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Mishelle last won the day on May 18 2014

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  • Gender
  • Location
    East Texas
  • Interests
    self-reliance, gardening, ethics, sustainable community, dance, social psychology, literature, permaculture
  • Occupation
    foreign language teacher, writer, gardener

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  1. It's been a while, but at last another post, which explains why it's been a while--I'm drowning in success! http://peacecorpsworldwide.org/homesteading/2014/07/14/drowning-in-success/
  2. I want to comment how I admire you really deconstructing this topic as well as your call in RR, and all those who have contributed to what I feel is a hugely important conversation. I don't think I have a lot to offer at this point, but this call did interest me very much, and I felt RR that Stef was agreeing with you on the fundamentals of intuition. This is something that has struck me as a unique strength of his since I first started listening, otherwise I would have never continued. While I understand "atheism" as Stef's definition of his 'belief system', honestly to me, he practices gnosticism, which to me means the marrying of the left and right brain. This separates him from the "true intellectuals" and of course from the "true mystics." I dislike the word faith, as many here do, this has nothing to do with faith, imo. What we are looking at here is 'can I trust my intuition over my reason? And why? And how? And once even asking these questions we are thrown into left brain. This is why the scriptures were meant to be symbolic, in order to bypass the left brain so that we could understand the universe in the holistic sense of "intuitive logic" -- not bypassing the whole to focus on the parts. What religion and scriptures have "taught us" for now generations is to forget intuitive knowing, or gut feeling, and follow the leader, even to the cross. But we are animals! Like any other animal, we have such keen senses that have been lost to programming. You can't call this faith! Or maybe I am way off what you are getting at. Faith means to me believing whatever someone tells you without proof, but what I'm talking about is KNOWING. Like when my dogs can play-fight on a small deck with absolute certainty of their surroundings and not disturbing a single plant or ever hurting each other--2 big dogs on a deck with such a keen sense of each other that they can run, leap, chase, bite, roll, snarl, leap, fall, without ever missing a beat--that's intuition! We have this same knowing! But it's buried, for some very deeply. Anyway, it's late, and I will think on this more and come back again, because it's a great and necessary and fun conversation!
  3. I get a bit frustrated because some podcasts, even the most recent ones, I have at full volume and have to strain to hear Stef, not the callers, but other podcasts come off just fine. There's nothing I can do about this, speakers are good, other sites come off loud and clear and I have to actually turn them down. Not sure if anything can be done about this, but my wouldn't that be nice!
  4. What a great topic, bravo! Patrick, I was just hearing this on an old call-in, and was a bit surprised actually, it was really a good thing to think about! I really thought, you are truthful, always, or you are a liar, and this is not just "esthetic principle" but part of first principles! And on that note, RTR, as well, you are trying to practice it always, or you are a fake! hmmm, so much to learn. But, let me at least add something here. "Duping Delight" a term I recently learned and have now been able to easily see! This is the unconscious "pleasure" at getting away with something. Watch old videos of Clinton talking about his intern affair and you can see it plainly. And just recently, I witnessed it on someone telling me a lie! The question is though, then what do you do?!
  5. Yes! I do! I feel lucky to still be in contact and learning from this man who once shared such a significant portion of my life--who first told me my dad is full of shit, who attempted to change his family to my great awe, who first thrilled me and was thrilled by me, it is a rare treasure. I'm happily married as is he, he was the first to meet my new love, and it's great on the rare occasion to share our journeys and growth and to witness that through each other. We speak once a year, sometimes less, sometimes more, and it is authentic and lovely.
  6. I am so touched by your reply and your curiosity, dear RR! Thank you so very much for reading and trying to relate and for your honesty and feedback, WOW, just WOW! That alone is more, much more, than what is familiar to me. I'm no poet, and no philosopher, except in the sense that we are all poets and philosophers! Every line has deep meaning for me, but l do not spend enough time ensuring others might join my world-in-the-moment through the poem in order to garner the same meaning. This is not you! I am evolving, and the poems are more a recording of the evolution than something that I expect others to comprehend without more explanation or evaluation. The lines come sometimes without any reasoning whatsoever, and I know they are "right" to the feeling. I could write you 2 pages for each line, but it's my small attempt to "spare the details" for the mood, the rhythm, the tempo, the words themselves. Where the meaning evades you, might you appreciate the thought that went into word choice, number of syllables, alliteration, by chance?! Thank you thank you thank you for reading and replying! I am aflutter! LOL, i don't know if that's a word that I've spelled correctly, only that you know the sentiment behind it! :D
  7. It's been a while since I've been here! And I've no idea why all the "the's" are highlighted! Another poem, thanks for reading, it's been too long, for me anyway Slave’s Rising With the winds the heartSinks and swellsKindness comes and goesPatience withersLike lips cracked Woke fight with a startStirred from sleepFalseness cloaked as truthPatience withersLike lips cracked Witnessing armor fallRighteousnessYoung mind’s vanityBlinded by potentialPatience withers Arguing over empathyTraumatizedUnhealed by reasonLove’s violent wounds resistPatience.
  8. It's about leadership, and speaking truth to power and living in alignment with my principles. Why does Stef piss off so many people that his Youtube channel gets dumped? I respect your pacifism, but that's just not me. We all die on our chosen paths, I'd rather go out hollering at the madness. It's not for everyone, I really do believe it takes all kinds and that we can learn from everyone.
  9. Thanks so much for your replies, all interesting and worthy each of a reply, when I find some time! The idea still appeals to me, am seriously considering.
  10. Mishelle


