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Sir Exotic

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Everything posted by Sir Exotic

  1. Is there a way to help transfer the app from one phone to another? If so, and someone can help me, I can help share the Android version.
  2. Addition: A forced benefit is necessarily defined as beneficial by someone other than the person it is forced upon. Meaning: Even if the person is really benefiting from it, that does not make it consensual.
  3. The colour yellow is a physical manifestation of light projected on an object (I don't know the technical terms), without the objects, and without the light, 'colors' means nothing. The idea of a banana is not timeless either, since there hasn't always been bananas, and there hasn't always been minds to conceive of a banana and create the idea of a banana internally.
  4. I want to make a video about MGTOW in the future, but I'll share my biggest objections with the 'movement'. MGTOW state statistics that ? % of women (file for, and) divorce their husbands, taking half of their wealth, taking the kids, etc. etc. and are completely evil. Although I agree that a lot of women are like this, MGTOW fails to realize that these statistics are not random chnce. What do I mean with that? Well, when you get to know a woman and she seems great, but in the end will divorce you and take your shit, then she wasn't great from the start. You choose the partner and are responsible for that choice. When you want to get into a relationship/marriage, you don't get a random partner assigned and just have to wait and see what happens. This is how MGTOW seems to think of relationships. All it does is demonstrate that MGTOW are not deep-thinkers/lovers and only have superficial relationships where it is kind of random what women they will end up with, because they don't have high standards for what they choice, but then in the end blame women for their own choice. When I met my partner we talked about everything that was important to us before we decided to be in a committed relationship. We have very strong values and high standards for each other and others. We agree on almost everything (other than preferences, like food, movies, music, the less important stuff) and there are no surprises in our relationship because we know so much about each other. I don't know the statistics, and I can't bother looking them up (you're free to tell me and/or correct me before addressing my message) but let's assume that 1/3rd of women are the kind of woman that we're talking about, the ones that MGTOW are 'avoiding'. Are you (MGTOW) really trying to tell me that my own relationship has a 33% chance of failing, and that my wife will abandon me and become this evil witch that you speak of? Yeah, don't think so... Besides that, MGTOW praise casual sex and short-term dating, as long as it doesn't become serious. This also shows their extreme lack of values and standards for women and for themselves in the like. I don't know where their flawed thinking comes from, but I affirm that it's 'mommy issues' that are repressed and not dealt with at all and results in their fear/hatred of women.
  5. Good to know you'll be staying away from your brother when you have children! Since you didn't have a question, I'll just respond with a similar situation I experienced: In the Netherlands, where I come from, there are more bikes than people and everyone has at least one because it's a very common and convenient way to get around (we have bicycle paths everywhere and cities are very small compared to bigger countries.) Because bikes are so common, the stealing of bikes is also very common. If you live in the Netherlands, just expect that have at least one bike stolen. When I was younger, I had my bike stolen 2 or 3 times. Now the subject of the matter: my parents. My parents would tell me to "just steal someone else's bike, everyone does it", without recognizing the complete lack of morals in their thinking. They didn't think about the fact that I you might be stealing someone's bike who never stole a bike themselves. Or, even more obvious, the fact that you're not stealing from the person who stole from you, so morally it can't be justified. Other justifications (from my mother) were things like "But it's not locked, someone else will take it anyway" or "It's their own fault for not locking it". I think we must have stolen 2-3 bikes in return with this thinking. Of course I felt bad, but was influenced enough by my parents to not follow my conscience. Around the time I turned 16 I started growing up and developing my own morals and standards, and objected to their way of thinking, and that resulted in preventing more bikes stolen by more parents (or through me). But I just can't forget this one time, when my (then) step-father stole a parent's bike which wasn't locked by putting it in his car and driving home with it. The reason why I emphasized that it was a parent's bike was because it had a kiddy-seat on the back, meaning this parent used the bike to take their kid to school, etc. He did say he felt bad about it, but apparently not enough to stop himself... I stand by you that this world is a place lacking of real morals, and the reason why people do follow or demand morals, is only for their own (malign) self-interest. Its truly saddening that the most common objection to having a society based on freedom (Anarchism; Free Market; Peaceful Parenting; UPB/NAP) is that people are like this, but the people making this objection fail to recognize that the people advocating for this kind of freedom are NOT the ones they should be objecting to. The people that object to this philosophy are the ones who ought to be objected to. Thanks for sharing your story
  6. I like the idea of a discord where we can meet and share ideas, give advice about software, speaking, etc. Kilian I feel the same way about having high standards for myself and not wanting to do something that doesn't feel complete.
  7. Sir Exotic


