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What if evolution, was imposed through chemicals fired off in the brain. Mutations incited by neural chemistry. Now what if, there was a certain neurological organization of chemicals, that makes people ultimately powerful. Or perhaps a chemical compound unheard of or unnatural, that needs to be synthesized that can ultimately change or enhance our senses. Maybe a chemical that can permanently change our brain chemistry... Can predict and sense future timelines, can teleport, can de-materialize and re-materialize, invincibility... and so on. Interesting concept to ponder, especially with biological sciences and the future of molecular technology. How would one go about testing this theory with the scientific method? By using animals and pumping them with certain chemicals and having them breed vs others left pure? What do you guys think of this, and do you have any of your own scientific theories to which could be tested through the scientific method?
War is definitely not righteous, but in a society that irrationally viewed it as honorable, our civilization would be the apex. Murder isn't apart of life, I meant that death is inevitable to everyone, irrespective to duration and time. I'm apathetic and demand change from myself and my environment, and I just cannot see any other options within my race against time. My intention is to express a slightly understandable view of those who join war, and why they do it. It's not only anger and desperation, but change that leads others to this road.
My logic is sound because of a few things. 1. Energy surrounds us and everything is a chemical compound. 2. Chemical compounds can transmute into other matter. 3. Chemical compounds supplied with energy create complex organic molecules and adapt through chaos into a basic form of life. 4. Chaos is instilled through energy, in particular... star light. Which causes the basis of mutation and evolution. These compounds never erase themselves or disappear. They will always transmute into the collective surrounding energy, making you ultimately infinite. To try and see otherwise is to deny your current existence. Death can never be void, because you only exist temporarily in a finite form, infinite from source. God is many definitions and erroneous in biblical and belief terms of a person or an identity that could have feelings or opinions. God by my definition is simply a process of death and rebirth, chemical transmutation, and chaos instilled mutation. If you guys don't agree with my definition, that's fine... I don't use the term to describe it, and this is the first time and last time I will most likely ever post something about this... If you disagree, if you think the theory sucks, then whatever... but I'm posting it here, hoping some eyes see it and view it as an interesting and plausible proposition to recognizing a source.
Woke up junior / senior year in high-school, after watching the first zeitgeist film. Opened my eyes about religion and the federal reserve, did ample research, found it extremely fun and entertaining to immerse myself into the conspiracy world. Stayed with the zeitgeist movement, advocated such things as an RBE (resourced based economy,) with addendum and moving forward. Started watching Stefan Molyneux after viewing his video "Statism, cages + the murder of conscience". Video spoke to me and put things clearly into perspective about the state and taxation. The speech was moving and passionate and I showed all my friends. Did my own independent research from 2007 - 2012. However, I've always been into philosophy and education, and within the beginning of 2013, I started listening to your podcasts, starting with the introductory volume. I'm currently on volume 1, podcast 44. Have been learning much about the state, and on my off time I'm reading the entirety of Sagans astronomy books and rands fictional perspective on the state, as advocated by molyneux in many of his podcasts. I read at work on my free time and listen to his podcasts on my daily 2hr drive. Stef is my teacher and a great inspiration in my intellectual venture.
The thought of death does not bother me, the thought of murder does not bother me. It's an inevitable consequence, but the reason for the murder is what bothers. The reason that you're told to be somewhere, somewhere you shouldn't be, which causes others to defend themselves, for you to defend your life. Killing someone is an atrocity of wasted potential, but it's also apart of life. Death is apart of life, just as all energy transmutation is absolute. Things will always die, and life is about the good and the bad, because without the bad... the good can never taste so sweet. The psychology of being used... is irrelevant to the fact of having a radical environment change and having a perspective which is unknown to most people, within a finite life span. Having the struggle, enduring the pain, will always make wiser, those of whom already have hearts of stone. I need drastic life change, irrespective of what the philosophy or idea of being there is. The objective facts of learning to defend yourself, primitive survival skills, being paid to life in another country, meeting others, and having said that you have experienced such a huge part of civilization, outweighs the biased and true opposition of it. The objective facts as stated, will always outweigh "what we think". If war was righteous, it would be the greatest thing ever... but it's all just a perspective, and if I handle myself well... I can be a force for good.
I understand joining the cause of destruction and death, for profit of a few. But I also understand that not changing my environment, and staying in a stasis, waiting for my life to count down, is also not the answer. I need dramatic change, I have no possibility for love or truth with the place I'm at in my life, and seeing the hypocrisy and wasted potential is slow suicide. I would rather be in another country somewhere, meeting new people, reading my books, and possibly making change for the better, knowing the comrades to the left and to the right are brainwashed, while I see through the grinding and draining words of the sheep dogs. The truth is, I would rather join any cause and have a life, over waiting for a cause to reach me, and waiting for potential to reach me... because I cannot move out on the finances I accrue. I cannot afford school, or willing to accept the non-intuitive nature of academia, stasis of innovation. To pay interest for knowledge, to owe years for credence. I am a skilled information systems technician, and I have nothing but pain and heartache, being passed up by women my entire life, having abandonment issues from not only my father and mother, but my brother as well. I've been my best, I've tried my best, but as I grow older, I see the potential for joining something other than myself, as fading. Fading like the innocence of a younger me, to an individualist, that knows the errors, but seeks the flame of opportunity and change. The conflicting nature of my age group not understanding my words, or not seeing the disease and poison of the state in front of them. The conflicting nature of my appearance and those women willing to date only the cliche "protector" type, unwilling to see the strengths I offer. Violent as I may be, I tried to be a bad boy, I worked out, I fought, I bled my graciousness and altruism dry to be a taker and not a giver. In the end, my attitude and selflessness wasn't the problem of acceptance, it was something exterior, still unknown to me. I would rather join the wolves leading the sheep, and possibly help some of the sheep along the way, than wait in my cage, to die. Anger envelopes me, changes my cause from bringing down the state, to throwing fuel on the fire and being the state. Destruction awaits all in a society perturbed of such ignorance Might as well become that destruction, so we all can see a brighter day... sooner rather than later.
