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  1. My cousin who is about 28 had the left handedness beat out of him as a child. His parents legitimately thought is was "evil". His mother has since apologized and his father has been out of the picture for the last 15 years of his life.
  2. Yes without this info it is hard to give at least decent advise.
  3. <i>On August 19, 2013 Judge Denn Whalen ordered that Parker go live with his mom and step-dad, who recently moved 6 hours away to San Antonio. He got about 15 minutes to say goodbye.</i> The anger I feel towards that mother is crazy. I don't even know her.It's sick what the state and that mother are doing. That judge should step down. I am holding a lot of curses and ranting back right now. Four years and then Parker is free from that vile wretch of a mother.
  4. Forgot to post an intro. I'm here to share stories and viewpoints. Like most here I am a fan of Stefan. Some of my fave topics based around the main content of this board: Education Parenting Youth Rights Unschooling Finding a Partner/How to convince a current partner to adapt with similar ideals... Every girl I know wants to hit and send the kids off to school asap.
  5. I'm in North Jersey myself.
  6. This literally made me upset. It's like emotional torture and teaching the little girl to be a terrible person. Problem is too many adults don't view children as humans who deserve respect. They literally treat them like... toys or pets.
  7. No children are not owned. A parent is responsible for the child. A child should be allowed freedom besides which will cause them death or serious injury. Most would stop a friend from wandering into a street drunk where cars are zooming by. Does that mean the drunk friend was "owned"? No.
  8. Make sure you know exactly how your child feels and views the situation. If they are clearly upset and scared deal with it right away in the best way you can given the situation, the abuser, and your child.
  9. I am fine with Amazon allowing them to remain, however they have shown they do not truly care about free speech by removing other books when people complained enough. Either way I won't sign because I don't mind what kind of books people make no matter how sick they are.
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