I got approved a couple days ago and it said I ought to post an introduction. So without getting into my entire life story....
I was a libertarian in the late 80's and early 90's and then I kind of went back to being a run of the mill Republican. As the party got more and more moral, more and more against abortion and more and more warmongering, I left the party and became a libertarian again. Several months ago a Stefan Molyneux video was recommended on YT and I watched it. I find him to be a charasmatic and entertaining speaker.
A few days ago I saw a video with Stefan talking about cults and that obviously led to DeFoo and the "controversy" around that and that was actually the reason I came here. I was following Stefan on youtube but not freedomainradio. As for DeFoo, I have personal experience with this. Me and my brother are DeFoo and have been for 2 decades with a couple of breif exceptions. I could walk right by him and not know him (and I KNOW that, because I've done it, he recognized me).
So I am here to learn more about the meat and potatos under the surface of the videocasts.
I hope this wasn't too short or too long.
PS... My built in spell checker isn't working in this format for some reason, so forgive my atrocious spelling.