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Everything posted by DanishHumanBeing
North Korea Exposes the Western Propaganda.
DanishHumanBeing replied to DanishHumanBeing's topic in Reviews & Recommendations
I never thought about it that way, Wuzzums. - That would explain a lot of things actually. -
First off, sorry if this isn't the right topic to post it in.So i stumpled on this Korean "documentary" in a topic on facebook today. - I really have no idea what to think about it. Aren't they saying the exact same thing as us? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGxbOVscHPs I don't get it, how can they be a communistic country, when thier seeing through all of the propaganda that the everyone else don't? - I know absolutely nothing about North Korea, all of the information i have, is from what the mainstream spits out, and that's obviously not the truth. Well ofcause there are some small issues, with the whole loving supreme leader part, and i'm sure that there are other things. And not to mention the whole capitalism issues.
Thank you very much Emanuel. I've learned so much already, and i can't wait to learn more!
Thank you for your kind words, they are greatly appriciated. Yeah, it was the best descision of my life to get away from all of that, and the more i read up on the concept of morality(Or rather, the more i listen to Stef's podcasts.), the more i'm sure that i made the right descision. - I'm very glad that i could be of some sort of entertainment and inspiration, since i've allways been very unsure of myself.So i thank you, your words mean a lot. - Sincerely Michael.
Hello there, i thought i might just introduce myself, sooner rather than later. My name is Michael, and as my name sorta suggests i'm from Denmark. I always thought i was wierd and dumb, (Mostly because i was told alot), because i didn't fit in, and i didn't have the same thought patterns as everyone i knew.I did try for a long period, but basicly my school experience ended up being horrific. I've been diagnosed with ADHD and with being schizoid, which (im sure most of you already know,) is the step before skizofrenia. I don't hold anything into those myself, since i don't believe they are correct, so i don't take any prescriptions since i'm not in any danger to anyone, and well if anyone knows, shouldn't i be the one to know?Well thanks to the whole school experience, i ended up being one of those teens in the basement, hiding from reality in the fantasy worlds of my games, and i stayed there for too many years. Wasn't until i was around 25 (am 27 now.) when i watched some debates with Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins, (I shock of god when i was young, i asked myself - Who made god, and the it just sorta happened.) and they made me realize that it can be enjoyable to get knowledge, and i haven't stopped learning since! Which brings me to why i'm here.(short version - i'm here to gain knowlegde and because i noticed that this was a place where people actualy had the same ideas as i have about life.) Well in the long version, i would have to go into a little bit more detail about my own historie i suppose, (I really do hate when i have to talk about myelf.) I have allways been a very shy person, and i therefore i've never been good at expressing myself, but i've been getting better at it, well when it's on paper anyway.Basicly i allways hated school, i was one of those kids who got bullied, and as i wrote above i was allways told i was dumb.So i didn't really like learning in school, i hated sitting quiet on a chair, i hated being sent to the school psychiatrist because something had to be wrong with me, why else would the others bully me.So in generel, i didn't get anything out of school other than a terrible experience and a lack of knowlegde on how the real world works.We have something called afterschools (which is directly translated from dansísh, and i have no knowlegde of a similar system in any other country to compare it with.) But basicly it's a school where you instead of taking 9th or 10th grade, stay on a "private" run school - i use the word private run loosly, because there is no such thing as af private school in Denmark,- which you call your home for a school year.And it didn't work out so well either, the first one i was on, was a democratic school, where they focus'd on how democracy works, so i had some experience with it.the second one was a rather tyranical one, and is not something worth speaking about.I've spent 2½ years in rehab from over usage of amphetamin (17 to the age of 19), which wasn't really needed, all i needed was someone to teach me how life worked,I had a great counseler there though, who did his best with the lack of knowlegde he had from where it's like the schools teach the councelers that addicts are lesser people, or something similar. most of them didn't mind showing that anyway.Well as i said, i did have a great guy there, who did manage to help me a bit, but since i lacked a lot of knowlegde myself, i had trouble catching on to the good things he could teach me. Spend some time in a christian instituten from i was 23 for around 1½ year, i rather enjoyed it, though i wouldn't admit it.I respect people want to have religion in thier life, as long as they hold it to thier personal life, and don't push it onto others, or demonizing other people.But guess what - Everyday i had to listen to them telling me i was a waste of air (This is what i translate it to, since i don't really remember thier actual words.) I was called in to the head masters office atleast a couple of times a week, because i made some one cry ( I was the youngest, then 1 at the age around 30, the rest was grown