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Jeffrey Techentin

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    New Hampshire

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. https://news.vice.com/video/the-canadian-jihadist?utm_source=vicefbus
  2. Does she have a mental trait that she is the victim or is that her story so that you will stick around and feel for her?
  3. How far off am I when I say that it sounds like your father could not deal with your mom's codependent behavior anymore and dumped her on you. You say she is obsessed with you but if bringing your feelings to the relationship (talking about how your relationship with her is so bad that you are thinking of leaving the it) "would kill her literally" I cannot see how she is obsessed with you. Sounds like she is using you as a tool to not be alone with herself, for some reason.
  4. It is not what I really hoped. Almost a very small presence of people into philosophy. A very party-centric atmosphere with a few exceptions. I love the geography (although my girlfriend is less happy with the cold).
  5. Thanks guys for the understanding I moved to New Hampshire for the Free State Project to check it out. I had no idea what to except but I just really wanted to get out of college and did not want to live at home, which it was not thaat far from as I am from Rhode Island.
  6. Hey there! Although I have been a member of Freedomain Radio for some time and consumed oh so many podcasts I have never participated on the boards. So I guess I will "Let [you] know who [am] and how got here!" I am a 21 year old guy living in New Hampshire with my girlfriend. I dropped out of college to move to New Hampshire. I was raised catholic and now am an atheist voluntaryist. I got here through my desire to understand society and convince people about how dangerous and wrong tribal domination within society is (more about that later). With that goal in mind I first watched Stef's video Jon Stewart's 19 Tough Questions for Libertarians!. The answers Stefan gave in that video made a ton of sense and showed the power of a principled philosophic approach. I think that I did not participate in the boards for so long because I was so used to being 'beat into' a social group. My history of entering social circles during my childhood is one of getting ridiculed, insulted and beat up and the amount of vulnerability I would be showing in this community by participating feels to my amygdala like walking a room of angry drunks, insulting their sports team and tying my hands behind my back. After processing a lot of that, I have finally gotten up the courage though knowledge that I will not experience the same abuse here, to participate in what I think is the greatest conversation of all time.
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