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Everything posted by shirgall

  1. The currency is backed by being the only way to legally pay US taxes and the only tender used by the US government to buy goods and services.
  2. Oh mother tell your children Not to do what I have done Spend your lives in sin and misery In the House of the Rising Sun Read more: The Animals - House Of The Rising Sun Lyrics | MetroLyrics
  3. She went from rank #543,503 to #1. It's not a sales number. It's a rank.
  4. It's not bullshit at all. Would any other candidate that had a change to win have more or less cronyism? What I was driving at is that there's better things to judge them by than whether or not they had business dealings with friends or family or donations to political parties. I've never been insulting to you. I'm not what benefit you will derive from insulting me. My arguments are evaluated on their merits not my donation level. If you have issue with the experience I presented, by all means bring out the facts. But, since you blocked me, I don't have a record of the conversation anymore, let alone a public one. For the record, I consider corporations (as a legal fiction of the state) one of the few entities that *can* be taxed and regulated without it being an initiation of force. How does that make me a corporatist?
  5. Isaac blocked me on Facebook for asking, "compared to what?" on a similar posting. I was genuinely curious about how he was judging cabinet choices and who he would have thought could win the election and make better ones and apparently that was not he desired path. Bottom line, Isaac, people seeking government power have a fault at the outset, so he have to get over that and make judgments about desired versus expected outcomes. And we have to accept that our arguing about it is probably an academic exercise unless we have an audience of hundreds of thousands.
  6. Lionel Nation did indeed challenge people to name previous Secretaries of Education... I certainly failed.
  7. But, to me, the propaganda's message was "if you want to be an entrepreneur come to America" not "America benefits from immigration".
  8. You left out the near-pornographic unpeeling of cellophane, if present.
  9. He came to America to brew beer, not spread Sharia.
  10. That was my question, too. I didn't have any difficulty identifying the objection to the Audi advertisement. This one kinda confused me. I guess the beef is that the individual portrayed did not actually have the rough life that was shown? How many people knew that before reading the article I posted?
  11. You are going to have to expand on this, because nothing Stef says is against not claiming gods exist, but rather against atheist cultural marxists for whom religious beliefs are fungible levers for attacking value systems. He's never attacked me, who has never neither been a Christian nor a cultural marxist. Rather he criticizes the typical leftist who claims to support science, atheism, and collectivism, but rather only reads articles that support their existing worldview and says, "yeah!" You cannot reason someone out of a position they weren't reasoned into. Leftists are gonna left because they were indoctrinated into leftism from the creche to the mandatory youth indoctrination camp, to higher education.
  12. http://www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat/2017/02/02/budweiser_s_super_bowl_ad_casts_adolphus_busch_as_an_immigrant_success_story.html
  13. The situation for felonies, especially violent ones, is similar under most places that draw from English common law (and Louisiana, the one state that doesn't, also has it). "Citizen's Arrest" in the states is still done from time to time.
  14. They have to believe that a violent reaction will change sentiment so much they'll win the next election.
  15. Violence is actions that cause you harm, take your stuff, or damage your property. The credible threat of violence is a form of physical force even if it is not some physical manifestation of hurting you or taking something that's yours. Check out a form of crime known as "strongarm robbery" sometime.
  16. Which includes documenting everything, especially the defensive posture of your preparation.
  17. Don't try to convince irrational people. Instead recruit more and more of the peaceful, watchful, and silent middle.
  18. They welcome war so they can claim the moral high ground and be the anti-slavery north. It may not make sense, but they do think this way.
  19. The point is that collectivism always leads to someone not consenting to something that happens, and if it's formalize they'll even claim to push that crap in your name.
  20. Well, there was the shooting at UW. It does seem like the UCB crowd was bigger though.
  21. My approach has been "collectivism is an inherently violent ideology" but "communism" is a good trigger word. Another tactic is labeling when you encounter someone for whom labels and symbolism are important. Prior restraint restrictions and violence applied to speech is a form of eleutherophobia (disabling fear of freedom). Prior restraint restrictions on the means to self defense are a form of hoplophobia (disabling fear of weapons).
  22. A member of the FDR forum on Facebook was there and livestreamining the violence last night. I've encouraged him to call in.
  23. shirgall


    Of course, is not the idea here to identify the obstructionists in all of the departments and fire them before their bosses are appointed?
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