    For me the doubt means one thing: you are not using your fear, pain, anguish, anxiety, for their learning value, and maybe instead trying to bypass the discomfort. At least this has been my experience. I really agree with Lians too, really knowing your unique, end-of-life goal, because I do think these are unique for each of us. I think redefining your relationship with these difficult parts is your next step. Are you in therapy? If not, like coaching, it's someone who can really help you keep your eye on the ball. Maybe this book would be helpful for you: Self-Therapy: A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Wholeness and Healing Your Inner Child Using IFS, A New, Cutting-Edge Psychotherapy, 2nd Edition:Amazon:Books For me, in the beginning I thought love was the goal, then I found love. Then I thought happiness was the goal, and I got happiness. Then I thought peace was the goal, and now I have peace. My actual goal is evolution, because when we evolve ourselves individually it reflects back and emanates and expands, so we actually are evolving society as a whole. It's not meant to feel good all the time, there are growing pains, and boring plateaus, and glass ceilings, all showing you where to pay attention. Hope this is helpful and hope you find the path to your true self very soon!
  11. Hi Jake, how nice to see your post! We are in East Texas, where are you? Please do email me when you get a chance, it would be great to hear more about you--sounds like you have great experience. I'm happy to chat with you about what we've got going on here and our future plans. We could certainly use any help we can get, we couldn't pay you, but you certainly wouldn't have to pay us! Thanks for your message! [email protected]
  12. My never-ending war on war. Thanks to Stef for his content and inspiration for this week's post, another fantastic one in our fav FDR series: Truth About Benghazi http://peacecorpsworldwide.org/homesteading/2014/05/03/the-demonic-narrative-of-war/
  13. So wonderful to read about your experience, thank you very much for sharing it, it sounds really brilliant!
  14. thanks for reply cobra! yes, I get it, keeping head low is safest, yet I'm just so tempted to scream! learning to bite my tongue more though
  15. Has anyone ever written a declaration of sovereignty and sent it to their government? Or considered it? I found this interview to be very inspiring and at about 1:20 she talks about doing this and changing her name and what a great sense of liberation and joy she felt doing so. I wonder if y'all know of others who have taken these steps officially and what their experiences might have been. thanks for sharing any info
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