men and women, from the age of 40 to 60) just by arguing peacefully and saying *I* don't believe in any god.For some time it really made my hate for religious people grow, The religious people here, kindly pursuaded me to a psychiatrist ( The one who diagnosed me with ADHD and being schizoid) And because of that, i'm permanently labeled as unstable and unfit for a job.So they forced me into an early retirement (This is still at the age of 23) which i at that moment happily accepted. At the age of 24 i moved into my own appartment, where i stayed for 1½ a year, with a lot of partying and i ended up trying amphetamin out again which i didn't like, it had no effect at all, and i couldn't believe that i had been so hooked on it before.Instead i started smoking cannabis, (I did do that a little before i went to rehab, but at that time it wasn't my thing) and it made me my brain slow down, i had alot of crazy ideas i wanted to try out, i started interesting myself on new and excieting things (Like following up on new scientific breakthroughs)It wasn't just about computers, booze and chicks anymore.Then some day, on impulse i moved in with my brother and some of his friends, which turned out to be a terrible mistake, we where 6 guys from 19 to 25, my brothers friends mom.If something is a tyranni, then that was it.I ended up spending all the money i had, for over a year on thier bills, around 2100$ a month, with nothing at all to myself. Just because they wanted to stay home and smoke cannabis, more than they wanted to earn money to pay for that cannabis, they had me...I had this Horrible disease with direcly translated is called hellfire, medical term is Herpes Zoster, which is a mutaded version of chicken pox or the messles (Or which ever it is in english. i can't remember.) When i had the first signs of it, (It was a terrible pain.) i couldn't do anything, it felt like i was getting stapped it the back continuously, none of them believed me, instead i was told i was a dumb hypochondriac.After 5 days i had to get rushed to the hospital and was told i should have come right away, since they couldn't garantee the meds would even work at that stage.It resulted ind muscle and nerve damage and some other crap, resulting the damaged nerves.This resulted in my hunt for knowledge, i then started watching the debates of Mr. Hitchens and Mr. Dawkings and i simply realized that i had to get away from there.Though they wheren't too happy letting thier wallet leave.Haven't spoken to my brother since, other than one time where he tried to extort money from me, even threatening to come by and say hi (not sure if it's all that obvious, but that means - i will come kick yout ass if you don't pay)Which i could care less about, i really hate violence, and would rather run than fight.But if i have no choice, then i will defend myself, and i will do it with the necessary force it takes. Well anyhow, the more i started listening to Mr. Hitchens and Mr. Dawkins and there more i started studying thier work, i realized that knowlegde is fantastisk, i actualy found something i really felt like i could take pride in doing - learning.(As i said, i didn't pay attention in school, i sucked at math, because it was so boring i don't know how my spelling was, imagin it suck'd a bit.)I have no real skills since i've been slammed from institution to institution since i was 17.So i was kinda exstatic to find something i actualy had a good understanding of.I went on Mensa website and took the IQ test there, (I know, it's not the real thing, and its not all that accurate - But.) it didn't hurt when i scored 132, really the opposite.It gave me confidence ( Which i've allways lacked) and it gave me a drive to actually learn, study and just read a book ( I just resently bought Hitchens - God is not Great. Dawkins - The God Delusion. And not to forget, Orwells 1984) I still did not know that much, but it was a good starting point, i never cared about politics, rather i always felt outside that whole socialism, democracy thing.But I, as everyone else i know, have allways thought bad about Anarchism, though i don't consider myself as an Anarchist or AnCap or similar, i do label myself as such, when people try to label politics on me.I'm just an ordinary human being, who don't like those boxes society are so fond of using.Then one day, i learned about this Danish officer, who quit his job because he didn't think it was legitimate to use violence on peaceful people who likes dried plant parts. He got arrested for selling joints on facebook, with advertisements on a couple of politicians facebook pages, and that was what made me think. I then found Penn Jillette, and that took me on the part to understanding a bit about freedom (Watched all of the episodes of Bullshit, and learned alot from them), even though i don't agree with Mr. Jillette, he still have alot of valid points that i learned alot from.Then along came the news about what Mr. Kokesh is doing, which brought me in the direction of Mr. Molyneux on youtube. And here i am.(I should probably add, that i am a very happy person, i don't dwelve in the past, i've accepted it as what it is, the past.I did have a bad time with anxiety and stress when i lived with my brother and the rest. And it did take me a year to get past, after i got away from them, but i got over it, the more knowlegde i got.)I don't know what just happened, i had no intention of writing this much, for some reason it just happened.Sorry if it's a bit too much for an introduction, i have a habit of putting too many details in what i say, and that tends to make it a bit boring.Take care!- Michael Wow, it really did get sickly long.Sorry about that once again .