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Rob_Ilir last won the day on March 20 2014

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  • Interests
    Philosophy, health, being human, learning, self improvement, chess, classical music.
  • Occupation
    Sludge Oil Rec-Serv/Entrepreneur

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Welcome to the board Tanja.Glad that you found this place even after the hard walk in the past. What did you consider "brutal honesty"?
  2. A Slovenian guy got me hooked on his stuff:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gh6_nrF1rAc I love this brass band remix:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHBWlJg4uGY
  3. Great work Lians.
  4. "There is always crops to harvest" he says. Montage goes to Che and the Che look alike commie mayor. I doubt they will get back to that town for a follow up visit.
  5. That is tragic. On my morning run today I saw a woman dragging a very young 2 kg puppy that was screaming, I felt so bad to hear and see the agony. Even after I told her that its her responsibility to provide for her choice, I had a feeling that she will not change. Coincidently, the woman was Asian too. I can only imagine how you must have felt, with other kids witnessing this humiliation too.Sometimes I think that the Australian "naming and shaming" thing should be a permanent website.
  6. "Read up a little on primitivism instead of throwing out stereotypes" "If you are, chances are whoever lives there would stop you." "How? I have no idea." What can I read when you have no idea of what it is? "This is some decent trolling. I'll give you that." When you have no answers to what you should know, you just start a passive aggressive phase?How did you get disciplined when you were young?
  7. "Who would you trade with?" The people who want a more comfortable life. "Still, in this scenario, are you taking more than you need?" Who will calculate that, and how, can you even calculate in primitivism? If I am exchanging medicine, obviously I am giving more if others want it more than whatever they have to trade for it. "Are you damaging the land base while hoarding wealth?" Hoarding wealth? Do you also hoard good looks, clever minds, tallness, baldness ect? "If you are, chances are whoever lives there would stop you." I am breaking others private property? Or anybody jealous can go and take others stuff just like in primitive days? "How? I have no idea." I am sure you know, you are an expert on primitive people, what would a primitive person as you do?
  8. If I was born in the future primitivism of the past 1000's years, how would you/others stop me from inventing an aspirin that I would trade with others, who want my aspirin more than I want their ___(not sure what I would want from a primitivist)?
  9. Thank you for the info Bulba. In that graph, did you put the red and blue limit lines or can I too find it like that somewhere?
  10. "Can you elaborate more on this point, and give me references from the Quran that promotes such a sacrifice?" What would happen to a child in a Muslim country if he was to say no to all religion? Are you familiar with Khitan/Tahara? How old were you? "Can you elaborate more on this point, and give me references from the Quran that promotes such a sacrifice?" Clothing, travel, job, association. Muslim countries have different rulels for woman as they do for men, do they not? "I'm talking about how certain movements/ideologies are constantly demonized in the mainstream media, and how it's important to investigate." In this case some people are angry(msm/statists), because others(anarchists) dont want to be forced to pay for them. Maybe Muslims and other religions are also angry because the forced teaching they pass on to their kids are regarded as immoral in 2014?
  11. "This observation would most definitly lead me to investigate the religion thorougly and seek the ultimate truth." Does any child have a choice to not practice the religion, to not get mutilated for the tribes sacrifice? Does it still make sense to treat woman like second class people in 2014? "It's the same thing with freemarket/libeterianisim/tea party philosophy. Today there is a lot of anger/properganda against such movements in the mainstream, and as such I would take the time to study closely why this is the case, and what motives are involved when the mainstream dismisses them." Two people freely exchanging goods or services without a forceful 3rd party, is similar to you explaining your religion?
  12. If your parents were Christians, what are the chances that you would be taking questions on anything of Muslims?
  13. If the "reserve" metaphor was spare tires for a car, I am sure they have plenty of first generation flats to go on forever, why do they buy more?
  14. How long will this guy get away with constant ad homes, and degradations, with zero reason to back it up?
  15. Hi Marc, I was offering the advice that I got that helped me. And I would not dare to offer anything I have not been through myself.The best thing I have found is my true self, I am still going through therapy, but I am getting better and in constant contact. I hope the same can be achieved by all others because the improvement is truly objectively measured. And journaling is the best cheap therapy on the spot. I still do get annoyed when people that have no idea about what I am talking about try to discredit it though. And my apology to you for feeling it was a test, now I know that you know about true selfs .
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