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Nathan H. Hoffner

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Everything posted by Nathan H. Hoffner

  1. Have you watched this?
  2. If you have a low opinion of the paleo diet then do more research until its no longer an opinion. Here's a good place to start... http://www.amazon.com/Primal-Body-Mind-Beyond-Health/dp/1594774137/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1408212392&sr=8-1&keywords=primal+mind+body "Combining your body’s Paleolithic needs with modern nutritional and medical research for complete mind-body wellness• Provides sustainable diet strategies to curb sugar cravings, promote fat burning and weight loss, reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep and moods, increase energy and immunity, and enhance memory and brain function• Shows how our modern diet leads to weight gain and “diseases of civilization”--such as cancer, osteoporosis, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, and ADD• Explains how diet affects the brain, hormone balance, and the aging process and the crucial role of vitamin D in cancer and disease preventionExamining the healthy lives of our pre-agricultural Paleolithic ancestors and the marked decline in stature, bone density, and dental health and the increase in birth defects, malnutrition, and disease following the implementation of the agricultural lifestyle, Nora Gedgaudas shows how our modern grain- and carbohydrate-heavy low-fat diets are a far cry from the high-fat, moderate-protein hunter-gatherer diets we are genetically programmed for, leading not only to lifelong weight gain but also to cravings, mood disorders, cognitive problems, and “diseases of civilization”--such as cancer, osteoporosis, metabolic syndrome (insulin resistance), heart disease, and mental illness.Applying modern discoveries to the basic hunter-gatherer diet, she culls from vast research in evolutionary physiology, biochemistry, metabolism, nutrition, and chronic and degenerative disease to unveil a holistic lifestyle for true mind-body health and longevity. Revealing the primal origins and physiological basis for a high-fat, moderate-protein, starch-free diet and the importance of adequate omega-3 intake--critical to our brain and nervous system but sorely lacking in most people’s diets--she explains the nutritional problems of grains, gluten, soy, dairy, and starchy vegetables; which natural fats promote health and which (such as canola oil) harm it; the crucial role of vitamin D in cancer and disease prevention; the importance of saturated fat and cholesterol; and how diet affects mental health, memory, cognitive function, hormonal balance, and cellular aging. With step-by-step guidelines, recipes, and meal recommendations, this book offers sustainable strategies for a primally based, yet modern approach to diet and exercise to reduce stress and anxiety, lose weight, improve sleep and mood, increase energy and immunity, enhance brain function, save money on groceries, and live longer and happier."
  3. Any thoughts? http://www.primalbody-primalmind.com/the-cholesterol-myth/ "Lipitor and other Statin drugs have become BIG BUSINESS to “Big Pharma” nowadays. For roughly half a century now cholesterol-a naturally occurring substance in your body and in many animal-source foods humans have eaten consistently for roughly 2.6 million years-has become both “Public Enemy #1″ and the favorite whipping boy of the medical establishment. “High serum cholesterol” has been consistently blamed unquestioningly for the skyrocketing levels of heart disease and stroke. Everyone seemingly trembles with fearful anticipation of the sinister cholesterol levels revealed by the blood chemistry reports given by doctors during annual physicals. “Give it to me straight, doc….What’s my cholesterol?” Or… “How’s my “bad” cholesterol?”—and— “Is my “good” cholesterol OK?” Before you go dutifully marching to your pharmacist with the prescription from your doctor marked “RUSH!” there are one or two things you should understand that might just save you the trip…and quite possibly save your life."
