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  1. @Kevin Beal "I wonder if you know what the specific thoughts are that you think that come with the irritation?" Hmmm, the most recent experience would be a lengthy post. It was a degrading realization. "Maybe it's willful ignorance that you are coming up against rather than genuine ignorance?" I believe it is willful.
  2. Thank you for your reply. It is good to know the term for the behavior. It is painfully irritating for me to deal with the mentality. Especially when they project their ignorance on me.
  3. I am having a hard time putting this thought in words. Here are some examples of my thought: Terrible parents are blind to their, or others bad parenting. Stupid people are blind to their own stupidity. Bad actors are blind to bad acting. Is it they're blind, do they just normalize their level of behavior, or believe it is acceptable? How can this be plainly expressed?
  4. The lower the expectation the higher the astoundment. Some examples: An obese man having the flexibility and fitness to execute a perfect round house kick. A 10 year old with Charles Dick's level of writing ability and vocabulary. A one month old baby able to speak in complete understandable sentences. Can it also be said? The lower one thinks of someone the higher the wonderment when a normal level of competency is achieved. Some examples: A racist seeing a black man graduating from highschool. A sexist seeing a confident, intelligent woman who would speak their mind. Is it racist/sexist to make a big deal out of something just because of their race/sex? **Me Venting*** I watch American Ninja Warrior and they won't shut up about Kacy Catanzaro! Why? Because vagina! I find how they glorify her achievement very sexist and insulting toward women. To me it is like saying "This woman can read! She can do what men can! She is achieving the impossible!" I am around fit and active woman. This level of achievement isn't unusual. Am I wrong to find it insulting?
  5. @Demosthenes_ I am slowly accepting one's intelligence is limited. Not sure. I see my slowly growing in some respects. If I can mentally grow, why not others? I think there is some ways of increasing IQ but maybe not as high as 20 points. It could be. Anger? Yes. It is something I am working through. There is a down syndrom man who I know is aware of his limitations and I admire him for it. I do not consider him a fool. I meet too many "normal" people who are ignorant of there stupidity and are, in my eyes, less intelligent than that down syndrome man.
  6. @Demosthenes_ To a point. I felt, at the time, a person was not a fool if willing to continually learn. They may not be wise but, in the least, not a fool. It is hard for me to accept that people have a permanent low intellect because their vote/opinion affects me. That idea I find frightening.
  7. A wise man can always learn from a fool but a fool will never learn from a wise man. I came up with this while "serving" a mormon mission. I was reminded of it recently and wonder if my thought is flawed. It used to have can in place of will but I changed it because so many choose to be stupid. What do you think?
  8. I am yet to find the source of this statement. Does anyone have the reference or study its from?
  9. Good point. I never thought to. I always thought truth was the highest on the priority, not emoition. I rarely get into heated discusions. This is all new. The mother was. It was a family dinner.
  10. This past Sunday I had a conversation with a sibling at a family dinner. This conversation started with me commenting on how in the recent Red Dawn film the villains were changed from Chinese to North Korean because of political reasons. I wanted to use this to talk about how government has its hands in the movie industry. This got one of my siblings defensive, they began to extol the virtues of the Chinese government and how they would never invade the US. Some of the virtues given where: only the police and military are armed, the government knows when you check in to a hotel, and where you are at all times in the cities due to cameras and facial recognizing software. At the end of their praises I commented something along the lines of “that sounds a lot like 1984.” They responded by saying it was a good thing since that is what they are doing here in the US. I responded “so the US is just as communistic as China.” I brought up how the people are not treated very well over there. This was strongly rebuked as nonsense and stated that they have had first hand knowledge that the lives of the Chinese and their work condition were great and even better than in the US. I didn't agree and talked about the poor conditions I heard about from investigators. They denied each point without any room for discussion with the comment "That isn't true. I don't know were you would have hear that.” I cited my sources to which they said “You're mentally ill. You should be instituted." I tried talking to them further about the subject but the same phrase was repeated over and over. "You're mentally ill. You should be instituted." Later in the day I called my father about some things and told him about the talk I had with my sibling. The same sibling had already called him about the conversation to which he sided despite my references or words. My mother has become distant since the debate. What bothers me the most is that no one from my family has contacted me to ask how I came to this understanding and why I feel the way I do about it. It comes across to me that none of them seems to care. I have an idea on how to address the situation with my family but am writing this becuase I feel stuck for some reason.
  11. Thanks for the comments they helped me come to a decision.
  12. From reading the comments I am getting the idea being political is perceived as being a politician. I meant it in the way of being politically active (voting ,petitioning, protesting). I should have notated I will not respond to questions since I am away from the internet during the week.
  13. I live in the US. There is a lot of laws that are being passed and I am starting to feel more and more caged. I don't like politics and view it as repulsive as sewage. I am stuck where Lysander Spooner described, something along the lines of, where someone would become political in order to stop the political power being used against them.I am having an internal conflict since one emotion says "it's useless the system was not created to protect you" and another says "I should at least try and fight for what freedoms I have."I am looking for outside perspectives.
  14. A brief into to my life.I was raised mormon. Served a mission. Got married in the "faith." We both had questions about the mormon faith. We left due to lack of answers and being treated poorly for asking questions. We are now somewhat "political." Became "political" when finding out we didn't have a choice in some things dealing the law/government. Which made no sense to us since that implied we are owned. After my mormon mission I started listening to political talk shows. I listened to the following in order: Dough Wright, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, Bill Cooper, Micheal Perenti, Marc Stevens and currently to Stefan Molyneux. I would abandon the previous for the following person. My reasoning for jumping from one to the other is they didn't offer a solution or answers to my questions.I am here after a long hiatus from attempts with other libertarian websites that attacked/insulted me for asking questions that were seditious.
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