Hey there! Although I have been a member of Freedomain Radio for some time and consumed oh so many podcasts I have never participated on the boards. So I guess I will "Let [you] know who [am] and how got here!"
I am a 21 year old guy living in New Hampshire with my girlfriend. I dropped out of college to move to New Hampshire. I was raised catholic and now am an atheist voluntaryist. I got here through my desire to understand society and convince people about how dangerous and wrong tribal domination within society is (more about that later). With that goal in mind I first watched Stef's video Jon Stewart's 19 Tough Questions for Libertarians!. The answers Stefan gave in that video made a ton of sense and showed the power of a principled philosophic approach.
I think that I did not participate in the boards for so long because I was so used to being 'beat into' a social group. My history of entering social circles during my childhood is one of getting ridiculed, insulted and beat up and the amount of vulnerability I would be showing in this community by participating feels to my amygdala like walking a room of angry drunks, insulting their sports team and tying my hands behind my back.
After processing a lot of that, I have finally gotten up the courage though knowledge that I will not experience the same abuse here, to participate in what I think is the greatest conversation of all time.