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Everything posted by acabobie

  1. Thanks you two! Philschneider, that is what I was talking about! Not many of the people I meet at my university has much of an interest in philosophy. So what I am comparing myself to is like comparing myself in an arm wrestling competition with elementary school kids. Lookie here, I am stronger! They spend time more on going to parties where they can make the horizon seem vertical while standing up looking straight, getting in bed with college chicks, video games (many of them sports), and also talking about sports.
  2. I wish to keep this short as I believe that my beliefs may influence other's responses to this topic. Is what a sentient being(human) believes in a choice? Please discus bellow and I will join in again later!
  3. I created an account on this website July of last year and hardly touched it. Recently I have been feeling like I wanted to become more involved in the FDR community. I have been listening to the show for over a year and now I am 20, but ever so much more enlightened philosophically than the age relative to my peers. I hope to have good conversations here with you all!
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