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Everything posted by Naer

  1. The less people competing to find the next block in the chain, the more probable a weaker CPU or gpu will solve algorithms. If your commuter is weak find a crypto that's no currently being mined by many people. Bitcoin is out of the question when it comes to mining. You can trade alt coins once you get them if you want
  2. It's all strings of numbers and letters. People obviously want to be free from government issued central banking currency. People do what they will
  3. I would advice mining LTC with gpus. They are soon to go to the same route as bitcoin with asics. Look into peercoin, or if you want to be edgy junkcoinSomeone from fdr should make an fdr coin. Fdrcoin (FRN) we need a logo. People on this forum get to mine first. Should be interesting
  4. He's Venus, he's Venus as a boy
  5. peer coin is less competitive right now in terms of mining requirments even though everyones nodes are competing in the network. For bitcoins, you need asics. If I find peercoin being the same way, I'll mine something else
  6. It's more of a hobby for me right now
  7. will be mining peercoin and primecoin(cpu)
  8. check out primecoin, it's superior to bitcoin in that it uses the cunningham proof of work system to find prime numbers to determine hashes in the blockchain. And even peercoin which uses proof of stake
  9. ecigs aren't the same feeling as regular ones. unfortunate really
  10. Bitcoin gives leverage for alt currency like primecoin and peercoin, both are superior, energy efficient
  11. pickup artist culture makes men into awkward individuals
  12. If it was me, I'd probably not use the name given to me but make my own name. Is it irrational to think this way? I'm assuming Molyneux is a family name. I go by Naer now.Have trouble using my former name, use it to a minimum and try my best to detach myself from the name. Maybe I'm lacking the courage to reclaim the name. And conquer the irrationality, Thoughts?
  13. usuing the state who are bullies to sue other bullies. makes sense
  14. We should live in a way that makes us free in our personal lives
  15. athiesm can come out of angst. and going to agnosticism is like a release from the angst
  16. any free ebooks?
  17. I've had similar experiences. left alone with nothing but video games. Makes you awkward in the real world especially not being taught the value of real currency and mistakening video game currency as something of greater value than universal currency. My website is www.onefamous.org I made a small post about this there. Leave me a comment if you want
  18. Has your friend been exposed to excess video games in his developing years?
  19. sorry, I'll say it replaced it in my life. But, yeah, it's not replaced in general.
  20. bitcoin will inevitable phase out the fed. It's only a matter of time. Bitcoin is to fiat as ipads are to paper and pen. It will gain legitamacy as more businesses start to accept it. It's used in the black market right now. The need to go to bitcoin can be out of greed tho unless you are forced to use it if you deal in the black market. I orded a faulty GPU from amazon I think was out of greed. We need to relax and let the market forces work it's way naturally
  21. Aphex twin is one of my favorite artist
  22. I remember it having a profound effect on me before FDR. So?
  23. Sending is like taking a chit. It just comes out
  24. Self knowledge by definition can only be attained through the self. Occam's razor says that the simpler answer is e best, so the most local knowledge is the simplest which is the self therefore is the best. If we are talking about something that can be taught, I think that would constitute knowledge, but if we were to add in the self part, that would be something specific. Perhaps the reason I brought it up is because of the Roman Catholic instruction that I recieved in my childhoodEdit: I had a silver donator under my old name. The account got deleted, dunno why. Maybe due to inactivity?
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