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Holo Cene

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Everything posted by Holo Cene

  1. Your wife is protecting valuable social networks that will ensure future happiness for you and for you family. At least that is how she see's it.
  2. There is a reason why war is propagated. War is the diversion of intellectual resource and capital, bent to the innovation of death dealing mechanisms. The reason this occurs is to distort and divert the market for the intellectual creativity of the people away from the innovations that could render the government obsolete. The geniuses who otherwise could be potentially working toward the betterment of mankind are now working on ways of maximizing death on the battlefield.
  3. I think of love as the fullness of true exchange. The other who has given reason and evidence of virtue is the extension of a trust that allows the loosening of protective boundaries that can then lead to an emotional exchange where the self becomes intermingled with another thus selfishness can then be extended to another and the reflection of the self in the other achieves a balance of mutuality and reciprocity which leads to the true motivation and desire to extend good and eschew evil towards another person.
  4. I think a game could be fun. You could do tell a lie or tell the truth kind of game and have some consequences to both. Then you can talk about lying and telling the truth and the differences and reasons for both. Something that obviously has a fun factor in order to make it engaging and incentive based.
  5. The emotions and the thoughts that arise from the situation can be insistently calling for attention, which you ignore for whatever reason. These situations bring out these patterns to be clearly seen. To describe it as love and closure are just catch phrases to hide the inner implications from yourself. This is the potential to see things more clearly.
  6. I would not visit her. I fill my need for connection by turning that desire inward and letting my own personality digest and nourish me. I do understand that this connection must turn outward at some point and look forward to that day. Meeting people and being social is the mountain that needs to be climbed here. These type of situations may just be the delays from beginning that hard work. There is nothing to gain from visiting her. Just old wounds and the same problems that caused the break up. That being said, there is opportunity in the actual situation as it does highlight some aspects of yourself that could be illuminated by your responses.
  7. Thought it would be nice to hear some poetry from you guys. Here is one from me to get it started. The mantid green lush insomnia a dream unravel like the spine of my unwritten story Lie awake in the perfume of the making. We who as time, unbent and ever cheerful.
  8. It is already on Netflix instant watch where I saw it last night. An unveiling of the mask of Statism. Absolutely blistering.
  9. Just kiss her and see what happens.
  10. It might be a criticism she places upon you that you are not taking her needs into account when you have conversations. Analytically trying to figure out why people ascribe one culture to a specific spice might be interesting to you, but not necessarily to other people. Conversation is most certainly an art form, and a skill. Broaden that horizon as a general rule and in her case take her desires into account of what she finds interesting. Emotional content is always of prime importance. If she is telling you that bluntly it has perhaps happened often in the past and she is telling you now after many such conversations.
  11. Wow, your situation sounds difficult to say the least. It is a tragedy the things people do to the ones they claim to love. I feel a lot of empathy with your situation and I remember those feelings of dread and anxiety when dealing with my mother. You now have your best interests firmly in sight, and I would imagine your whole being is rejoicing at that fact. As you reveal more of the healthy part of your spirit the more hope and momentum you build. Whatever you do maintain strict boundaries between you and your family until you figure a way out so they cannot try to drag you back into the hell with them.
  12. Wow, what absolute bravery to even ask the question. I'm in America and I do not choose to share as much as you seem to want to. It boils down to exactly what you are hoping to achieve and having reality based expectations. If there is any good to be done then I would say that you do it, but it has to be tempered against the fact that most people would consider it a taboo to discuss things outside of conformist conventions. If you meet a curious person with intelligence and openness sharing your ideas might be a good idea, but otherwise tread carefully.
  13. It seems to me that your dream was a rough sketch of your current psychological struggles. The indoctrination and the panic of the classroom versus the terror and panic of freedom. Of the abandonment of the safety of invisibility versus the terror of the "zombie" attack, which is essentially the attacks that will come from all of the people still caught in the matrix. Once you leave the confines of anonymity and invisibility and become your own identity you fear the rabid hordes of mindless zombies quite literally. Jaime I think is a reference to yourself. You don't know this Jaime which is yourself, but she is coming and you will meet her as she is waiting in the chair. The immobility of this Jaime is also telling, She is sitting and waiting. Daniel is a representation of the potential of the outside. The freedom of goal and orientation. The baby step of digging a hole, just because you want to. I hope this is helpful.
