Hi all, I really wanted to share some details of this event that took place earlier today. I'm feeling really proud about this and had to share it.
I had just parked at my workplace and was walking through the car-park when I witnessed a man verbally abusing his children. His two sons were backed against the large 4-wheel-drive with the shopping trolley between them and a man who was probably their father. He was very tall and the children were very small, the older of them maybe 6 or 7 and he was probably over 6 foot. He was bent at the waist which invoked in me the image of a cave wall towering over the children. They were looking downward and holding their hands behind their backs looking quite afraid.
I walked past them but about 20 meters away until they were obscured by a corner but after a few steps I turned back and walked toward them. I stood some distance and shouted out "excuse me". The man seemed to shrink in stature. He said timidly "huh?". He obviously knew what this was about and his demeanour betrayed an "I-I-I didn't do nuthin'."
I continued with "I'm a fully grown man about 20 meters away from you and you're terrifying me." Pointing at my chest while my weight was on my front foot. Then pointing at the children but looking at him I said "I can't imagine what you're doing to those children." He didn't say anything but rather looked back down at his shopping, not at me and not at the children.
He clearly knew he was doing something wrong. I hope the children were helped by this in some way, maybe they'll better understand that it is their father who is the wrong-doer and not they.
I walked away with wobbly legs but feeling taller, and thinking to myself this is what life is about.
I feel empowered and more confident than ever that I will not accept abuse inflicted upon myself or other innocents ever again.
Thanks for reading.