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  1. These answers probably won't be satisfactory to you, but I at least think they are true. I also suspect you already know some of them. 1. No, not showing themself 100% dignity 2. If this is the US, then a facility like this has something called a Patient's Bill of Rights which includes a clause(s) stating each patient will be treated with dignity. 3. Made it out of what? The facility? That can't be what you're asking about, b/c I don't think many people die in that facility. Are you asking about making it out of the snare of addiction? If so, they're not out, but headed in a good direction. 4. Yes, clearly.
  2. That kind of behavior will probably lead to a future doubling-down on the prior behaviors after a short period of acting like those behaviors aren't what they want to do. Maybe I'm forecasting too much.
  3. While lots of the things stated above about eye contact and other elements of body language are generally true, it's important to recognize, like at the end of post #6, that we don't all follow the same behavioral rules. Some things are elements of culture and historical experience. For example I was in chess club in college, and this one graduate student joined. He stood uncomfortably close to other members of the club. They'd back up 6 inches, and he'd close the gap. He wasn't aggressing or intimidating anyone, but he had come from India and had a different sense of what appropriate personal space is. I noticed when he interacted with some other Indian grad students that joined later, they all did the same thing, and none were off-put by the others. But when cultures collides, discomfort arose. tl;dnr = More than one reason is always possible for the same behavior observed in different people.
  4. I think the term "finite" is commonly used as shorthand to represent the idea of not just the quantity of a resource in existence, but also how much of it is accessible.
  5. Taking up two seats on public transit by placing their backpack on the aisle seat, with multiple people standing.
  6. It isn't really that much different in the US. Sure, one half of the supposed political dichotomy claims to support less government, but they don't. They just encourage a different kind of big government than the other side. Guns? Ok. Gay marriage and less imperialism? No. Then the Ds: Guns? No. Gay marriage? Ok. Less imperialism? Let's talk about something else. It's obvious we'd land here (and I think it is getting worse, with the internet being the flicker of hope), because, as one of my favorite anti-powers-that-be rappers, Payday Monsanto said in his song "National Emergency": we own your banks, your education, military and news, while you focus on scandals and the latest hairdos
  7. Other can probably point to better resources per se, but to get some math problem-solving into the mix, you can check out: projecteuler.net
  8. Figure out your goals, i.e. what you want out of life, then choose career actions that are likely to leave you meeting those goals, or at the very least, having a chance. For example if you want to have a $10M house and a bunch of cars and boats, you'll need to aim at something lucrative, like sport, music, acting, or business. Another example: If you want relative to safety, enough to each, and some savings, you can find any office job with benefits, make $40k-$80 a year, don't overspend, and you'll achieve it.
  9. Living south of the city makes an event at Gus's Café pretty inconvenient. I'll keep an eye out for other events that pop up.
  10. Low intelligence people don't figure out the underlying immorality of evil programs, therefore they accept them. Taxes, military industrial complex, war in general, gun control - all examples.
  11. I've had some successful attempts at controlling my dreams. I wrote down detailed notes (full page) any time I woke up, whether in the morning or middle of the night. After doing that for 7-10 days, the lucidity became stronger and more frequent. I never fully flew yet, but I was able to make myself float upwards. Often I'd do that for a few seconds, then the instance of me in my dream would notice being off the ground, get nervous, and I'd float or fall back down. Very fun stuff though.
  12. I'll check out the Liberty on the Rocks thing. I'm not a big bar drinking person, but if it's downtown that could be pretty accessible. I saw the last one was at Gus's Café in Lawrenceville.
  13. Nice work, Daniel Unplugged. For serious.
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