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Kody Palmer

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Everything posted by Kody Palmer

  1. I guess because I feel a need to prove to them that they are lying and they won't admit it. I showed them the proof and they are still in denial. These are people that should tell the truth. Maybe I'm just being Naive about the world we live in I dunno.
  2. Thanks. I work at The Boeing Company in Seattle, Wa. Huge Company. and No, I don't work in the HR Dempartment.
  3. So my manager at work recently hired a new team leader. In Our Processes it clearly states that in order to hire a team leader you must notify the team so everyone has a chance to self nominate. My boss didn't and when I brought this up to my HIR dempartment she originally reacted on my side because I had the Process printed out and I showed it to her. Then a week later I get an email from her saying No, my manager does not have to notify the team. She says she is still waiting for an explanation as to the "Wording" of the document. How did she go from totally agreeing with me to not agreeing with me and arguing about the wording? How should I proceed from here"? Just drop it? I really don't dislike the new team leader and don't want to see him not be allowed to be our team leader, I just simply want my manager and HR to say what it clearly states in our own processes. I'm also in a Union, but they are worthless and this isn't a document related to our contract that I am talking about it's the companies own written policies. Any help would be much appreciated, Thanks.
  4. MY bad about the mis use of the word ethics in this post, I have the internal struggle in my head on to use or not to use and I consider this an ethical struggle, but maybe it isnt.
  5. Thanks, I'm pretty much at that point I believe, or at least almost. I'm struggling phychologically beucase I went from knowing all the supposed "pros" of weed and how it shouldn't be illgegal and that the argument from legality was incorrect ( I actually live in the state of washington where it is legal, at least on the state level). I also have back pain and was able to get a prescription card but I have come to the conclusion that it isn't really medicine any more then TV watching is. Then I read the book Stef recommended about how Most Addicts problems can be traced back to their childhoods. I never felt more alive than when I was high. I felt and feel normal. It interferes with my parenting which tears me up the most. I feel like I'm so close to the break through that it's just wrong but I can't quite make the jump. I feel like I just read Ayn Rand but hadn't been exposed to Anarchistm or Voluntyrism. Anywyays thank you for your help.
  6. Can someone who is hoooked on caffeine ethically say to someone else that is hoooked on heroin that his behavior is unethical?
  7. it was my understanding after reading the book in the realm of lonely ghosts that the chemical or activity it self isn't what gets them addicted it is their prior symptoms of childhood abuse. But at the same time other activities like gambling, shopping, etc. can be addictions. Is it a drug's capacity to incite addiction that causes it to be "unethical," Can some drugs be considered unethical while others are ethical?
  8. Ethics meaning Let's say those modes of thought that lead toTruth. I mean can recreational drug use have any legitimate place in an ethical life. Not like I'm 70 years old I'm gonna go smoke crack cause I always wanted to know what it felt like. Is it possible to say smoke marijuana and not have it interfere negatively with the pursuit of truth.
  9. Is Using Recreational Drugs Unethical?
  10. Hey everyone! I'm new here and I was just wondering if anyone here is from Seattle,Washington? Thanks
  11. How am I iimplying that? if they wont be dealt with at all by the state but instead by some other means, that is certainly a possibility and I didnt rule that out. One possible answer is the situation will not be dealt with at all. if that is the case then ok but I don't see how I implied anything.
  12. Thanks. I didn't mean anything sinister about this topic. I was just sitting at home watching How To Catch a Predator and on the show they lock guys up for four years just for the intent of having sex with a 13 year old. They don't actually commit the crime. Definitely seems interesting to me how this would be dealt with in as anarchist community. If I offended anyone I apologize. I'm new around here so still getting my feet wet on what is considered taboo. I appreciate the answers.
  13. are you familiar with the show to catch a predator? that was the name of the topic and the conversation was at least indirectly related to sex from the get go. My question was how we would decide what is or is not a pedophile age in an anarchst society. What makes 13 a pedophile age and not 15,18, or any other number? and who decides?
  14. Good Points. Thanks.
  15. How would those that chat it up with 13 year old girls online then go to their homes with the intent of engaging in mutual sex be dealt with in a stateless society?
  16. I personally haven't contributed a dime so if you resent (you put resembe but I am guessing you meant resent) I apologize. I too am a cheapskate. But with Stef's help I have learned to see that truth and cut through the B.S. which is why I will donate eventually when I achieve some more financial stability in my life. In the meantime I too am willing to be a cheapskate, only difference being I'll admit it.
  17. I don't even think Stef meant this whole thing to be taken so literally. if anything, I believe he was just kind of giving us a bit of what he goes through. He often does these things more just for biographical insight than to chide you cheapskates.
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