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  1. Well thank you I hope so too
  2. Hello I am Thabani from Durban, South Africa (not the safest place in the world as you may have heard), I was introduced to FDR by my cousin and couldn't stop listening since the I heard the Introduction to Philosophy podcasts. I have been listening since 2011 if memory serves me correctly and joined the boards last year but I have been too shy too introduce myself until now. I am currently a psychology student which will hopefully lead to a meaningful contribution to some of the great work being done by Stefan in some capacity one day. My great interest is to maximize human potential and philosophy and self-knowledge play a role and it is why I am doing psychology and it is why I am looking at my diet as well. Actually writing that out has made me realize I haven't done the best job of maximizing my own potential so far, hopefully that will change as I keep working on myself. Anyway better post this before my anxiety kicks in again
  3. hello, Chris I may take you up on that offer as I have been looking over the work of Dave because I felt like my body was operating nowhere near optimum efficiency possibly because of the food I was stuffing myself with. Are you just taking the coffee or have you been taking the diet as well?
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