Hi Pepin, thanks for the reply! This is an overall psychological problem for me. Not being able to defer graificaion affects me in all areas of my life, which includes romantic relationships, dietary/lifestyle choices, work life...etc.
For example, I'm very passionate about nutrition and spend a ton of time researching about it. I have the knowledge to make positive lifestyle changes that would benefit me very much in the long run. But whenever I feel emotionally stressed or overwhelmed, I can't help but reach for foods that I know are not good for me. I'd eat those foods to feel good for maybe 5 minutes that I'm eating it, and then physically feel ill an hour later.
Another example-I recently broke up with my boyfriend but we still see each other for sex. I know logically that this is not good for me, but I just want to fulfill the need of the moment.
I noticed that I have very addictive personality and have had issues with alcohol and cigarettes in the past as well. But all of these separate issues seem to stem from my inability to defer instant gratification. I am wondering if this is a learned skill that I just never acquired?