    I could, which would be easier in the same aspects, but harder because the country has a much, much lower standard of living, plus they are currently in war. I see where you are coming from, but I respectfully want to suggest that you have missed an important part of my message. I have 2 jobs at the moment (and up till a week ago I even had a translation job through a freelance website job on the side that I worked on in my free time). The reason why this requirement exists is because they (the government) want to make sure that she doesn't come to my country and live off welfare. I would be willing to sign a contract with the state that we will never take any government welfare and that we will find a way to support ourselves financially, but of course this is not how a monopoly on law and violence works.. I recently started learning coding online and hoping to be able to find work in it in a year or two. One option we have is for me to live with her for a year or two and spend all my time coding so I can find a job in coding sooner, but our goal is to live in my country as soon as possible, so we can have our family and 'start living together'. That's the kind of advice I was asking for. Thank you anyway, you meant well
  8. Sir Exotic


    I did not say that I want to wait to get a job, that is the main priority right now. When she lives here with me we could have kids in a year or 2, maybe 3, so she will be 30 at max, ideally.
  9. Sir Exotic


    She is 24, turning 25 this year, so we want to hurry up if we want to have kids. We want to spend at least a few years together (as in living together) before having our first child. That was our backup plan
  10. I have been planning (more like idealizing) to make an online presence because I think I have a lot of interesting things to say and share on hopefully an endless amount of topics. I think my main interest in providing content is presentations (similar to "The Truth About ...") and debates/discussions on specific topics. Where do you want to have this circle of people?
  11. I think it's a great topic for a Truth on/about, and I think there should be a part of it dedicated to AnCap too.
  12. Good point, I like the idea of total Anarchy and we have to rely on eachother's compassion and the NAP.You could disable griefing by letting people claim land where only they can build, which most survival servers have.
  13. Good point, imagine the outrage of society when men did something similar to their daughters.
  14. I don't think it's real, but in all honesty, I won't be surprised if it turns out to be a real thing. The website mentioned in the picture has no real truth to its content, and I'm pretty sure it's satire.
  15. I guess same could be said about Runescape, back in the day when you could learn everything about the game in a few months, if you start playing now it is so incredibly complicated and there's so much content added in the past few years, it ruined the game.
  16. First of all, I am deeply and terribly sorry you had to go through that at your age. I'm a year younger than you are and I cannot even imagine how it must be and feel like with a past like that, I feel an immense sympathy towards you, and I hope you'll be able to go to therapy in the (near) future. Secondly, I am probably not the best person to give any advice, but I do want to share with you my opinion, and knowledge I do have. You say that your sister and her dad(I hope you're okay with me phrasing it this way) have made up the past. Has she been through the same experience you've been through, and if so, has she talked to you about any of that? Both the experiences and making up part.If not, have you and your sister talked about your experiences with him, the things she didn't go through?If so, does she acknowledge that? I think that's a huge factor in this situation.
  17. This is.. so wrong. I wish it was fake too. These women are the grown up version of the girls who makes stupid facebook statuses/tumblr posts about how they will abort their baby when they find out it's a boy, or circumcise them just to take away their sexual pleasure so they feel less urge to rape women. "I suggest you went with him to a psychologist" She's right on that though, get that kid some help, but not in the way she is thinking.
  18. Sure, what about any ingame related rules we should abide by, or will we just play Minecraft everyone else does but by following the NAP and property rights? That sounds like a simple survival server where pvp and griefing is turned off
  19. Great, so how are we going to do this?Are we going to let everyone decide what to do for themselves like throwing everyone in the Anarchy pit, or will we set up some rules which to play by? It's still a game after all.
  20. They first start off saying: And a couple sentences later: So we should teach our kids to be grateful for everything, even the small things, but not be grateful(rewarding can also be showing appreciation) for the small things they do? Huge contradiction there. What do you guys think? Edit: This article is not about how to raise kind kids, this tells you how to create slaves to serve the happiness and wishes of other people.
  21. Never played WoW, sorry to disappointed you :/
  22. "But we do understand. Safety is a primary concern for us. There are indeed things that can catch fire, like the reindeer skins, the mattresses, and the pillows." I do agree with this, though. "means it needs to abide by the rules that apply to every new building" Don't agree with this, it's just a general rule that goes for everything without exceptions, which shows how statism 'works'.
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