, her family or guardians can find a better way to educate their child than through the state and it's conformity-mill operations. wuzzums - your link did not work
  2. Interesting, I'll have to check this guy out. It was disappointing that he didn't mention the non-aggression principle when asked to explain anarchy.
  3. http://rt.com/trends/guantanamo-prison-hunger-strike/ I never hear this covered on the msm. It is a shame how powerless anyone is to stop this. These guys are being tortured and no one comes to help them. What is the matter with civility and humanity in this day?
  4. This is what happens when you make a deal with the devil. Licenses are just deals with the state that give you the right to sell by their rules (which are bullshit). It's always win-lose with the state. Licenses you hold through the state give warrant for increased scrutiny of your related affairs. Be hesitant to hold licenses through the state, unless you have no other choice. There's always a catch with the increased freedom you get, such as more probing and prodding of your personal life, more reporting requirements, more regulations.. Wait until they start checking on concealed carry holders at home, or mm card holders/growers, or more mass TSA checkpoints on the roads.. My practical smoking suggestion: Buy a smoke buddy to cover it up, http://smokebuddy.com/
  5. Nothing with public universities has anything to do with the free market. Though, I understand that Northwestern is a private school, but it raises interesting implications for the rest of scholarship athletes and performers. I see a strike during March Madness in the future, or perhaps during the BCS bowl games, lol sigh... the drama of statist subsidized sports irks me. We can only hope, them demanding pensions and insurance coverage might drive these universities into abandoning their sports programs. Then, maybe, semi-professional sports can break away from the statist college apparatus.
  6. I don't know if Stef coined this phrase, but he called it a "medical refugee". Whatever the case, you go where you can live the best. When quality of life is at stake, especially for a child, it really puts the spotlight on the cruelty of blanket medical restrictions that end up making people suffer. A government monopoly always takes away freedom/choice/liberty/free will/options/quality from the customers of that industry. This issue becomes very real very quickly when you find yourself in this situation. Shame on the state. Charlotte's Web has a high CBD content and a low THC content; therefore, it will give her the most therapeutic effects for her condition, saving any possible euphoria (unauthorized mood improvement) from THC. The potential for cannabinoids to work as neuroprotectants and immune suppressants also show great promise for post-head trauma and immune-comprimised patients respectively. Thanks to the ingenious folks that have turned the green market from black to gray!
  7. Did Alex's studio give you guys the idea to make your own studio improvements? AJ has amassed quite the merchandising machine on his website there, t'would be a profitable racket to be in. Seems like he should be sponsored by Red Bull or 5 hour energy cause he makes me sweat just listening, lol. Alex has the delivery of Billie Mays on an infomercial cokeathon, motivating to say the least. I still like FDR being ad free and appreciate Stef's resistance to go to the ad men. Good job in the interview btw!
  8. Well, as Stef has said, he can't do this forever. And, he definitely can't do this in every language. Ultimately, people who can express these ideas well in another language might want to consider their own podcasts in that language. If someone hadn't translated Bastiat, I would have missed out on some great arguments against the State. It would be nice to see FDR franchise and take peaceful parenting and voluntaryism to the rest of the world.
  9. Translating this volume of work would take as many years as it did to create it. If anything, I would translate the books.
  10. Sounds like this guy needs to get out of his bubble and travel. Take him somewhere where he's the minority, a humbling experience to those that have not experienced language and culture shock before. It is amazing how trying to bridge a language-gap can result in a non-verbal mutual understanding between very culturally different people; one that, I think, shows our commonality as humans. Aside from the aforementioned direct socialization, do not let him repeat stereotypes of hate around the children in your life. Have zero tolerance for this talk and call them out when appropriate. Prejudice is a meme that we could live without.
  11. Don't you think "in defense of spanking..." is a troll-like headline to use? If not, you know nothing about this community's leanings. Watch the BIB series. Or, you know exactly what you're doing; and that would make you a troll.
