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  1. http://board.freedomainradio.com/forums/t/38269.aspx
  2. ha, good point. I was at the beach today and saw a mother drag her 8 (?) year old daughter holding her ear out of the ocean and to the spot where her husband and friends were sitting. I seriously wanted to beat that mom's a**. I'm not violent...but....It's just unreal. I had my 18 month daughter in my arms I think she saw it. Right out in open view of everyone. I'm in Brazil right now. There is a whole bunch of non-existent fathers. A whole bunch of them. There is some very odd legal processes involving child custody. And today it was evident there is a social norm for child abuse. I've seen spanking as well within the family I married into. My wife understand peaceful parenting obviously and the damage violence can cause. But I must say, Brazil has a long way to go in a variety of ways. Some very disturbing stuff within a culture that in many ways is amazing and warm. For example, I live in an area where there are no cops except weekends and only for a couple months do they come on weekends. Outside of some theft there are no issues that I know of in my area. Folks treat me like a brother and a rockstar even....because I'm American. But our 13 year old neighbor got knocked up and had a baby. This is a very nice family but the mom does have a drinking problem....definite drama but nice people if you know what I mean. The 13 year old then moved in with the 21 year old boyfriend in another town. They then broke up and the baby stayed with the father and his (suppsedly) drug dealing mom. Our neighbors are meeting with an attorney this week but it's been over 2 weeks the mom and baby have been seperated. We've been down her over 2 months and have yet to see the baby. I honestly don't know what to make of it all, with cultural difference and language barriers I only get second hand hand information. But regardless, its heartbreaking and this baby is going to grow up and probably live next door to us. I just don't get it. Things could get very messy I don't trust the ex boyfriend one bit. Where we live is absolute 3rd world paradise. Crazy world.
  3. Thanks. "Whooping"....Yea I never saw this. Not good and implied the neighbor can hit a kid not just the parent. Also adopted a different voice than his normal dialect.
  4. I've heard Stefan mention this a couple times. I can't find anything on it. Can anybody reference with a link so I can include in research? Thanks!
  5. Finally joined after listening to 'stefbot' for a couple years. I've read a couple of his books as well. Down in south brazil these days, founded a news blog and welcome any freedom loving Amigos to visit us...we offer cheap Portuguese lessons and a place to stay up on a hill overlooking the beach! If you have a baby down here you too can get citizenship in Brazil. Lots of perks. I have an 18 month old daughter and am thanful I started listening to Stefon before she was born. Really helped to explain things to me and then me to my wife. If I tell her a smart guy on youtube said it or wrote it she's more likely to listen. Strange how that works. I Look forward to future discussions. Mostly in dealing with how to communicate certain principles to friends, which as proven to be extremely difficult in trying my own strategies, FDR strategies and others.
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