  4. My new favorite cook book... http://www.amazon.com/Well-Fed-Paleo-Recipes-People/dp/061557226X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1408145489&sr=8-1&keywords=well+fed Plus there are many recipes online..... here are a few.... http://againstallgrain.com/paleo-recipes/ http://nomnompaleo.com/recipeindex http://www.marksdailyapple.com/primal-paleo-recipes/#axzz3AVTZZ39D http://www.primalbody-primalmind.com/tag/saturated-fat/ Q: I take classes in Anatomy and Physiology and the teacher keeps on saying that Saturated Fat that does not get broken down by the body stays in the body and “turns into body fat or plaques up the arteries”. I have been able to reasonably argue this point but others who are interested in low carb living have asked me where does it go? Do you have an answer I can use? ~ Karoline in NZ A: The term “saturated fat”, for starters, is far too generalized. Naturally saturated fats are comprised of a diverse family of fatty acids containing carbon bonds that are saturated with hydrogen bonds (sharing only one pair of electrons) that have extremely varied use and function in the body. They are quite stable by nature and are by far the safest form of fat to cook with due to their heat resistant/oxidation-resistant qualities. They are in and of themselves innocuous in effect and neither promote or suppress inflammatory processes. –Inflammation is more so regulated by prostaglandins produced from omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids (polyunsaturates). Artificially saturated fats include trans-fats and do not behave in a manner that is compatible with our natural physiological functioning. Trans-fats impact the body is ways that are dramatically different and even opposite of the effects of naturally occurring saturated fats our bodies are quite well adapted to (I go into this much more in my book). In the naturally occurring saturated fats there are short, medium and long chain saturated fats that are absorbed and utilized by the body in potentially very different ways. Short chain saturates like butyric acid (found abundantly in butter and after which butter is named) are burned preferentially for energy and are also the preferred food for the cells of the colon. Although our “healthy bacteria” are supposed to synthesize this many people lack sufficient healthy flora to do the job. The evidence suggests that dietary sources of butyrate can also serve to strongly support colon health. Medium chain fats are also preferentially burned as energy and, like the short chain saturates cannot readily be stored as body fat. Coconut oil is made up if mostly these medium chain saturates and capric, caprylic and lauric acid all have potent anti-microbial activity in the body and can serve as a powerful support to immune function. They also are sometimes referred to as MCT’s, which are used medically and also by bodybuilders as a means to get very lean for competition. –Hardly a fattening fat. Coconut oil is made up of about 50% lauric acid which converts to monolaurin in the body. Monolaurin may be the single most powerful anti-viral agent known (effective against even lipid coated viruses such as HIV) and also has other anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties that can be helpful, also. Short and medium- chain fats also tend to bypass the gallbladder and are absorbed more directly into portal blood for quick energy. Long chain saturates such as 18-carbon stearic acid (the most saturated fat in the body) is THE preferred fuel for the human heart. Stearates are commonly synthesized from glucose in the diet and are the primary storage form of saturated fat everyone wishes they had less of. If you don’t like it, eat less carbohydrate (the Textbook of Medical Physiology states “All body fat is made from glucose.”). All body fat can be potentially burned for fuel, assuming one has a well-adapted fat burning metabolism, low insulin levels and expends enough energy to do so. As an interesting aside, coconut and palm oils, both highly saturated, have only 3910 kilocalories per pound compared to soybean (the #1 source of fat in the American diet), cottonseed, or corn oil, which have 4010 kilocalories per pound. In other words there are 100 fewer kilocalories per pound for saturated tropical oils than these common vegetable oils and they are far less likely to be stored by the body or generate inflammatory processes. All commercial soybean oil, by the way, is partially hydrogenated as part of its deodorization process to preserve its shelf life. Saturated fats, by virtue of their saturation are inherently resistant to oxidation and serve to protect delicate polyunsaturated fats from oxidation and help both to transport them and utilize them more effectively. They also serve to help the proper utilization of protein in the diet (which is one reason why both protein and saturated fat often appear together in food). They are also a critical component of cellular membranes and serve to provide integrity and regulate permeability. 80% of what clogs arteries isn’t saturated fat or cholesterol at all, but, rather, rancid unsaturated/polyunsaturated fats that then stick to the arterial lining (like shellac) and generate irritation and inflammation. Nearly all the so-called research condemning saturated fat was based on combined effects of both naturally saturated fats and trans-fats in studies—each of which have literally opposite effects on the body. Naturally saturated fat (a regular part of the human diet for a good 2.6 million years) has been unjustly vilified by inaccurate association. Early researchers assumed they were the same thing since both were saturated fats (one naturally, one artificially) so everything got lumped together. I go into this at considerable length in my book, Primal Body-Primal Mind. So you see, the answer isn’t necessarily simple but all this sure is incredibly important to understand and clarify. Old myths often die hard, but myths regarding the “unhealthy” nature of saturated fats DO need to die, once and for all. We all need dietary fat (including saturated fat) for the health of our brains, nervous systems, hearts (yes, hearts), muscles, cells, endocrine and neurotransmitter function and for primary energy. The only macronutrient (i.e., protein, fats and carbohydrates) for which there is literally a ZERO human dietary requirement is carbohydrates. We can manufacture literally every molecule of glucose we need form a combination of fat and protein in the diet. Saturated fats have been unjustly maligned, misrepresented and generalized for far, far too long. I hope this helps!" ~ Nora Gedgaudas The Cholesterol Myth: http://www.primalbody-primalmind.com/the-cholesterol-myth/
