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Everything posted by Soren
Small update, I found a therapist, I can afford, saw her Thursday, it was great to talk about some of the stuff troubling me. Soren
Sorry, I forgot to say that I am glad you had a good RTR experience. But what you are writing now is confusing for me because I did not get the understanding from your text, that you had put your relationship on hold, to me it seemed rather like you had continued it. And now you say the she should contact you where before you said that, you should contact her. I am not trying to catch you here I am just trying to understand because your posts seem contraindicative to me. Soren
I am feeling quit annoyed and a bit angry by your presumption. Well the true meaning of you text is that using periods in texts is bad and should be avoided at all cost. Your text is messy and difficult to read because you use very few periods so its super long sentences covering several topics. The texts is in several places impossible to read: "Dictatorship, the use of force against the a majority, has always been, and will always be." What does this mean? Also nobody said you supported evolution which is why you should read up on it, because evolution is a fact. It will likely help you shed that religious nonsense. Soren
@daviddddddddddd If you doubt the earth is round I suggest you get on a high flying plane, flying over a ocean and look out the window. I would also suggest reading "The greatest show on earth" by Richard Dawkins for an explanation of evolution. @RestoringGuy "The state is just beginning influencing, leveraging and weaponizing the theory of evolution, I suspect only because it can't eradicate the theory in favor of more effective mechanisms of control." I don't understand what you mean here, how is the state weaponizing the theory of evolution? I guess its not like their weaponizing of the theory of gravity using it to create accurate weapons, launching spy satellites and ICBMs etc. but maybe my imagination is limited?
I am by no means an expert on anything concerning love and relations ships and I feel anxious about commenting on a conversation I didn't witness but this line caught my attention: "Then she told me that if there was a time in the future where she fully loved her self (so glad she was on the right track during this!) because she doesn't right now, and we were both single and we were still friends, she would give us a shot." This seem to me like she is stringing you along for some reason. And raises some questions for me. What does it mean to fully love her self? Why is she considering a relationship with you while being in another? Seems like a pot of gold waiting at the end of the rainbow kind of comment. Also I don't understand this line: "So like I said, it was no longer about letting her go as a friend harshly, but she suggested that I take my time to digest this all, do my own thing, and contact her again when I'm ready" What does this mean to you? What do you need to get ready for? Soren
Early Moments of Unverbalized Anarchy/Atheism?
Soren replied to MysterionMuffles's topic in Self Knowledge
Right now I can't remember when it was only that it was years before I learned about anarco capitalism and freedomain radio. I was thinking about how best to organized society and came to the conclusion that a society where it was voluntary whether you should pay tax and take advantage of government services or not, I found it problematic to have a tax based health service because I didn't think you could deny a sick person entry and so there would be a funding problem. I left it there and thought about other things so it never got further. Soren -
Hello, can you please feedback on my conduct and ...
Soren replied to LovePrevails's topic in Self Knowledge
Well my impression reading this was this: He set the terms for the discussion with his first comment and you followed suit in the same lane not raising the level. It seems to me that you don't actually provide evidence for the uninformed reader. And a few things I noticed: You state facts but all you got to back them up are statements and very brief videos of James Gilligan. Plus you go on to indirectly call your opponent primitive and wrong minded: "People become violent as a result of suffering severe trauma such as childhood neglect, abandonment or abuse (physical, emotional and/or sexual) --- that is not my opinion but established social science based on all the psychological data available to us. (Ie. if you go into prison you will find people who in childhood were never cuddled, hugged, played with, protected, guided, comforted, soothed, read to, listened to or tucked in, but mainly growled at, barked at, insulted, smacked, beaten, sexually assaulted and ignored.) The idea that "tough justice" ie. inflicting more trauma on an already traumatised/abused individual will make them better rather than worse is the result of a primitive kind of thinking ie. if you do something unpleasant to me then I will do something unpleasant back to you to teach you a lesson. The psychology shows clearly that It Does Not teach them a lesson, it makes them worse because they are now humiliated and want to get revenge. The reason why people continue to believe this even though all the data shows it is a wrong-minded way of looking at the situation, is usually because they were treated punitively as children, exposed to punishments, spanking, "strict-discipline" and told it was "for their own good" and so looking at the situation clearly for what it is would also ential having to reassess their own childhood for trauma and wounds inflicted on them advertently or inadvertently by their own care-givers. That can obviously be a very painful process for most people." "I already apologised, so I'm sorry if you were offended, it wasn't intended that way and I retract anything you found personal. " This statement I find disingenuous and insulting, first: you turn an apology into an explanation of the word apologise like he is a child. Then you say its a spray and pray apology "...I retract anything you..." you don't seem to actually care if he was offended or what offended him. Also its you who bring in the word "offensive" in to the conversation "I see, well I'm sorry if that was offensive, it...." You can't know if he would have said it was offensive if you had not introduced the word. Soren -
Looks Like Scientists Finally Figured Out What Causes More Violence!
