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Is someone who has done an evil, an evil person forever, no matter what?
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First of all, apologies for not posting in the past week, I had exams and much homework. The lack of consent thing is a good question, it is perhaps a vestige of non-philosophical thought. No one in particular within a Walmart store owns the product, the entity known as the corporation does, this depersonalizes the incident and makes it somehow less unacceptable to me. I don't have a personal need for theft to be justifiable, I have not stolen. I know from listening to Stefan Molyneux, that he has stolen in the past because he was hungry. If what you are saying is true about different evil things being equally evil, at the point Stefan took something, he was equally evil as a mass murderer. Because you are here on the boards, and I assume that you are a listener to the show, that you think that Stefan is of upstanding moral character. Is there a balance of good and evil? Stefan has done evil in the past according to UPB and now he is not considered an evil person, is there redemption? To take an extreme hypothetical- if person A steals 5 candy bars on 5 occasions, and gives to charity 25 times, or if person B commits 5 murders and somehow gets away with it and goes on to be a lifeguard that rescues 25 people from drowning throughout his career? Does A=B in terms of morality, and would the person be moral, immoral, or amoral? If everything is equally immoral, 5 murders=5 candy bars stolen? "So if your roommate or his friend or a family member or whomever used your home to say rape you, you would just say, "Gee, I wish I didn't have two years left on my contract?"" This topic is my slight discomfort with theft, not my slight discomfort with having a dick up my ass. Whoever is giving me negative ratings, can you please say that you have and why. I would appreciate the feedback, whether it is that I am not being respectful enough, or you disagree with what I say, or whatever.
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My roommate and the person who was caught and charged are two different people. Well that is you, and with my life I have a two year contract to live in the dorms, that if I would break would cost, and there is no one in my life that I intimately in relationship with, and thus there is no one I trust to any high degree. The people I do trust more than others, either go to a different college or are quite a bit older than myself. Any abstract concept is made up. And just because something is made up, doesn't mean it should be so easily dismissed. Math was made up, but the ideas are true and testable. So in your view: Murder=Rape=Theft=Evil. They are all evil and none of them is a higher tier of evil? They are equally immoral?
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In the legal system, there are gradations of punishments for various crimes. A petty theft of say, a five dollar sandwich is treated as a misdemeanor, whereas a theft of a twenty thousand dollar car is treated as a felony. So there is an idea in society, and myself that some things are worse than others. Another example; A murder with prior premeditated intent to kill is viewed worse than say an accident. Why the roommate I have: We were assigned together by the university, I like to play video games with him, he shares, we get along well, and it is a good experience with him overall. I have been stolen from before. My bike last year was stolen, and walking by the bike rack from where it was stolen everyday after work brought sorrow, and tears almost began to roll down my cheeks a couple different times. Thankfully I was able to locate and recover my bike. Perhaps... I wear clothes in public, so I have a standard of modesty. I get homework finished on time so I have a standard of that, whatever that standard is called. Other standards as well. However, I do not think you are talking about standards in that way. I think the standard you speak of are ones of how I choose who to be in my social circles? I would not hang out with people known to rape or murder. I did however have a Ukrainian coworker over the summer that expressed the want to murder Russians, blacks, and Jews.. He was very nationalistic and racist. It did concern and disturb me, but I did not leave the job.
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My roommate told me about this.. Last night someone who I consider to be an acquaintance and possible friend broke the law. He was with a group of other teenagers looking for booze and they ended up at a store and many stole liqueur. The police came and arrested many people, including him on the suspicion of stealing alcohol. It turned out that he only stole a sandwich, so he spent three hours in jail and was released and has a future court date. This wasn't the first time that he has committed theft. My roommate who is his friend told me of his other exploits. Amongst them was wearing baggy pants into Walmart and waiting for the "coast to be clear" to cross into the Walmart bathroom with alcohol and then tape the booze to the inside of the pant leggings and walk out of the store undetected. Deposit the loot into their vehicle and then go and go back and do that as many times as desired. I asked my roommate his age; 18, and if he would buy the alcohol rather than resorting to theft if he could legally. My roommate said that he would, and that gave me a sense of okayness about the ordeal. (Drugs shouldn't be illegal anyways, this kind of thought.) The sandwich is a different story, it is not illegal to buy sandwiches at any age and he also had enough money on him to make a purchase. My roommate is also a thief, he steals traffic cones and then takes the remaining ones and spaces them evenly. He currently has two cones in our room that he is using as decoration, and I admit it looks rad. I find that these do not bother me as much as it maybe should. Same with kleptocracy, our government farmers taking the fruits of our labors. That does not bother me as much as my government murdering people overseas, especially the signature drone strikes in Pakistan, resulting in the deaths of children who have nothing to do with terrorism. I think that my tolerance for theft is one of the reasons I am not fully on board with anarchy. I have some questions that I wish for people commenting bellow to answer: 1. Is theft a lesser of the three evils? (murder, rape, and theft) 2. What are some arguments other than UPB that find theft disagreeable? 3. Can a thief make a good friend, would you be friends with someone who you know steals?