  12. When this happens in real life, I have trouble holding back my laughter. "Bow your heads" to me means "roll thine eyes". It's hard to keep a straight face in all this madness.
  13. I am NOT a trained therapist, but I've seen this in someone. I have experience with a family member who did/does this to cope. He used endorphins to help cope with emotional pain, like a drug user. If he had to cause himself pain, he put a rubber band around his wrist and would snap it when he felt the need to hurt himself (this is a less-harmful way to fulfill this urge). He uses exercise too. Just please be careful not to cause damage to yourself. We at fdr want you to be physically and emotionally healthy. Most of all, talk to a trained, trusted professional therapist about why you feel this is necessary for you.
  14. It costs money to start a meetup on meetup.com (from experience). Also, you may want to identify the local area where this will take place, so that people within a reasonable distance can come. Trust me, the numbers are VERY few and you might get disappointed with the turnout, but even one person to connect with in real life would be nice. Anarchy is a lonely thing to attach your name to, as I'm sure you have all found out.
  15. Why am i not surprised by his comments? Sure makes it easier to raise funds with a gun. I really don't think these statists make the connection. I was about to be proud of him for organizing a charity on his own, but not if he gets these Washington thugs involved. Not every cause can be breast cancer. Old people being forgetful don't have the same lively, healthy, working base that boobs do. People from Hollywood and sports stars are the only hope for more rare conditions (affecting a smaller percentage of the population, like ms, testicular cancer, thyroid cancer, colo-rectal cancer, etc.) raising awareness and possibly getting the public to chip in voluntarily. The more rare your illness, the fewer choices you have for a support base that doesn't come from the state, or religion It puts desperate sick people that are in pain in a vulnerable position. One should not have to sell their soul to the state or sing along with magic spells to get some help.
  16. "The Fascists That Surround You" series helped me put my understanding of why seemingly good people will participate in evil without any thought to it. "The Cure" at the end of the series helped give me a way to deal with this reality practically in my own life. Most recommended of the books would be "On Truth" for its power to move you.
  17. You may want to focus it more on property, and the owning of it/protecting of it vs. being farmed on it. Farmer vs. Livestock. Sometimes the concept "state" gets blurred with "government" or "country" making it seem necessary to have an authority structure or legal system to define a territory. Be clear about what makes The term "free state" is an oxymoron. It is difficult to exist on the planet Earth without some entity claiming jurisdiction over you and your land or resources. Guns pone sovereignty whenever they can. In the sense of community, they got something going with these movements; but in terms of freedom or sovereignty, well.... i bet the US navy would have something to say about a "free state" trading products or anything else that is prohibited by US and international law. Remember, they are "a global force for good" as their advertisement says. Hard to claim freedom on a raft surrounded by sharks.
  18. Why don't you call into the show about this? I too have had the issue of religion being served up in support groups dealing with a chronic medical condition. However, it is especially troubling that this is happening in a setting with addicts; whereby, they replace one addiction with another. Religion is just another barrier to erect to keep from knowing yourself. It fills the void you feel from withdrawal with yet another detachment from reality. In the end, you are the one pulling the strings. It's never going to be easy, but you have to make sensible decisions about how to avoid relapse; like staying away from old sources, maybe leaving extra money with a trusted friend, keeping in touch with sponsors, exercising, starting up a hobby, etc. Just remember that there are folks in the FDR community that wish you well!
  19. Hawking, and others who "believe" in the big bang, are not motivated by some secret interest that they now "admit" to it being wrong. I know it is a paranoid fantasy of some to think smarter people have a conspiracy to keep things from you because you don't understand. Scientific rigor has been applied to this "theory" (which has a different meaning in science than layman's terms). To claim they are twisting the story of the universe with biased physics is baseless. At least, cosmologists' claims about the universe are proven with math and verifiable measurements. Whatever motivations you have to believe in something else, i doubt, are based on something so objective as they. Besides, who cares what the data show? I won't be heartbroken even if it is wrong because i have no confirmation bias in regards to the origin of everything. This is just what the data show.
