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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Interests
    Family, Animals, Nature, Philosophy
  • Occupation
    Peaceful Mama

Alecia's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thank you, Matt! I appreciate the welcome and also the tip about that conference...I've never heard of it and look forward to checking it out. Have a great day
  2. [] Thank you, Stefan, for the warm welcome! I have already taken note of your speaking at the Texas unschooling conference. It's quite a treck from here in Charlotte, NC, but I'm invoking my spirit of adventure to make it happen. To be in the real life midst of like minded folks!...be still my beating heart! I first came to peaceful parenting via 1) a response to having NOT been raised this way, 2) it somehow has always fundamentally made sense to me, and 3) my mothering instincts, which were given the grounds to flourish through exclusively breastfeeding and always being near my baby, day and night. From there, I followed my heart above all, blocking out the incessant noise to the contrary coming from all directions...family, friends, the media, doctors, "experts,"... When I finally began to come across authors who validated my mothering instincts I drank them in and felt as though I had come across a long lost friend (a similar feeling to having found your work). Some of these authors include: Dr. William Sears, Jean Liedloff, Katie Allison Granju, Jan Hunt, Alice Miller, Marshall B. Rosenberg, Alfie Kohn, Gabor Mate', John Taylor Gatto, and John Holt. I have a high regard for authenticity with my children, and am a big believer in age appropriate behavior and natural milestones. One of my favorite nuggets of parenting wisdom that I apply daily is "never interrupt a happy child." There is nothing convenient about parenting this way, but everything infinitely rewarding. The philosophy of voluntaryism truly begins at home.
  3. Hi, I'm a slow coming newbie here. I'm so delighted to have found Stefan's work. I enjoy listening to his youtube videos during my morning walks, while doing dishes, laundry, yard work,...all those sorts of 'exciting' things. As a solo (my husband is away a lot) stay at home unschooling mama of four living on a mini farm I don't have a lot of uninterrupted "me" time, but Stefan's work is my first go-to place during those times when I can listen while doing other things. My birthday present to myself was donating monthly to Freedomain Radio. I hope to increase the amount soon. My children are ages 5 1/2, 8, 12 and 14 years old. I am fiercely passionate about peaceful parenting. Prior to being "promoted" to motherhood I was a middle school teacher and a private tutor. We have always unschooled and found it a natural extention to our early attachment parenting days. No punishments, rewards, tests, quizzes, grades, chores, cirriculums, or other coersions in general here! Yet, my children are extremely mannerly, bright and social (saying this to validate consensual living,...not meaning to brag). How neat it is that Dayna Martin is hosting the show tomorrow! I deeply relate to her as a mother, although our family is not nearly as "cool" as hers...haha...no crazy piercing or tatoos here, not that there's anything wrong with that (Seinfield echoing in my head, and yes I would allow my children to do those things if they wished). We appear very "mainstream" and get along very well with folks of all walks of life, however I am accustomed to feeling as though I live on a philosophical island with regards to my parenting and political views. Ok, there...I finally stole a few minutes to attempt an intro. Thank you, Stefan, for putting yourself out there! You comfort my liberty loving mothering heart. And your glowing love for your daughter is so beautiful...she is your greatest teacher! Stay the course! :-)
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