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Everything posted by henry_van_horik

  1. Interview Lenore Skenazy of Freerangekids.comThis is a slight diversion from the peaceful parenting concept but I think adds to the discussion, in that we are currently raising kids in a paranoid atmosphere. I believe much of this is caused by the media which lumps all child abductions/abuse into a single statistic even though the fast majority are perpetrated by a parent or someone close to the family. The media also sensationalizes true abductions when the occur.
  2. And I will take my ball and go home!
  3. Personally, I like the name but am afraid that it will be misrepresented so I worry about it's use. Al gore has flushed the word "Truth" down the shitter. Of course we will no longer need to flush since we will all soon be under water.
  4. I think that is my point in that you are targeting a wider audience they will not make the distinction and only see the name from a black/white perspective. When I first heard the name the first thing that popped into my head was: "Well that's a bit arrogant. This movie is going to try to tell me the absolute truth", rather than: "This movie is going to help guild me in seeking the truth". During interviews you may spending more of your time trying explain the name of the film rather than discussing it's contents. This is especially if there is some factual error, (true or perceived), in the film. It's like the choice of movie names: "Bald men make better lovers" or "Do bald men make better lovers". Naturally I would wholeheartedly agree with the first name since from my perspective there is no question about this truth. Others with less testosterone and more complete hairlines may beg to differ. They would be more likely watch the film with the latter name hopping that this well known truth may be dis-proven.
  5. The word Truth also has multiple definitions: truth [trooth] Show IPA noun, plural truths [troothz, trooths] Show IPA . 1. the true or actual state of a matter: He tried to find out the truth. 2. conformity with fact or reality; verity: the truth of a statement. 3. a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle, or the like: mathematical truths. 4. the state or character of being true. 5. actuality or actual existence. Sorry about the cut/paste from Dictionary.com When I hear the word "truth" I tend to think of example 3, (i.e. 2+2 = 4) as I think most people will think when they hear the word. Thus, I think the film will be ridiculed if any critic finds one part of the film which is not true. Additionally, when I hear the word truth used I think of the word dogma. On a side note, one option would be to use the phontic spelling of the word and call the film: "Trooth". Henry
  6. I find the name "Truth" for the new movie somewhat problematic. The use of the word truth is absolutist stating what it says cannot be changed. Philosophy is the search for truth which is never absolute since new information always comes to light. I would suggest a name like "Truth?"... This is what we think is true at this time but subject to change. I think that Stefan will be lambasted by the media when they find one falsehood in the film that he has named "Truth". Just a thought, Henry
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