  5. Thanks for posting this! I find it very interesting.
  6. I've posted tons of links. You can't wish away evolution and science. So, I agree with you that the current meat industry is evil, and so is the agricultural industry. Do you eat grains? If so, then you're helping to destroy the world and you're killing lots of animals, literally.
  7. I think you have an emotional block that is preventing you from seeing just how bad things are now (which I agree with) to how things should be, which would unfortunately include eating at least some animals, but would look nothing like it does in today's world. I wish we didn't need eat animals for proper nutrition too. But, our wishes don't matter. The meat isn't as important as the fat, and the organs. These nutrients are critical and were critical to developing our human brains. What was critical for developing our brains and bodies to what they are today is STILL critical. Nothing has changed fundamentally.
  8. We are designed to eat and digest animals. Sorry. You can't wish away evolution. Also, I'm not contradicting myself. We can have an ethical, humane way of raising and consuming certain animals. I assume in a free / rational world it would be as minimal as possible to meet nutritional needs. And the animals would be treated with compassion.
  9. I just wanted to add that I absolutely love animals and I loathe the industrial food practices. I think its' evil what they do to animals! I abhor the whole Statist system, as do we all, which is the cause. When I see animals being released from a life of captivity, and I see their reaction to seeing "outside" for the first time in their lives, it literally makes me cry. I want nothing more than a free society that treats animials with kindness and respect, which will happen one day. The people in that free society will however eat some of those animals. It's just a fact of life. Release of chimpanzees, 30 years after undergoing experiments - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7PAMgNEtSY 100 Retired Lab Chimps See Sky for First Time (government owned chimps) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUMXQjnm0Ho Happy Cows - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUZ1YLhIAg8
  10. Off the top of my head, because animals do wonderful things in their bodies with the food they eat from the earth (like convert ALA into DHA - an essential fatty acid - omega 3), then we eat those animals for dense sources of essential nutrients, like FAT. The nutrient density of foods is important to consider. We can eat less and get more nutrients. For example, animals organs (offal) are some of the most dense sources nutrition. I remember looking at a comparison of the nutrient profiles of offal compared to veggies and it was off the charts. You'd have to eat a ton of veggies to get any where near the nutrient content of the offal, and that's just the nutrients that the plants actually had. Also, nutrient ratios are important. Like Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio, which is properly balanced in grass fed / pastured animals and in wild sea food, etc.. Vitamin D to Vitamin A ratio is also critical . Where do you get true vitamin A in plants? Or vitamin D for that matter? So, having said that, here's an article on "5 Brain Nutrients Found Only in Meat, Fish and Eggs (NOT Plants)" http://authoritynutrition.com/5-brain-nutrients-in-meat-fish-eggs/ How is paleo type diet a "fad" when it is based on a couple million years of evolution? How long does a fad last before it's not considered a fad anymore? Paleo isn't a "diet". It's just the way we designed to eat by evolution and the science is starting to really come to light on this now that the truth movement is gaining steam. This is making me anxious so I'll just get back to work. Good day to you all! What's happening on the INSIDE of vegan bodybuilders? Bodybuilding is already unnatural and harmful to the body in many ways....
