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Everything posted by shirgall

  1. From what I can determine through casual observation from thousands of miles away, there's a complex game with heads of state afoot. Putin's efforts and withdrawal from fighting ISIS and supporting Syria, Turkish PM Erdoğan manipulating the large populations of Syrian refugee camps, Greek refusal to seat refugees under EU law and instead telling them to move on to other countries, even refugees coming to Sweden through the Russian Federation, all point to countries playing games with this crisis.
  2. The first justification for exclusion regards the existing use of force against residents of a nation to provide services that are disproportionately used by incoming refugees. The high risk of violence, cultural clashing, and high chance of misuse of voting power to initiate more force against residents is a follow-on justification. Related: http://dailycaller.com/2016/04/07/migrants-ushered-in-from-muslim-countries-double-those-from-europe/
  3. As they say, send us your huddled masses, but they must yearn to be free. Yearning for Sharia fails this test.
  4. Cultural Marxists love the idea of using your own culture against you. If your own culture excludes another, then you can be criticized for role-playing another culture... (and even if you deny your own culture, you also get to "check your privilege" and be excluded from the conversation anyway).
  5. We are, because historically all races fare better in free economies than in command economies. I'm not sure what you are driving at, but we have to be careful of the "compared to what?" question here.
  6. There's a strong correlation between IQ and income. However, there is also a greatly increased standard of living for all people in long-term "more free" market systems, and there is a worldwide increase in standard of living over the past century compared to previous ones. You really need to narrow down your definition of "favor" to something that can actually be answered.
  7. No.
  8. I think you meant "fare" instead "fair" unless you are trying the pun on purpose. Is it something that we "accept" or not? I don't think it's right to initiate force to change it, if that's what you mean. I'm not willing to point a gun at people just because there are winners and losers in the struggle for finite resources. That other people are willing to do so doesn't surprise me.
  9. Capitalism is opaque to race, or any of a number of methods of grouping. That particular groupings of people have significantly different average IQs affects all of that group's endeavors, not just economic outcomes.
  10. If we support basketball, do we accept that short people on average will be less successful?
  11. It's amazing that progressives are fighting to have concepts like culture "own" ideas such as a look or a behavior and on the other hand fight against individuals having property rights. Cultural Marxism marches on!
  12. Finally something to bring down Tina Turner and David Geffen!
  13. Yeah, it certainly can lead to evil, but my point was that misreadings of coincidence don't usually lead to effects on the viability of immediate offspring. Misreading a tiger in the grass is death. Misreading thunder as God's wrath?
  14. Actually, religion and superstition have their spark in the ability to recognize patterns which is absolutely critical to avoiding risk but also from the inability to reject coincidences. It's a fine line to walk. Misreading a coincidence doesn't usually kill you or your offspring.
  15. L. Neil Smith writes a lot of libertarian fiction.
  16. Historically people are born without religion or superstition.
  17. I just don't see that happening unless there something significant changes the level of trust potential business makers have that the environment is stable.
  18. Fairness aside, fighters started out stronger but progressed more slowly, and wizards started weak but ended up the most badass at higher levels. I think Stef even looked at that phenomenon in a show once...
  19. I didn't call anything that, I only stated what the continuum was. It is subjective, of course, but you are trying to convince people to spend their time on these sorts of problems and I'm indicating that the more limited or odd the scenario the less people will care to engage them.
  20. Be careful not to get nailed by the cops who get people for shining lasers at airplanes. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2795836/moment-police-helicopter-tracks-party-goer-shone-laser-pen-pilot-s-eyes-officers-ground-arrest-him.html
  21. If he's totally fine with it then it's not stealing. steal. verb. "take (another person's property) without permission or legal right and without intending to return it"
  22. There will always be a need to fight the imposition of unchosen positive obligations.
  23. The equivocation you are making is that using force is the same as initiating force. If I whack you with a broom to disconnect you from a plug that is electrocuting you, it's wrong but you might forgive me. The problem is that I couldn't come up with some other way to save you in the time allotted. Lifeboat problems are all about limiting your choices or the time to make them because they think this problem is insurmountable. It's not. "Detached reflection cannot be demanded in the presence of an uplifted knife." (Brown v. United States, 1921) Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
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