  20. From Youtube comments below that video. Guy says he's the first caller. Lucas Mourao 5hours ago I am the 1st caller... My point was (and still is I just had to let it go), he set to himself and to his daughter a very impossible standard according to his OWN standards... and the proof of that is in the intro of this video " How Much Would You Pay Me Not to Masturbate?" he doesnt say 16 year old in general, quite the contrary, he says they are not biologically prepared to make that decision, yet HE thinks that the way he is raising his child will make her overcome her biological limits and far surpass all other human beings... Just listen to the intro on that video and connect the dots, you will see what im talking about... I think he is preparing the bed for major disappointment, and that his daughter will pick on those expectations and will try to reach them even if they are impossible... Just saying... Lucas Mourao +1FireSnake Yeah, here is the thing, I don't know if he does that on purpose, but I dont think he does, I think he has lots of knowlege AND vested interest in his daughter and his parenting skills, I think he wants her to be the shining beacon of how awesome parenting can create an awesome being... There is nothing wrong with wanting that, but I guess he fell on a trap set by himself, once what he knew conflicted with what he wanted to believe his brain glitched and bypassed the facts (he explained this fenomena in another video BTW). I feel a bit sad about this, actually... Because I too would like to see the outcome of his experiments as a father to be awesome, I just hope he doesn't let it leak to her and make her want to live up to his standards, not because of her own virtue, but so he won't be disappointed by something that he has put so much effort and energy into, herself. Lucas Mourao +Holo Cene I dont think you see the point in what I said... I couldnt care less for sex with 16yo, Im married, shes about my age and I really dont give a fuck about this subject... the point was his contradiction... go and listen to his video "How Much Would You Pay Me Not to Masturbate?" The philosophical point there is that he sets biological reasons to why 16yo cant make that call and right after that, with complete disregard for what he just said he says his daughter will be able to make that judgment because of the way he is raising her... even if she is 10 years away from what he said to be the point of maturity for her brain... If you can't get the point of my call, if you think its about sex... seriously I don't know what excuse you give to yourself when talking about philosophy, because you havent got past logic yet... Lucas Mourao +Holo Cene Simple, because I was among the ppl commenting on the original video... And yes I hate inconsistency... He says all the time, look for consistency, well he failed to deliver that and as I value his opinions I went there to check it up... BTW you should watch the video "How much would you pay me not to masturbate?" the 1st I dont know 5 minutes or so...
  21. i apologize that my post is a bit insensitive towards the callers that do this. I applaud any and every caller for their courage, no question there. However, Stef goes to great lengths to research and prepare for what he puts on the air, so the least we could do is have a single, thought-out, conherent question to ask when he says "go". Maybe even, a pre-show questionnaire could help the caller be ready to answer some of Stef's usual questions.
  22. I was just sensing stefan's frustration with him not getting to a question, after three attempts to solicit one. This occurs a lot. Having a scripted question would help everyone. I understand people are nervous and if you know that about yourself, write your question down and read it.
  23. After suffering through the first caller of the "Descended From Extraterrestrials ?", something must be done about questions. Perhaps, the caller should have their questions scripted out in 125 characters or less, and their call begins by Stefan reading their question at the start of the call. Geeesh, these folks can't get to the point! We should know within 15 seconds, what the caller wants. This would most definitely speed up things and force callers to think about what they want ahead of time. This is irritating because i would like to call in too, but people who don' t even know what to ask are filling the schedule to go "uh" and "um" and "i don't know"s.
  24. Have you heard about people keeping "dibs" on chicago parking spots? They have been marking the spots with signs, cones, lawn chairs, even leaving someone to guard it. People have been fighting to keep street parking spots they've shoveled out from getting taken by another car.
  25. Get a white noise machine, or fan, and crank it while you sleep. The monotone drone of a box fan helps to drown out most sounds. I used to work at night, and this helped. Oh, and sleeping with the television or radio on is a poor way to give your mind a rest, IMO. Good luck getting those Z's.
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