Soren replied to Wesley's topic in Current Events
Well I have only read a few pages and the conclusion, but this article: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/history/postgraduate/ma_studies/mamodules/hi971/topics/interpersonal/long-term-historical-trends-of-violent-crime.pdf Seems to put a large question mark infront of the hypothesis that climate is a driver of human aggression especially if we use the hockey stick climate model. Soren -
Thank you for your comment, I have started searching for a therapist, but so far they are out of my price range costing 150-180$ per session of 45-60min which I can't afford at the moment they are pretty much all members of the same organization which have uniform prices. I am meeting with a personal problem councillor at my study every couple of weeks(seen her 3 times only available during the time school is open. Which I can keep seeing and plan to see, there is also a guidance councillor I can see if I want to chat about stuff. I do have a part time job witch can just support me. I do listen to Psychology podcasts and listener conversations which I find very enlightening. Regards Soren
On a more positive and personal descriptive node. I like and spend a lot of time being physically active, I bike everywhere try to run at least once a week, I climb a bit, swim, do handstand every day. The physical activity I find the most fun is dancing I have developed "my own" dance floor style which I continually develop to serve it as a universal base for dancing alone primarily or together with others. I like building accurate models, when I was little I made scale models, now I make 3d models as you can make them more accurate than what others can do. I like physics and chemistry, mostly physics but trying to better get a grasp of chemistry. I used to believe in my own Christian inspired god, where everybody would eventually go to heaven, hell was sort of a transitional place where you would realise your wrong doing before going to heaven, at one point when I was little it was both reincarnation and danish "Christianity". Richard Dawkins cured me of that nonsense and really turned me on to being rational and logical in the search for truth. I learned the scientific method which I perhaps. I like happy upbeat music like disco and pop, but also enjoy rock and classic. Queen, Michael Jackson, Genesis are some of the music I enjoy the most. Soren
Inside the world of 'real life Barbie' Valeria Lukyanova
Soren replied to Alan C.'s topic in Self Knowledge
I have never heard about getting a boob job or cosmetic surgery as a form of vengeance, vengeance against who, them self? Well I don't know but by fare the majority of women I meet seem to think they need to cover them self up in a ton of chemicals even the ones which are physically beautiful with out. -
Inside the world of 'real life Barbie' Valeria Lukyanova
Soren replied to Alan C.'s topic in Self Knowledge
Why do you think she was necessarily physically unattractive as a child? I have seen plenty of shows where normal and good looking women chose to have doctors cut in them self. Soren -
So briefly, I am a 27 year old male of northern European decent, born in the Danish taxfarm. I have taken an education as an outdoor guide. And is now going on my sixt year of the four required for a school teacher education. I have been depressed since about 2002 at least, in 2008 I decided to change my life by changing my diet which helped for a time then I went even further down hill until I almost hit bottom. I have from there continually modified my diet and is now on a workable level but I have continually experienced that I collapse emotionally and physically for weeks at a time now its down to a couple of days for me. I thought for a long time that my problems where physical and needed to be solved that way. I have solved many physical problems: Astma, exema, random pains and allergy but while I have improved my mood I still get depressed at times and end the day by crying in the shower. So while scouring health food subjects I found more and more people talking about gut and brain relation. Which let me on the path of finding out what the psyche means for health. At the same time a guy I know from the internet turned from a free marked capitalist to TZM and showered me with videos some of them Stef's that's how I first learned about this but I didn't get caught by them at the time only later I stumbled on again they immediately caught me so here I am about 3 months later. I have never had a girlfriend, I don't have any friends. I don't think I have much self empathy. Which I want to change. I am slowly starting to realise that my parents probably where not the best at the job. And no I am not going to apply for at job as a School teacher. Soren