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Joey M

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Everything posted by Joey M

  1. It seems that you're misconstruing the definition of ownership, and forgetting that morality is the ultimate goal. Under the logic used to make a parent's child property, the same could be made for slavery. The slave hunter put in labor to hunt down slaves and keep them imprisoned. What needs to be remembered is that ownership of a human being is slavery, which we both know is immoral. I believe parents have an inherent responsibility to take care of their children peacefully, that doesn't mean they can treat their children as their property. How am I misunderstanding ownership? Could you provide a definition? Misconstruing in the sense that people cannot be owned and it be considered moral, which I explained further in my post.
  2. That was good. Thank you. The other tragic example is government having a claim on most of your income because they are work by giving you permission to exist. That's a great exmaple as well. I'd forgot to point out that when I was using the word "you" I didn't mean you literally, just the claim itself.
  3. I would agree that this is the best way of doing it, but some adults learn how the free market works as well.
  4. I believe Stefan said himself that the against-me argument only has a success rate of less than 10% in his own experiences. That doesn't mean we shouldn't keep trying. I think it's far more important to convince, stop, people from being violent towards children compared to convincing a theist of the age that the world is. A child raised peacefully will have the brain capacity to think far more logically and morally to the point of where it'd be very easy to demonstrate to them that the world is more than a few thousands of years old if they even believed that. I would recommend to concentrate your energy and efforts more into convincing people of peaceful parenting and the non aggression principle, because the children are the future. If they learn and follow the basics of the NAP they'll probably realize that statism is immoral on their own.
  5. It seems that you're misconstruing the definition of ownership, and forgetting that morality is the ultimate goal. Under the logic used to make a parent's child property, the same could be made for slavery. The slave hunter put in labor to hunt down slaves and keep them imprisoned. What needs to be remembered is that ownership of a human being is slavery, which we both know is immoral. I believe parents have an inherent responsibility to take care of their children peacefully, that doesn't mean they can treat their children as their property.
  6. These three things aren't necessary to not be a deist anymore. I'm an atheist, and not everything can be explained currently, the world certaintly doesn't always make sense to me, and there is nothing wrong with putting blame on others while not letting it stop you from pushing on. Personally, I don't see the point in admiring what someone isn't. I'm not well versed enough to help you realize that deism is wrong, but I wish you the best of luck.
  7. Like the previous Quanitative Easings of the Fed, this one will just make an artifical short-term boost to the economy and result into another bust, giving the Fed an excuse to do more. Bernake said himself: “We learned from the first three phases that we can’t run out. Trillions, Quadrillions, Whatever! We’ve got the Magic Porridge Pot. When we want more, we just keystroke it.”[/font] He refused to put time limits on this new phase of QE: “No, it will never end. We’re going to buy everything. The whole damned planet. Some stars, too. I want to buy some Black Holes. Those things are dense; you can stuff a lot of money into them.” -http://www.economonitor.com/lrwray/2013/05/14/news-alert-fed-announces-round-four-of-quantitative-easing/#sthash.JuBgDLxK.dpuf
  8. I agree, but just to put in some numbers...France has a GDP of 2.773 trillion dollars as of 2011 and has a debt 90% of GDP.
  9. FRD Forum, My name is Joseph Marchio. I've very excited to be apart of such an intelligent and attractive [] community! I'm a donor to Stefan and a long time subscriber. Since I've started university (economics major, double minor in history and philosophy), I have had more free time than usual, which I find ironic. I enjoy playing basketball and swimming for fun, and I play a MMORPG called RuneScape. I hope to be in the middle of many significant topics on this forum and help spread the word of what the non aggression principle is. Thank you for reading my introduction, I can't wait to start posting!
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