Beginning of the film, wolverine is depicted as witnessing the horrors of war through the atomic destruction of nagasaki in ww2. Saving a guards life, one of those honorable in the soldiers in the war, by throwing him in a nearby well and covering him with a metal shield as logan is roasted, depicting the mass destruction of a nuclear weapon leaving miles barren and killing millions of people. This was a clear start indicating the horror of war. Logan is an outcast in alaska, and eventually gets tracked down by the soldiers relative, in the future, as the soldier wants his regenerating power so he could live forever. However, wolverine denied, as most people would prefer to live than die, so the antagonists back-up plan was to bankrupt his company by throwing billions into an adamantium robot samurai. His goal was everlasting life and was supported by his relatives because they had "honor," and "allegience," for him, like a lower rank following orders. Near the end of the movie, one of the sons said "This is not the answer, this is not the way." This is a clear message of "using aggression and force is not the answer to solving your problems." Logan, after declining the removal of his regeneration, so he could save the old man, was infected by a serpent lady that put a nano bot dragon that leached onto his heart and held onto it like a parasite, which made him weaker and hindered his healing ability. This was a clear analogy of the parasite of politicians and bureaucrats / federal reserve banking, investing in war and military spending. Once logan found out about the parasite, he had to get it off his heart, even if it killed him, he was willing to take the chance of removing the cancer. In hindsight... this movie was deep and I encourage any FDR members to check it out and watch it from the perspective as stated.
This has brought me immense joy, and seeing as the lyrics are rather poetic and uplifting, and have a philosophical connotation, it's rather fitting and would most likely be enjoyed by many within the community. Give it a chance, you'll love it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGfguhnvECc
I had a theory that passion and emotion, understanding of what is happy and good, and what is sad and bad, to be put simply. We derive feelings of happiness from relative harm in the past. And feelings of sadness from relative happiness in the past. Meaning, that a life full of joy can only lead to inevitable strife at any small inconvenience, while a life of sadness will lead to inevitable happiness at the smallest convenience. So a perfect society could not exist, because it would eventually lead to its eradication. A middle ground is the only possible reality of harmony. Does this make any sense?
Atheism is for those who need evidence before taking the leap of acknowledgement, and those who have evidence against the conventional "god". As stef would say, "One cannot be all knowing and all powerful." Agnosticism is for those who acknowledge the possibility but fail to see the conflicting nature of evidence of no evidence. Atheism is the proud stance against religion and agnosticism is the cruel center that condones such moral hypocrisy.
You either have life and you exist in reality with a source, or you don't and you're dead and you don't exist. The atomic structure of your being is no longer symbiotic with existence you and decay because of your source dying off, turning that "1" to a "0". But that source cannot eradicate itself and disappear into nothingness. You're not understanding me or I mis-worded my meaning. I'm putting energy on a secondary timeline that encompasses our entire reality like a blanket. It's a theory, but I see the logic in it, and I don't see logic in annihilation of energy, as there's a finite amount it in the universe, and science has told us otherwise.
God has a stigma against it, which tampers its meaning through bias. I am an atheist, but it doesn't have anything to do with god or deities. My definition of god, is completely different, and I ignore the deity of supreme power. Might as well cut that word out, because it's not very particular about philosophy and denotes faith. It may seem like common sense and such a particular cannot be drawn by such a basic element of reality, but most do not acknowledge the layer of energy transformation all around them. The underlying force that converts and subtracts chemical compounds, creates alchemical combinations and evolves our natural biology through adaption. If such a supreme force exists,,, we know space + time exist, why not gravity + energy?
Life as we know it, was an accident of energy from stars cooking the energy around chemical compounds, somehow instilling life and creating self-replicating organisms. Amoebas. Helium, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Hydrogen, Etc All of this was supposedly started by a big bang, but that had to have some sort of 'energy source,' as all life basically has some sort of origin of energy. You consume food for energy, your body absorbs the chemical compounds and for some reason, your body stays alive and nourishes itself. There is an underlying energy behind your being, as is every living organism. Upon death, there is a time you will take your last breath, and this energy will fade. But knowing the laws of thermodynamics, energy cannot be created or destroyed. This energy then is transmuted to the surrounding areas of a literal cosmic ocean of energy. An ocean of energy that is as universal as gravity. An easier way to describe it would be, a living organism = "1" A dead organism = "0" That number is indestructible and will always lead back to a source of living energy and life that is also finite and quantifiable, just undiscovered. These absolute rules of energy creating life and gravity creating space and time, leads to the ultimate conclusion : "That god is energy, and that the stigma of 'god,' is no longer accurate. Its not one person and its source has no opinion or preference, just objectivity. Just take appreciation in knowing that your identity may fade with death, but you will never be destroyed. Your life force and energy will always stay alive. Those that study science, find a reinforcement of this, through the tentative resolutions of physics, and we can sort of see a god that doesn't think... a god that operates on rules and doesn't waver or compromise. As consistent as the next day and not willing to destroy itself (you). God is science and it doesn't make decisions.