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Everything posted by shirgall

  1. Potentially, esp. with the Senate in contention, but it's definitely going to be a piece of the puzzle for an election year.
  2. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead of natural causes today. He was very conservative. It is highly unlikely Obama will appoint someone conservative to replace him. This is going to be interesting.
  3. I'm not sure why you are asking. Are you claiming that I'm asserting a homogenous border?
  4. After all, we didn't evolve for four billion years to master sneaking up on carrots.
  5. Every single owner of each piece of private property that has to be transited gets to decide who can and cannot transit that property.
  6. Parenting is coercive compared to what? Abandoning them in the jungle? Since, by your own definition, children are unable to consent and therefore their care falls to a guardian, I think your definition breaks down. A child has no choice over being born, is completely beholden to its parents for its care and feeding for years, and is not even able to learn what consent is or how to express it without being, apparently, forced to. Do you at least accept that peaceful parenting is closer to non-coercive than your impossible ideal? If giving birth becomes original sin, who is selling indulgences in your moral system?
  7. I teach my children primarily when they ask me questions and I answer them. Sometimes I ask them questions so they can find the answers for themselves. I am confused about how these activities can be interpreted as force. Perhaps we have a misunderstanding in what the definition of force is. What is your definition?
  8. Miss Piggy has already avoided many efforts to give her the glory of being a "tastemaker" in the past, even IN SPACE! https://www.chefsteps.com/activities/sous-vide-pork-belly In all seriousness, Disney will continue to earn the most possible money for the least possible effort. They'll dump Miss Piggy when the shakedown artists make it unprofitable to do so.
  9. Not sure why you are deflecting from the topic, but the mechanisms for who makes policy are pretty clear and established. Voicing disagreement to the mechanism or to the character of those admitted is hardly initiation of force.
  10. There are many threads about role-playing games out there, but before you search too much, start here: https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/43648-youtube-dungeons-dragons-a-special-look/
  11. They never show the thousand pieces of detritus that exits a purse when it gets swung into a street harasser.
  12. Not really, when you first meet someone you treat them with politeness and respect, but from that point forward you treat them the way they treat you. @dsayers was pointing out that someone seeking a discussion was poisoning the well under the color in which the discussion framework was being described. If, instead, the conversation had started out with "I'd like to share my experience with the Mormon Church, which is different than the narrative in Episode xxx where Stefan said, x, y, and z." This is a totally different way to spark a discussion, based on facts and experience that may be contrary to conclusions reached in the show.
  13. There is no male or female, there is only normal and Y-chromosome deficient.
  14. This is kinda like thinking that the state knows better what to do with your resources than you do, honestly. The operating system and applications will focus on what you have in view at the moment, and will deemphasize what is not in the foreground. The less in the background the lower the latency and the more resources available to what is in the foreground. I wouldn't be running something that I did not plan to switch to in the near future or that didn't need to poll for or process new information continuously. Like the state, limit what applications have control of your resources and isolate them from one another. Do not give into supposed software bureaucracy like the example you have given above. There are better ways to clean your cache.
  15. http://mormonfamily.net/children_discipline
  16. The removal of limited liability for the owners and agents of a company may well transform corporations to something entirely new should a free market ever come about. I suspect they would be considerably smaller and more focused.
  17. The majority of human effort has been dedicated to overcoming one shortcoming or another in ourselves.
  18. Release the hounds! http://lifehacker.com/what-are-your-biggest-red-flags-when-you-start-dating-s-1757904969
  19. Project Apollo Archive: https://www.flickr.com/photos/projectapolloarchive/albums Explanation: https://www.flickr.com/photos/projectapolloarchive/21751523890 One of my favorites: https://www.flickr.com/photos/projectapolloarchive/21281789484/in/album-72157658983205789/
  20. A quibble. You don't "make" anything from an asset unless you sell it or use it to make something you can sell. On the other hand, dividends are a pay out. Stock price fluctuations change your potential profit if you sell a stock.
  21. My vague understanding of the Equal Rights Amendment debate failure recalls some sticky point about the gender orientation of the draft.
  22. @dsayers, I agree that it's not a good thing, and is contrary to empathy with the child, but when a child tests boundaries by doing something wrong they know to be wrong, a gentle introduction the social consequences of such actions is a reasonable choice. Threat of abandonment is force. Telling a child that knowingly doing wrong is shameful? I don't think it rises to aggression.
  23. That doesn't change it to violent.
  24. Shaming and ostracism are not violent or aggressive. Bullying is backed up by force. We're not in High School where every social slight seems like armageddon.
  25. Now you need to define "guess" and "play" along with the other words I've asked you to define, because once again it obviously means something rather different to me.
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