  11. Do what you think is best for you. I've seen countless examples of the opposite, not only on the internet but in my personal life... where folks suffered being vegan and found health with a paleo type diet. One friend even started a paleo food business after she discovered paleo (after researching food / health issues due to her niece having cancer). She now works trying to help people become healthy. She used to be a vegan. My best friend was also once a vegetarian and is now paleo. He lost 50 pounds of excess body fat, added muscle, and gained tons of energy and feels better than ever. So he says. I believe him because the same happened to me (except I only lost 30 pounds) Also, you can read through some of these just for examples. Even if you don't, maybe someone else will. http://www.marksdailyapple.com/category/success-story-summaries/#axzz38ECwM5P9
  12. Well, logic and the evidenc is on the side of eating animals. One only has to look at evolution the human brain. To be more specific, eating animal meat (flesh) is not necessary, but eating at least some animal / sea food products absolutetly is, especially fat. Also, animals organs are actually much more nutritious than the meant, as our primitive ancestors knew. We should only eat enough animals products to meet our nutritional needs, and we should eat ethically raised animals (pay the higher cost up front, be rewarded in the future). If one wants to be truly healthy and free of any nutritional deficiencies and modern day diseases, one must eat at least some animals /fish. And whatever you do, avoid grains at all costs! Soy is very bad for you. Why do you think they promote that stuff? First, I didn't attack anyone. Secondly, I said I've seen both sides of the arguments. Did you not read what I wrote? The reason I continue this argument because I feel that a person's physical health is critical to their mental health and to a healthy society. It's important to spread the truth about the types of foods that cause disease in humans, the same way as it's important to spread the truth about ideas that cause evil in humans. The "paleo diet" is NOT about eating meat. It's about avoiding the foods that cause disease and eating foods that promote health and vitality.
  13. No thanks. I've been into this stuff since 2011. I've seen all of the arguments and counter-arguments (just like the collectivist arguments). I know the truth. I'm walking proof, as my health has dramatically improved since I started eating real food back in 2011 (low carb / paleo / organic / grass fed / pastured). Here is some evidence for you if you're into that sort of stuff, which, as a "philosopher" I assume you are. http://www.marksdailyapple.com/category/success-story-summaries/#axzz38ECwM5P9 I have a question or two. What evidence would you need to see in order to "believe" that eating real food (including some animals products) is essential (especially animial FAT) for optimal health? Is there any possible evidence where this would be the case? If not, why not? Are you into self-knowledge?
  14. FYI, the paleo movement is generally libertarian and against the big food industries (which are of course the result of Statism). They promote local, healthy, and ethically raised animals and produce. They are against big agriculture and the government's dietary recommentions. Yolo... Did you know that Vegans kill more animials than meat eaters? I've heard that. I wonder if it's true. They may be smaller animals (in the fields of giant agricultural farms for example), but the numbers are greater. Might be worth a thought. Plus, it kills the vitality of humans. I mean, why are vegans so sickly looking and paleo folks the opposite? Generally speaking of course... I mean, just browse some pics of crossfitters, whom promote a paleo based diet due to the health benefits (muscle growth, recovery (lowers inflammation), fat loss, energy levels, etc.). It is interesting to look at some of the actual evidence.
  15. Transfats are bad, yes, and found in UNNATURAL sources of fat, like industrial cooking oils for example. On the other hand, cholesterol and animal fats (and other natural fats) are not only NOT bad for humans, but they are ESSENTIAL nutrients! We can eat them in abundance and our bodies will thank us. Please do research before spreading misinformation, there is enough of that around already. Here are some helpfull links if you're actually interested in the truth.... http://robbwolf.com/ http://www.westonaprice.org/ http://www.marksdailyapple.com/ http://www.primalbody-primalmind.com/ http://www.beyondveg.com/ Then why is paleo smeared in the media and vegetarianism is not? Why is vegetarianism made to be "cool" and trendy? Because our rulers like us sick and malnurished, and therefore unthinking. That's why they recommend we eat lots of grains. To benefit big agriculture and to make us sick.
