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Everything posted by Aimee

  1. I agree, block should mean they can't see you.
  2. I cannot seem to figure this out. A few people in Chat told me it works fine for them. When I'm in the chat room, I see the area to press play and listen live, But it wont play. (works fine on my laptop) I was given a link to listen on a different webpage, but it tells me I need Flash, which my phone doesn't support. What am I doing wrong? I have a Galaxy note 3 and the person who told me it works perfectly for them has a Galaxy note 2, so I imagine it should work for me too. I have no problem listening to podcasts. It's listening live during call in shows in chat that I'm trying to figure out. Thanks!
  3. I think it's fine. My son will sometimes come lay next to me after having a bad dream or picturing scary shapes out of shadows. I'd much rather he be well rested and feel safe and protected than be told he has to go "deal with it" alone and afraid.
  4. I kiss my 5 year old on the lips. On the for head and cheek as well. I don't find it sexual by any means and I find it extremely disturbing that it could be interpreted that way. I imagine there will be a day in a year or so where he no longer wants a kiss with his hug, and I won't ask for one. Forehead*
  5. I just discovered the ability to use my phone for podcasts as well, and had the same issue. On the FDR website(opened on the web on my phone), it would not play when I pressed play... double checked on my laptop and it worked fine there. I then realized I could choose which one I wanted to listen to specifically, download the MP3, and I too tried "Player FM" which came with my android phone. works great. I can browse other things on my phone without interrupting the podcast (something i couldnt do listening through YouTube) and it has a super easy play/pause feature in my pull-down menu. Still doesn't answer why it wont play from the original webpage.
  6. So far it's going well. It's not every day yet but a few times a week and my son certainly learns through play every day. We have 1 year until he is kindergarten age and 2 years before I have to fill out an affidavit with the state. Right now I'm just trying to learn as much as I can, find a homeschooling community we fit into well, and go through the endless list of possible curriculums I may use in the future. It's a little intimidating and there are days I wonder if I'm "qualified" but other homeschooling families I met, and the reality of public school, reassures me that this is the right choice. I'm also in school right now, I started wanting to become a teacher and it led to me deciding I wanted to homeschool. So my fear of not being qualified will fade with time. I figure that as long as I have the love of learning I can teach the love of learning. Any subject I am not well versed in I will learn alongside my son, which is the reality for many public teachers. It's exciting but a lot of decision making.
  7. Hello everyone! I'm happy to finally have been accepted into this forum. Thanks to Micheal who looked into it after I sent a question to Stefan for his mailbag a couple days ago. I'm a 24yo mother of one 4yo son and Stefan's videos have truly helped shape me into a more peaceful, nonaggressive parent. I love his videos on parenting. I initially found Stafan's videos when looking up philosophical parenting, and was very pleased to see he also shared my newly formed views on the world. I was very naive when I was 20 years old an pregnant with my son. Only starting to become interested in politics and not sure about my views in either direction. Becoming a mother pushed me to care more about how our world worked because, well, I care about the world my son grows up in. I was hit hard with reality and have learned so much in the past 4 years. So I have been listening to Stefan Molyneux for 3 years now and I just love the way he can explain things in such a simple and reasonable manner. I also listen to Alex Jones on occasion as well but I much prefer Stefan Molyneux's approach. These days I have Stefan's app and listen to every video while I'm at work. In our family we make a point to have at least one parent home with our son at all times (no daycare!!) and I will be homeschooling my son. We home preschool now and he just loves it. We have been met with quite a bit of negative responses to that choice but Stefan's interviews on the topic have really helped me feel confident in our choice to homeschool. Anyhow, I am very excited to join the most popular philosophical conversation in the world!! Thanks for reading.
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