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  1. No, I really appreciate the feedback!! These shirts (not just FDR shirts but all the shirts I sell) are for people who are passionate about freedom and liberty and all that good stuff, so any input from this community is fantastic. Thank you for taking the time to let me know! I'll definitely let you know if I do another FDR shirt
  2. Hey Kaki, it wasn't accidental! I was playing on the quote, "take the red pill" with the stones logo - that's why there's a red FDR logo/pill on the tongue. But I appreciate the input!! Would you prefer something more simple? Maybe just a FDR logo and some kind of text under it?
  3. Thank you! That's a great suggestion! The socrates one was actually created by Josh F, who's on this forum All credit goes to him for that amazing design! I'm selling a FDR shirt as well 50% of all profit from this shirt will be donated to FDR!http://www.lovelibertee.com/collections/frontpage/products/take-the-red-pill-freedomain-radio-t-shirt
  4. Whoa, thanks for the responses everyone!!
  5. Hey guys and girls! I'm making a bunch of Stef memes/graphics and was wondering if you guys had any quotes you'd like to see made into one? Short ones are easier to make, but any length is good! Here is one I made recently:
  6. Hello, can anyone recommend introductory resources for investing in stocks? I have a friend wanting to invest in medical marijuana stocks, with no knowledge of the process. He came to me for advice, but I have NO idea how it works, and would like to learn more. Also, if anyone is already investing, what's your stance on medical marijuana stocks?
  7. Hey guys, I just opened up shop online! I'm selling ancap/voluntaryism themed t-shirts/tank tops now and possibly other merch (stickers, iphone case etc) in the future. I could use some help in the marketing department, so if you have any suggestions or potential ideas to spread the word, let me know! You can check out the site here: www.lovelibertee.com if you have facebook, any "like" or "share" would be greeeeatly appreciated! www.fb.com/lovelibertee I'm also open to any design ideas you guys would like to see on a shirt. Maybe something you've always wanted, but never found anywhere? Let me know. Any feedback is welcome...thanks for you time
  8. Thanks everyone for the reply! It's a little late, but I've been looking more into my past and exploring my childhood, etc. Instead of repeating these unhealthy habits to alleviate anxiety, I've been trying to sit with them and jot down the potential sources of my anxiety and such. I've also stopped punishing myself psychologically whenever I eat "junk" foods from time to time...interestingly, when I stopped punishing myself, I feel less need to act on these habits! I've also started reading "The Psychology of Self-Esteem" by Nathaniel Branden..wonderful book! But again, I appreciate everyone's comments-thanks for taking your time to respond.
  9. Hi Pepin, thanks for the reply! This is an overall psychological problem for me. Not being able to defer graificaion affects me in all areas of my life, which includes romantic relationships, dietary/lifestyle choices, work life...etc. For example, I'm very passionate about nutrition and spend a ton of time researching about it. I have the knowledge to make positive lifestyle changes that would benefit me very much in the long run. But whenever I feel emotionally stressed or overwhelmed, I can't help but reach for foods that I know are not good for me. I'd eat those foods to feel good for maybe 5 minutes that I'm eating it, and then physically feel ill an hour later. Another example-I recently broke up with my boyfriend but we still see each other for sex. I know logically that this is not good for me, but I just want to fulfill the need of the moment. I noticed that I have very addictive personality and have had issues with alcohol and cigarettes in the past as well. But all of these separate issues seem to stem from my inability to defer instant gratification. I am wondering if this is a learned skill that I just never acquired?
  10. Hello! I was wondering if anyone had any recommendaions on books/blogs/any particular methods on delaying gratification? This is one of the biggest issues I've had and would like to resolve but I'm not sure where to start. Any advice/suggestions are welcome. Thank you!
  11. I thought Stef wasn't coming to Libertopia this year...?
  12. Hello FDR community! I live in San Diedo, CA and have been listening to FDR for about a year now. My twin brother introduced me to FDR, and though I had a hard time listening to Stef's videos without getting upset at first (denial, followed by anger...) , I now fully embrace the an-cap/voluntaryst ideas. I've always been a private person and have never participated in forums and such but I thought I should start making more effort into exchanging ideas and possibly making friends. I just graduated from college and have been looking for employment as well as friends. I didn't realize how hard it is to make friends once I'm out of school...let alone friends that would be interested in topics such as this. So if you're in San Diego and would like to talk/meet up, let me know! -Reina
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