  14. If you woke up and you were a member of the opposite sex, what do you think would change? I just saw this somewhere and would love to hear your answers.
  15. What unbelievable evil we inflict upon our children and call it " the best we could do". It is quite simply a testament to your intelligence and virtue that you strive to reach wholeness and it should not be underestimated. Your strength of character alone is a powerful message to yourself about what you are capable of. People succumb to their histories every day and it is something special to reach beyond the darkness and see the light. I think the autonomy of decision making comes from a direct and authentic experience of the self. You know what you want, and you know how to formulate plans and goals. When you exist solely as defense mechanisms to memories and traumas and damage, you cannot express your true self because all of your considerable mental fortitude is spent propping up the bulwark of emotional collapse. What you do with your anger will be determined by your growth as a human being. As you grow, so too will your ability to adjudicate the decisions that are right for you. If there is any justice here, it will be in your capable hands in finding it for yourself. The only help there can be is in identifying evil and exposing the truth under the lies. You seem to be seeing things rather clearly though I do not understand how such wanton evil could ever be given a half-assed apology.
  16. Bravo! Great conversation with yourself. I must do this more often.
  17. You have a lot of impediments to a healthy and organic relationship to reality. One of the fundamental relationships is the romantic relationship and I can see that it is putting a strain on your inner cognition. You cannot be fully healthy until you negotiate the realm of the sexual relationship but at the same time you are faced with a completely ass backwards emotional history and experience with sexuality. You are confused and anxious about it as you should rightfully be. The work of untangling and changing these patterns of emotion can only come from hard work and persistent dedication to experiencing the dynamics of sex and relationships and to introduce new experiences and experiments within that sphere. Your body unfortunately is much more cautious in potentially dangerous situations and for you sex is most certainly dangerous. Your body must relearn it's orientation to sex and to feel and find out in the real world that sex is not monstrous and shameful and despicable, but healthy, natural and good. This takes a lot of work, and a lot of bravery but it is most certainly worth it as it is one of the foundations of life, quite literally.
  18. I would say it is all a part of the process. Keep things in perspective and always have radar for bad people. It is also part of the journey to improve and change with each mistake/problem you encounter. It definitely is not your responsibility that your previous girlfriends cheated, but it is true that we live in a world where females have wayyyyyy more options than men. This phenomena is known in part as hypergamy and keeping aware that it is a voluntary relationship and that you should do your utmost to be the very best man that your woman can choose to be with. You should aim to become the greatest gift to women that the world has ever seen. Aim for the stars and you'll reach the clouds or so they say. Approach wise, I think it is a function of your emotions and how you feel in specific situations and what it is you want to do and which women you want to approach. It is all up to you.
  19. The problem is that I have proof that it isn't god but an all powerful being I like to call The Fart Monster. I have the only copy of the Fart Monster Bible if you want me to quote anything from it. " And thus he spaketh with his anus, and he sayeth unto the darkness, Pffttthhhhhssddtttttt which translates to "let there be smell." " Fartgenesis 1:1 That has as much validity as your theory does.
