I signed up a week ago although I started watching Mr. Molyneux's videos on YouTube for almost a year. The first time I saw " the truth about voting" I was on a Canadian video hosting site called tagtele.com/redpill which has some interesting documentaries on it.
I am twenty one years old, I left college last December, is withdrew because I decided that after 3 years of trying to get through at the bare minimum I was going to just quit. My final year of schooling i was enrolled in classes like " the american presidency" anf legislative processes and a class called judicial process, amd they Were so shallow and out of touch with Reality i took it personally and felt like i was being Taught Falsehoods and misrepresented history and things counter to my ideals. i took to studying history On lewrockwell.com and mises. org and reading books by Mises And i did that all at cost of doing my schooleork instead.The diploma had little to no value to me and I was doing political science major. It just didn't seem worthy of my time or energy or money and now I'm voluntarily unemployed and out of school. I spend the majority of my time assisting my dad manage properties in DC, otherwise I'm reading on philosophy economics and history or im keeping a journal and trying to figure out how to live in accord with my values.
I only became interested in politics last year because I was old enough to vote in a presidential elections. The republican debates and subsequent nominations showcased what a farce politics is. I credit Ron Paul, who I admired for taking a principled stand as a politician , with inspiring me to study economics. The final question In one debate was " what what would you be doing if you weren't here this evening,?" Romney and Gingrich said they'd be watching the game on TV that night and Ron Paul said that he would be reading an economics textbook. I read his books, liberty defined, a foreign policy of freedom, and revolution: the manifesto and I became more interested in the principles that society could be based on and more disillusioned with the rhetoric that politicians and the news media prattle on about. 2012 for me was a whole year of reading and re reading articles from Mises.org and lewrockwell.com and watching videos and podcasts from those sources and Mr molyneux. Some of my other intellectual influences are Lysander Spooner and Butler Shaffer.