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Everything posted by jpahmad

  1. Has anyone seen this movie? I randomly decided to watch it last night with my wife and I was horrified by it. Is this director serious? Why do I feel absolutely disgusted by it? Here's the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUQTNY5yaVk
  2. I agree with fractional slacker. Imagine a kid watching the "rubble bucket game" being enjoyed by middle class Americans who just pulled his dead family out of the rubble in Gaza or West Bank.
  3. No, we're launching the criticism towards you. This is about you. It seems that you are willing to kill innocent people to re-claim your "property." Forget defending Israel, you need to defend yourself.
  4. Yep, it will go there inevitably. He just doesn't want to admit it. I'll do it for him. Killing and slaughter, that's where it will go. Adam, you're a violent man.
  5. I was referring to Harris's statement "we don't cause our causes" as lending itself to statism, not determinism per say.
  6. Adam, how are you going to get your land back from the Palestinians? They don't want you there and they will defend what they perceive as their property to the death. Stop dodging and answer the question like a man.
  7. What if some people (Palestinians) don't like your plan? What do you do with them?
  8. you didn't answer my question. What actions do you prescribe if you are in charge of Israel?
  9. So...the Israeli position is that the land belongs to Israel. Does this mean that the Palestinian people should either get out or become Israeli's? Please don't give me a long-winded answer. Just tell what you would do if you were in charge.
  10. what is the "pro-Israel" position? what is the "anit-Israel" position? I'm a little confused here
  11. Also he's a determinist and uses language like "we don't cause our causes" and things like that. Which lends itself to being a statist of course. My question is, is he just appealing to popular sentiment in order to sell books? Or, does he really believe these things?
  12. Just curious, why do you feel so uncomfortable with Harris?
  13. unbelievable! This is really interesting Chris. We'll have to wait and see.
  14. Restitution is an adequate compensation for a loss. It's up to the offended party to define what is "adequate." For some it might be $10,000 and for others it might be a hug and a kiss. Both are forms of restitution. I can't for the life of me think of a situation where I could forgive someone without compensation that I deem emotionally satisfying.
  15. I'll check out some of those books. "Intellectual myopia" I like the sound of that! I always did feel that those two (Ana K and Sam S) were functioning with the intellectual maturity age of a 12 year old. Either that or they have no imagination.
  16. What is the pragmatic argument for slavery? (as it was practiced in the United States)
  17. Wow, extremely powerful Stefan, I was very moved, especially when you recounted the end of Chris Farley. I'll have that image of him reaching out to the hooker while she walks away with his stuff in my mind for a long time.
  18. tjt, I think there is a little bit of a misunderstanding here. What I believe Kevin is saying is that if the forum administrators changed the system to require everyone to submit a written reply before down voting, it would just bog down everyone and make the interaction less efficient. This would then be an incentive not to vote at all, thus defeating the purpose of the voting system. However, if it is a privilege, then Kevin can take the time to articulate his thoughts to those who care rather than those who don't care. It is obvious that you care, so he typed out a thorough response.
  19. Well put Kevin, I would add that it is of course the option for someone who is down voted, and who takes it seriously, to do just what the OP did above, post a sincere question concerning why people perceived his/her argument and/or behavior to be worthy of a down vote. This puts the burden on the person who was down voted to reach out for answers. If he/she really can't figure it out, and really wants to know why, they can just ask and someone will reply to them. If understanding critique on the forum is important to them, then they will put forth the effort to type out an inquiry into why they received a negative vote.
  20. I don't think you were making a straw man intentionally or unintentionally. It was clear to me what you were trying to get across. You were just describing an emotion and using other life experiences to try to explain it.
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