  16. Based on my research over the last few years, I can say with confidence that a paleo type "Nutritional Ketosis" diet is the generally (there are special circumstances where this isn't the case) the optimal human diet. See Nora Gedgaudas for starters - http://www.primalbody-primalmind.com/ Also, here's a website that debunks all the vegetarian / vegan propaganda. http://www.beyondveg.com/cat/frank-talk/index.shtml I found this one pretty interesting.... Investigating Raw Vegan and Other Diet Gurus: Can You Trust Them? A detailed investigative report on negative and/or questionable behavior by well-known raw vegan gurus. Documented by numerous offsite links to public record/public access information. Check to see if your raw guru is mentioned! -
  17. What claimes were "laughable"? These books have tons of information.. http://www.amazon.com/Wheat-Belly-Lose-Weight-Health/dp/1609614798/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1404759619&sr=8-1&keywords=wheat+belly http://www.amazon.com/Primal-Body-Mind-Beyond-Health/dp/1594774137/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1404759699&sr=8-1&keywords=primal+body+primal+mind
  18. The question isn't GMO corn vs regular corn. It's all bad for you. Should humans be eating grains at all? http://www.marksdailyapple.com/why-grains-are-unhealthy/#axzz369ie6OmE http://wellnessmama.com/575/how-grains-are-killing-you-slowly/
  19. Hi there.. The answer in found in evolution. Here are some links where you can find the answers you're looking for... the truth... backed up by logic and evidence. http://www.marksdailyapple.com/ (best complete resource for all health and fitness related issues... I'd go through the archives - also read through the success stories... And note that there is absolute gold in the comment sections!) http://www.amazon.com/Primal-Body-Mind-Beyond-Health/dp/1594774137/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1403793263&sr=8-1&keywords=primal+body+primal+mind (great book!) http://vimeo.com/45485034 (There's no actual evidence linking saturated fat and cholesterol to heart disease) http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmMJ2ioWma0SpD9N21OiuXA (just one example and someone that can assist you - she's very positive and has an interesting story (especially her mom's situation) http://www.youtube.com/user/strengthcamp (check out both of his channels and his interview with some guy named Stefan Molyeux - just do a search for it) There are many, many other great resources but this will get you started and will lead you in the right direction and open up a world of good people. You'll discovery a lot in the process. Ignore the Vegan BS. We're designed by evolution to eat plants AND animals. Emotional reactions can't change this fact. Good luck and let me know how it goes! Empower yourself with the truth and take your health into your OWN hands! Nathan Don't do intermediate fasting unless you're metabolically adapted to burning fat as your main source of fuel. If you're a "sugar burner" (which most people are these days and is not our natural state) you'll just do more harm than good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vj_inVys_Uo
  20. Yeah, it seems to me that they have the most explaining to do to justify the violent Statist system, especially in light of all of the damning evidence against it today. Maybe try these. http://media.freedomainradio.com/feed/FDR_287_Effective_Discussions.mp3 http://media.freedomainradio.com/feed/FDR_292_Freedom_Through_Debt.mp3 http://media.freedomainradio.com/feed/FDR_280_How_Do_You_Know.mp3 http://media.freedomainradio.com/feed/FDR_1320_Bait_n_Switch.mp3 http://media.freedomainradio.com/feed/FDR_1327_Upping_Debate_Quality.mp3 http://media.freedomainradio.com/feed/FDR_1331_Loving_Your_Opponent.mp3
  21. I'd try being a "pull debater" by using the socratic method instead of trying to push and nudge people into change or enlightenment. When you push these statist with truth and reason, they will just push back harder with the opposite. And if you "pull" with questions, and nothing comes out but nonsense, then move on and focus your time on living your values and striving for virtue and happiness. Attain happiness in your life first, then you'll influence others to change through example.Most people aren't worth your time since they reject reason and refuse to change. Also, maybe before debating, establish the ground rules for the debate. Once they refuse to use logic and be curious / humble, then you know to move on. Just my $0.02.
  22. correct link.... http://rss.infowars.com/20131213_Fri_Alex.mp3
  23. I've been reading EM Forster after hearing Stef reference him and his books a few times. It's a lot about relationships and connecting with others through honesty (sound familiar?), Truth, etc. and the big questions in life. I loved A Room With a View and I'm currently reading Howard's End and I'm loving it as well so far. I picked up used copies for cheap on Amazon. Does any one know of any similar authors? Anyone know when Stef's recommended reading list is going to come out? I want to read the books that (especially the fiction) that moved/affected him the most.
