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Everything posted by jpahmad

  1. Right, it's still a false premise What does this have to do with modern sexual interactions? Again, what does this have to do with modern sexual interactions? Please provide the resource for this data. I've always heard it was the other way around I didn't say you claimed consensus. I said, "there is certainly no consensus"
  2. no... this is a false premise: Corrupt according to who? There is certainly no consensus on this. I for one have not experienced corruption in my sexual interactions. I'm not sure what the above sentence actually means. So, before you move on in your argument, you have to address the validity of your premiss.
  3. Sorry guy, I don't think we speak the same language. Best of luck to you
  4. See quotes below: That quote is a logical fallacy. And... This is a false premise. Other than that, if you want to have multiple lovers, there is nothing wring with that. It's nothing new.
  5. Blackfish, do you have much experience in logic and reasoning?
  6. There is so much to go into, I don't know if I have the patience to do it in a thread. I'll put out a few items here though. We'll start with this: false premise
  7. This thread is probably going to be a great study in confirmation bias
  8. "Man can control what he does but not what he wants to do" This is sophistry, pure and simple. In the first minute of the video.
  9. The death of Eric Garner shows, on video tape, someone with a badge who is willing to kill another human being outside of self-defense. This is obviously not the first example. Their are only two conclusions for people who kill outside of self-defense or defense of others: 1. They are heartless sociopaths and should be ostracized. 2. They are mindless robots with no capacity to think for themselves and therefore should not be given a gun and a badge
  10. If it was an "accident" then why the hell did the guy not let up when Garner cries "I can't breath." There are a lot of "meat heads" out there. You know, people who take certain jobs so they can flex their muscles, like bouncers. You ever see a bouncer go overboard when kicking someone out of a bar? I have. It's like, ok, the guy was a little drunk, you don't have to smash his face into the curb. Why become a cop if you can't keep a cool head in these sorts of situations that will inevitably pop up? The guy wasn't threatening anyone.
  11. I don't think he cared whether the man lived or died. He probably nearly came in his pants when he saw that he was going to get the opportunity to use his choke hold technique. Either that or he has a very low IQ
  12. No,no,no. This happened because the guy who choked Garner to death is a heartless predator. If he had a conscience, he would be in danger of killing himself right now. Because, what human being, with any empathy whatsoever, would be able to sleep at night after doing that to someone? He knew what he was doing and he knew he could get away with it by hiding behind the institution of the state. What the F#$! do you think happens when you put your arm around someone's neck and squeeze!?
  13. I'm assuming Stefan is working on a "Truth About" presentation concerning the death of Eric Garner that was caught on video tape for everyone to see. This is a slam dunk opportunity for us anarchists to demonstrate a principal outside of the cultural fogginess of "race-relations." I am eagerly awaiting this video, as it would be the perfect follow up to the Ferguson series videos by exposing the predatory nature of quite a few individuals who make up "Americas Finest."
  14. This is interesting. I never thought about it too much. But it seems as though one violent gang (the govenment) will only respond after being threatened by another violent gang (looters). The looting is a threat. Looting means "if you don't do something that we find desirable, we will destroy your infrastructure." That means something. The government doesn't care about anyone who is peacefull. They'll just laugh at it.
  15. The OP should keep his word and repay the loan. I can't believe this is being debated. Whether or not the money comes from the mob, if you break your word you are assassinating your own character. Don't do it man. It will be the worst decision you ever made in your lfe.
  16. In private, very possible. In public, I don't think so. It would be professional suicide for him. He makes his living from being a internet personality consumed by mostly liberals. I've never seen someone change character "mid-career" in the media. It would be like Rush Limbaugh deciding to turn leftist tomorrow. Some people simply can't afford to change. They've built a career around a certain persona and have gone too far to turn back. Maybe if Stef offered him a job?
  17. Rulers and property owners are two different things. The state, as we know it today, doesn't legitimately own any property. That's the difference. A concept, "the state", can't own anything. People own things. Therefore, there is no parallel there.
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