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Matthew Santonastaso

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    Software Developer

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  1. One I am dealing with today "The Troops pay taxes too"
  2. Oh thank you I feel much better now. I always try to be nice to people so this kinda thing never happens much it was kinda a shock. I felt bad. So bad that I came here for help. Your right though I was just letting him have it for the money I could of got from paypal honestly the item sells for more now and you have to wait for it. I wanted to be friends. I didn't think of it that way that the value of the transaction for me was removed once he put pressure on me but I think your right. I don't get out much with work school and married life and most people I run in to are not worth talking with so its exciting for me to meet someone in the outside world like this.
  3. Thanks for reading and replying I felt it was ok to back out because we just talked about it the other day and we exchanged no money. its just his huge email replay made me think I was way in the wrong or something. continuing to offer reselling it after receiving it was a mistake on my part. I understand your point about damages. Thanks again for reply. I will be more careful in what I say in the future.
  4. Hello I don't come here much since I signed up sorry. I had a dispute with a libertarian I met recently. he got very pissed but I am sure I haven't wronged him. I was hoping I could get opinions on the story. We need to build and maintain strong relationships with each other instead of issues but this guy I felt is being ridiculous. last Saturday there was a gun show near me that I always go to with my uncle. I have gone so often that I am familiar with most of the vendors. this time there was a new booth with 2 libertarians and a giant sign that said "accepting bitcoins" I talked with them for a while and bought some 22 ammo from them but in our discussion I mentioned that I had a pending order with butterfly labs for 1 Jalapeno. I also mentioned that I was so tired of waiting since they missed the ship date so many times that I contacted Paypal by email and asked for a refund. One of those guys said can I buy your spot in line. I said sure since 150 refund from paypal or 150 from this guy is the same to me. I said but I have to wait to see what happens with paypal since they could of refunded me at this point. Monday morning I got a email from butterfly labs containing tracking number. That was unexpected and exciting so I emailed the guy saying hey the thing shipped and I said that I will still sell it to him. Paypal never contacted me back. He emailed me back first saying that he will come up here to get it and how I wanted to get paid. before I got back to him he emailed me again saying something like you better not be ducking me on our deal. The product arrived Wednesday and i set it up. his last email kinda pissed me off that I took time to reconsider. I remembered that I actually wanted the product but didn't want to wait anymore and I was trading my 150 refund from paypal for his 150. Since he never gave any money he could of jumped out at anytime too and now I had the product in hand. So I emailed him saying I decided to keep the miner at this time. He replied with a huge morel rant that I expected because he geared up for it with his "ducking out email" I asked my wife what she thought and she said he was just being a baby for not getting his way. I agreed. I dont feel like I was being unfair. I feel like he was pressuring me to sell it but I know its hard to see things from first person perspective. Since I can only post the story from my side I will try to be as honest as possible with any questions. I can also post emails names removed. Thanks
  5. I wasn't disagreeing with you I just wanted to know more. I dont know much about I ordered one jalepeno that was a mistake because if I invested the 160 in bitcoin When I ordered I would of made way more. The obvious conflict of interest is what kept me from ordering a big order when the ASIC were anounced. But once you get your product why sell it? It should still be more then efficient.
  6. I agree that BFL haven't been honest and I wont buy anything from them again. how do you know they have been mining and has any ASICs been shipped?
  7. I ordered the cheap one in Feb. It is not here yet but I can keep you updated
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