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Everything posted by shirgall

  1. President Trump is taking steps in the direction away from authoritarianism, if the past month is any indicator, including long-lasting items like nominating Gorsuch who is biased away from executive branch overreach. The biggest tell is the nationwide temper tantrums over rolling back executive power.
  2. I think the goal of the antis is to have enough gotchas to easily get casual gun owners in a bind, and inconsistency to make potential gun owners too daunted to want to do it. It's a battle of attrition. They don't own guns themselves, so they are unaffected. The ones that do have enough dedication or bodyguards to deal with the paperwork.
  3. Not metaphors, just arguments wholly based on a comparison that looks *like* a metaphor but is instead an invalid analogy.
  4. To Breitbart's credit they did not ask him to resign, but they did let him know that six different employees threatened to quit unless he left. Those six people could have expressed their displeasure in some other way that was not damaging to the organization. Frankly, I wouldn't want people to stay if they already threatened to retreat under fire, but I'm not the boss.
  5. I didn't say don't challenge anyone. I said defend against obvious attacks. You don't fold or show factionalism under fire.
  6. Charles Murray in By The People pointed out that the way to fight is by closing ranks and not giving in, by pooling our resources to defend those who are under attack. The Left wants to divide us and defeat us in detail. We should never tolerate any smear campaign. CPAC are wimps. Breitbart shouldn't have accepted Milo's resignation. We shouldn't have wasted time digging up dirt on the Left because it's not persuasive. We should always focus on the truth. Milo is being attacked because he has an audience. Yes, Saul Alinsky's rules for radicals are being used here, but the way to deal with it is well-defined in SJW's Always Lie. Don't apologize. Don't waver from the message. Truth is preferable to falsehood.
  7. I have not yet found a comparison of the quotes with the original to see if the 'deceptively edited' claim is true.
  8. Concealed Carry, the $200 Suppressor tax and ban, are just small pieces of tens of thousands of regulations that are already on the books. There's still really evil stuff like the hollowpoint felony in New Jersey, and mandatory registration in some states...
  9. Some states are better than others in many regards, gun laws are the most annoying patchwork of bizarre restrictions, fees, and requirements you can imagine.
  10. There are different clocks on different sides of the tower. Apparently the one side has been 1:15 since the 50s.
  11. You might want to learn how, and build the capacity to, make booze, bread, and bullets...
  12. I don't think anyone advocates investing in any single thing. It's always a mix. You always hedge against one form or another of investment failing utterly. Investment isn't just assets, also. It's skills. Friends. Family. Location. Situation.
  13. What the market can bear, so they say. when I moved from the bottom of Washington to near Seattle my sales taxes went up 25% and property taxes went up a similar amount (although I rent up here). It was shocking the general difference in retail demeanor for such a seemingly small difference. Taxes change very slowly so no one senses the shock that I did. Property taxes were hiked around me in the recent election. It was a close change, but it passed.
  14. I knew a lot of people that thought Ron Paul had a decent run and that they'd never let the RNC get away with treating a candidate like the way they did again... I have to wonder if that had some effect on Trump's run. I don't think Ron's run pushed anyone to the left.
  15. Taxation is determined by pushing it as far as they can to maintain a level of consent. Still determined by individuals.
  16. Can you change anything more by not voting? I'd like to think that the groundwork I did with Ron Paul and my own runs for office had some effect on some people. That has to be more of an effect than not doing anything at all.
  17. "Here, by thy magic rites, I swear, if thou wilt deliver me from this peril, and restore me to my home, to offer to thy holy shrine, the first human being that presents itself at my gates to welcome my approach." Source: http://epublications.marquette.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1013&context=english_gothic
  18. Every day I see liberals on my Facebook feed gnashing their teeth over what Trump is doing or could be doing and I remind them that their complacency about power consolidation is the threat that has been realized. Sometimes you have to break through the cognitive dissonance, but it's a lot easier making the point with Trump in office than with Hillary. Let me to add to Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes statement "detached reflection cannot be demanded in the presence of an uplifted knife" that in the presence of a real threat to freedom of speech, freedom of association, freedom of religion, and freedom from taxation and debt in the form of unfettered refugee migration and collectivist migrants demands action and not inaction... and inaction includes voting for non-viable candidates or not voting at all.
  19. "The" answer among a short list of viable candidates, sure. I did my stint pushing libertarian candidates, and then Ron Paul. I know what "viable" means. There's nothing short-sighted about voting for Trump if the result is that people seek harder to limit the power of the government.
  20. I have to take issue with this. The way that Stefan "supported him" was to champion stopping the massive government welfare program that is taking in large numbers of "refugees" and illegally entering migrants of doubtful intelligence or willingness to pay taxes who don't understand the language or culture, and don't have meaningful job skills. If libertarians don't understand and support this they need to examine the question a bit more deeply.
  21. They should support Trump, because nothing makes people on the losing side want to limit government more than watching someone use the power they thought they gave their own guy.
  22. That's exactly how prices are determined: What am I willing to give to get what I want? And, amazingly enough, both sides of free transactions come out with more they went in with.
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