  24. Okay, back on topic. I'll take a crack at these. 1. Getting fat (internally as well as externally) is our body's attempt to not get diabetes. If we ignore this communication and continue down that road and push it too far, we eventually get it. The key to understanding how to reverse diabetes (at least type 2) can be found in studying how and why many mammals hibernate. There's wisdom in nature. Circadian cycles are important to understand and follow. All other modern day "diseases' are related to diet and environmental factors, but can have different specific causes than those of obesity / diabetes, though these don't help, that's for sure. Dr. Jack Kruse has some very interesting blogs on his website (although a little technical for beginners to this). "Primal Body-Primal Mind" by Nora Gedgaudas is a good place to start. The Definitive Guide to Insulin, Blood Sugar & Type 2 Diabetes (and you’ll understand it) http://www.marksdailyapple.com/diabetes/#axzz2kwdwNEhl 2. We lose body fat by reducing carbohydrate intake and increasing (natural) fat intake thereby forcing our bodies to revert back to the natural state of utilizing fats / ketones as our main source of fuel / energy. Under this state, the excess fat melts away, and our appetites become properly regulated (once we're leptin sensitive, the master hormone that regulates appetite and all other hormones). Then we can just eat when we're hungry and be full once we eat via the signalling of the fat intake (no energy dips, no mood swings, etc). Key fact: All body fat comes from blood glucose. So, a quick way to lose fat is in fact to reduce overall calories, but eat lots of fat (and almost no carbs) so that our body doesn't think it's starving. The consumption of good amounts of healthy dietary fats is key (coconut oil, grass fed better, grass fed meats, fish oils, etc.) This also slows the aging process and prevents disease. http://www.primalbody-primalmind.com/the-lesson-of-homers-brain/ 3. Because when we simply reduce caloric intake (of the standard American diet) to deficit levels, our metabolism responds in turn by slowing down because it thinks it's starving. Ah, evolution. So, we eventually plateau and then must eat even less, burn more calories, etc. to continue losing fat (and muscle by the way) This can't be sustained. Then, once "normal" eating is resumed, we pack on the fat. And without regaining the muscle to boot. This is not so good. Also, the nutrient deficiencies sustaining during the starving phase do untold amounts of damage. 4. There can not be enough willpower to go against nature / evolution and come out on top. 5. Become a "fat burner" and all carb cravings go away like magic!, including alcohol cravings. A secret: Many alcoholics are really just (or simultaneously) addicted to stimulants and sugar. Once they can kick the sugar and caffeine (spikes cordisol and blood glucose levels) cigarettes, etc. addictions they can eliminate alcohol cravings. I know... It worked from me. I also lost 30 pounds almost without even trying after going primal / paleo. Also, now I'm 37 with a six pack (not bragging) and I do no long distance, medium paced cardio which is not natural (we're designed for acute stress and we adapt to it). Instead, I do some moderate weight training (functional, full range of motion exercises like squats, deadlifts, presses, etc) and do sprints once in a while... plus lots of walking! This is the key. See Mark Sisson for more on this. Plus, my food has never tasted better! Primal foods are the best! 6, Why the hell is government recommending to society what foods to eat? And why the hell would we even think of taking their advice? Well, many have and we see the results quite clearly. Here's the "best" diet: http://www.jackkruse.com/brain-gut-6-epi-paleo-rx/ Here's Dr. Attia discussing the ethics of food guidelines, and the lack of evidence supporting the conventional wisdom that fat and cholesterol cause heart disease.
  25. The Textbook of Medical Physiology, states: “All body fat is made from glucose”. (–Not dietary fat, mind you, but G-L-U-C-O-S-E: i.e., sugar/carbs). That's pretty "cut and dry". Facts are facts and it's clear how the body processes carbs / sugar (as blood glucose) versus dietary fat. The hormone leptin (the master hormone that regulates hunger and metabolism and all other hormones) responds to fat in the diet. A carb based diet disrupts the function of leptin. This is why people on carbs over eat generally and can't get enough... and need to snack or eat every 2 to 3 hours. This is not normal. We wouldn't have survived as a species if we had to eat this often. Fat burns steady and slow and we can go a long time without eating. I sometimes fast for 18 hours or more for the health benefits. Also, hormones are built using fat and cholesterol. The brain is largely comprised saturated fat, high in omega 3's and is the largest store of cholesterol in the body. ARE YOU A FAT BURNER OR A SUGAR BURNER? http://www.primalbody-primalmind.com/tag/fat/ The paleo diet has not been debunked. See this information. http://robbwolf.com/2013/04/04/debunking-paleo-diet-wolfs-eye-view/
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