  20. I am living proof that too much masturbation causes blindness.
  21. No ice cream for you!
  22. I watched the recent Stefan Molyneux podcast about how the intellectual left has basically gutted the ambition of the poor through the indoctrination of hopelessness. They spout messages of how impossible it is to achieve any financial mobility. To stop working for the "man". I feel that the prevailing message against women will have the same effect. It will neuter the man's attempts and prospects before he has even fully stepped his foot out into the real world of dating. Masculinity and femininity. The divison of labor of the sexes. For many reasons these two diametrically opposed strategies offer a keen insight into the problems that men face in the world today. For all the differences between men and women, the similarities are what I am hoping to tease apart. There seems to be a lot of confusion and anger towards modern women, and ultimately this emotional baggage prevents healing and solution. Women are in this game to succeed. They are not willfully malignant, nor are they sociopathic by and large. They are just trying to navigate the world just as men are. They are trying to find happiness and fulfillment just as men are. How this happens is the important question. The mating game is as old as well, mating is. The female strategy is one that is sourrounded by the concerns and strategies of the "egg". The egg requires much more investment biologically. She takes a lot of time to make one, and she is also the one who must carry the child until birth. Females then become the choosers of males, simply because they have much more invested in each egg and therefore must choose wisely or risk physical or genetic death. She would have to choose the right man, because in the milieu of our evolution we lived in small groups. Any wrong move made the consequences quite grave. Family alliances, and infidelities and cuckoldry would have left thier scars on numerable women, the ones who were careless were mercilessly wiped from genetic history. There is a precarious balancing act in all of our emotional curcuitry. She has strict requirements for her attraction mechanism's that need to be met. Just as a man finds a lovely symmetrical face and a nice body with ample proportionate measurements, to be very attractive, she also has her attraction switches which are governed by wholly different criteria. That being said, she can only choose from the men who are brave enough to approach and attract her. She is not the one who will go out of her way to find a man, especially one who does not have the courage to even try. A male strategy on the other hand is based around the "sperm". A males sperm in comparison to the egg is magnitudes smaller, both physically and genetically. The male can mass produce sperm, while the female must carefully assemble the egg. A male can produce daily, while females do so much more slowly. He is much more inclined to desire females for their physical bodies and physical attributes because his investment is so tiny in comparison to hers, biologically speaking. This is not to say that a man will not carry water for a woman, it is just to say that women face abandonment for her child and herself with the wrong choice. For a man he just has to requeue his sperm for another cannonball run. For the male strategy, this means one of two things; he either pair bonds and has a monogamous relationship with a single female to ensure his genetic legacy and fidelity, or he tries to mate with as many females as possible or as many females as will allow him. He does this by indicating genetic fitness, which is displayed across an expansive resume. The first one before all others, is the bravery to face failure, to face her rejection. Females and males are contending with a mating paradigm unprecedented in our history. Our cities are filled to the brim with people. You could not even hope to meet all the eligible single people in your city, let alone the country. If you gave every eligible single person of the opposite sex in your city 5 minutes, it would take you 300 years without break. There is birth control and condoms, and pornography and movies and cultural propoganda. This means that the old mating curcuitry is outdated by thousands of years. You are essentially living in the old skin of your ancestors when you should be out there learning the new paradigm, terrible perversions and all. You have to relearn how to date and mate. The goal posts are constantly being moved by society to keep the family from manifesting. To keep men from discovering that they must learn a new way each day. This leaves the mating duties taken up by braver men who ultimately use a harem based startegy because they have as much access as they have effort, and leaves good men floundering for air. They do not know how to attract women, do not understand that women have specific needs in men. There is no escape to some idealized paradise of beautiful mating cohesion. That is upon us to do. That task is upon us the achieve and work hard for. There is no short cuts or happy endings. We make it all happen through our will and our determination in our goals, be it family or otherwise. Many males of integrity are truly finding this surreal horrorshow landscape in dating and mating. They are facing the desolation of the marriage institution and the female hypergamy treadmill in all it's glory. The danger sourrounds him, but all it is is knowledge to use as a shield. Truth to use as a sword. He must go out and discover himself in the achievment of his goals and his aspirations. He must find the woman he has always sought. He can be content with bitterness and anger at his fate, or he can discover the truth. The game was always the same, the rules have just been shuffled around.
  23. God I love me some Kenny Powers.
  24. I think men hate Justin Bieber because he projects onto life the things they hate about themselves, the fakeness and the identity issues. They want to see a confident man who is strong and secure, while Bieber is none of those things. He has not learned any of the lessons of life, that good parents and people would have taught him. All he has learned is the superficial, shallow narcissism given to him by sychophants and predatory sociopaths and this in turn is reflected on grown men who see this same immaturity within themselves and they rail against it because they rail against their own deficiencies. Just wasting energy on hate is enough of an indication of how personal it is..
  25. A creepy person is someone who has very little emotional control. They exhibit behaviors motivated by emotion rather than thought. This leads women to view them as unstable and allows women to label an emotional response to an unattractive man, but also a potentially dangerous man. It is just a mental shortcut that allows women to quickly judge their safety in certain situations. You have to remember women are physically weaker than men. Imaging if you were sexually attracted to a woman who was taller than you and stronger than you. Kind of changes the dynamic don't it? A woman who does not have the capacity to rightfully judge a man would be quickly weeded out of the gene pool.
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