Thank you Rob and Wesley.
I hadn't thought it would be too much of a bombshell, given the way that everything seems to be connected online but Wesley you are more than justified in your confusion as it was a pretty amazing sequence of events that led to my enlightenment. It was toward the end of the republican primaries for the presidential elections and I was so misguided I was supporting "Kill them" Gingrich purely because of his challenge to Obama regarding Lincoln Douglas style debates versus the current sham that they call a debate. I had never listened to Ron Paul, I really didn't have any passion or principles other than a hatred for democrats. I'm really quite embarrassed to remember how foolish I was. So I wanted to stay abreast of current events and the primaries- filtered through the correct ideological bias- so I sought out free recordings of the Limbaugh show. After a lot of searching I found an App in the Android Market called Conservative Radio by I fell in love with the on demand convenience of the whole thing and I grabbed their partner app Libertarian Radio because they had Penn Jillette (whom I came to enjoy from the Bullshit series) and Stossel (Fox contributor)- I knew absolutely nothing about libertarianism at the time. Among the 'stations' available on the app was our very own FDR.
The first podcast I listened to was Space Aliens from Luxembourg, there were no direct references to anarchy and I didn't realize what I was in store for, the title just jumped out at me, and then the content haunted me. It was a few days until I could listen to either the conservative radio or FDR, I had been shaken up a great deal. I think I listened to a few innocuous car ride podcasts from the first year. It was easier to listen to Stef instead of Rush, his points were better laid out rationally and his show wasn't 4 hours long so I became addicted and my years of brainwashing slowly became apparent. And what finally did it was when I listened to a podcast that referenced prison rape and then I listened to Stateless Prisons, I knew then that I could never go back to believing the authority or power of the government. I was almost certainly an anarchist by the election but I was also very angry at myself for listening to those two podcasts in that particular order, and couldn't bring myself to jump out of my statist nest. My whole life I had used politics to connect with the men in my life since I had no love for anything that would typically be considered 'male', and I convinced myself that knowledgeable voting was among the highest virtues. It was my first presidential election so I voted for Gary Johnson, but my heart wasn't in it, and I knew when I got the american flag sticker that I would never vote again. Its been a little over year since I first heard Stef and my life is almost unrecognizable, even retelling this story seems like I'm talking about someone other than myself. I don't know whats more unbelievable, the fact that I got here through conservative radio or the fact that Stef's brevity was the key factor that kept me listening. If I had listened to the podcasts in any other order I think it would have taken me many more years to reach this point in my life. Shame we can't replicate the experience for the rest of Rush's audience- he could become an affiliate .