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Everything posted by shirgall

  1. Logic is a methodology for evaluating the truth of statements. Hammering is a methodology for hitting one thing with another. What you do with the concept is up to you.
  2. No, I don't agree to that at all. Logic is a tool with a specific purpose.
  3. Logic began shortly after people started making claims. Empiricism began after people started making claims about the real world.
  4. Logic is a methodology for evaluating claims. What's all this other baggage?
  5. The most influential libertarian from Colorado Springs with me is L. Neil Smith, and I find him to be missing from this article... I am skeptical.
  6. Remember that Hillary Clinton had her sunshine-law defying email server operating at the same time as Wikileaks published the State Department cables in 2010 all the way through the end of her term in 2012.Since she did nothing to further secure her server after that event, any claims from her (and any party member unconcerned about her emails) to be concerned about Wikileaks as Russian spies have to be discarded.
  7. I consistently find the call-in podcasts to be good, and of the books I especially liked UPB and RTR. The special subjects and interviews are generally stellar.
  8. I deliberately did not go into depth about why I like the podcast and book content. I like terse.
  9. I don't donate because of the forums, but rather because of the podcast and book content.
  10. I look for topics that interest me still, and I occasionally drop in a comment.
  11. I admit I don't come here for the conversation anymore.
  12. Basically, yes, offensive speech is always under attack, and what is classified as "offensive" is completely arbitrary.
  13. Only those that vote for taxes are obligated to pay them.
  14. I stand corrected. It was a refrigerator not a toaster oven. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4632232/Grenfell-Tower-insulation-tiles-FAILED-fire-tests.html?ITO=1490 No news on whether it had 7,000 gallons of jet fuel in it.
  15. There has never been an era where some portion of the population did not have a overwhelming sense of impending doom, be it mass starvation, invasion, or warfare. My own explorations of science have never given me a sense that nuclear warfare or space travel are the new "Big Lies" to replace religion. Collectivism is.
  16. When Trump fired Comey and the media claimed it was to stop the investigation, no one noticed the people saying, "investigations don't go away because of personnel changes". We tried to talk about the agenda behind the propaganda. My wife works in a radiology lab. She makes a living because nuclear energy works as described. Yes, some people want other people to fear and respect the power of nuclear weapons, but it doesn't mean they lie about it. The power of nuclear weapons is that the chances of killing leaders instead of soldiers just went up dramatically. It has hastened in a new era of Fourth Generation warfare, and everyone is moving to adapt in their own way. Where would the world be now if people in power had not believed that nuclear weapons worked? How would "Domino Theory" have worked out differently? Or Yugoslavia?
  17. Would have been more lyrical to just say, "eye contact". Leave them some mystery.
  18. It might have been different if someone put 60,000,000 Joules of fast-moving airplane and jet fuel into the building core about a quarter to a third of the way down from the top, as opposed to dropping a fork into a toaster oven.
  19. That's great feedback and I hope they take it into consideration. For me the chat room was most useful when the call-in shows were broadcast live. No so much after that stopped.
  20. I was mocking determinism. If you look at all of my posts that mock determinism additional properties may emerge.
  21. I was not criticizing you, but rather the topic of determinism.
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