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I am wondering if any of you play the game: Ayakashi Ghost Guild? If you do my username is Acabobie and the guild I am in is {ANARCHY}. Please contact me and we can be clan mates and guild mates! If you do not play the game, just search for the game on an iOS(apple) or Android cellular device, download and have fun!* Please use my Invitation ID when first signing onto Ayakashi Ghost Guild: "238094722821" For doing that we will both gain some bonus items that will help us in this game. *Fun may be acquired if you like card-based games like Pokemon, Magic The Gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh, etc.. and/or like lore of myths.
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^ What you said! I really need examples here. Preferably ones that are easy to understand, and apply to the real physical universe not just in idea. If one cannot be thought of with "Moving from order to disorder, entropy can be considered a form of destruction." Please then use simple analogies.
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I actually have a video of myself up on youtube from awhile ago for a highschool project. If you are interested in that, I can pm you the link.
"Are Zombies Real? Has The Apocalypse Already Occured?" video, Stefan Molyneux expressed similar ideas to yours, so there is an idea how it came about rather than just dawning on you. haha I had a similar idea to make videos of just me talking with whatever is on my mind to the camera, and it felt too awkward and I would stumble quite a bit because a part of me was saying how idiotic it is to talk to an inanimate object. With a script/notes I wouldn't stumble as much but would have my eyes drawn to them.. which also doesn't make a good video. I am curious, can you tell me how you feel when creating these videos?
Other than my chemistry course in college I am at a loss and know little of this, do you care to expand on your thought there? Anyways I looked up the definition and the 5th definition on the website I like for the purposes of this thread. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/entropy En-tro-py... "5. Inevitable and steady deterioration of a system or society." In some other words that come to mind, "what goes up must come down" and "nothing lasts forever". I think we found a good model for counterexamples to my idea. It is a destruction that is not sudden, that decays/deteriorates until it is no longer recognizable as that something. Examples would be the many empires in the world.. It also brings an interesting question to mind, if anarchy becomes accepted globally will it too give way to this kind of entropy?
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HOLD IT! Only abstract. The idea destruction has no matter or energy itself. It has no existence physically. P.S. By the way nice Phoenix Wright pic!
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That could work. Two individuals mingle and create another individual, and then that individual undergoes the process of aging. 9 months to be born after being a zygote and to conceive over 50% after 3 months. So the creation process is lets say, a year.On average (and I would still believe this would be the case including stillborn and aborted) humans live longer than a year. I was thinking more along the lines of intended creation and destruction like example 1, and 3.. Example 2, well people talk and gossip, it is not necessarily occurring to the intent of destroying a reputation or perception and also that reputation is not something physical, it is abstract and subjective to different sects of the community. A baby could also be destroyed within seconds of a murderous thought.. I feel dubious about this topic question now. I could say that there is a diamond sword that is made in a couple hours and then someone for some reason explodes a fusion bomb directly on top of it in 30 minutes of the decision, and I would be like hmmm... wonder if the diamond sword still recognizable as a diamond sword?
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I wonder if decaying fits into damaging as in how destruction is defined here. Decaying isotopes would still be the same element as the number of protons does not change, the neutrons do. So the heavy element that you speak of is not destroyed, just changed isotope over time.
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Hello from imaginary confinement called Poland
acabobie replied to markovcd's topic in Introduce Yourself!
Welcome! I like the title of this! I hope you are able to have deep and interesting conversation. To find success here in connecting where only in your romantic life that has been a good success.