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Everything posted by batman1337
So when women put on makeup its just a dirty trick to pick up a guy? How do you not see how this is sexist. When go to college for business am I just learning sleazy tricks to steal from people? Why are you so closed minded and sexist? Did you even spend 12 minutes of your life watching the videos I posted? Or did you just come her on your high horse trying to find any excuse to discredit me. Thank you for telling me you are a closed minded shitlord. Now I know whos here to learn and whos not. edit: oh and "if this was just about self-confidence it wouldn't be called pickup", yeah and if anarchy was about finding voluntary solutions to societal problems, it wouln't be called "anarchy". There is no hope for you sir. Really? With all the "donators" in here being such closed minded people, I'm seriously reconsidering my subscription status. I spent 2 hours putting together links an ideas in a non-threatening mannor. Trying to engage in a discussion. But you blow me off because of some bullshit excuse like "grammer". You are a shitlord as well. There is no hope for you either sir.
Let me preface this by saying you [the reader] have no idea what "pickup is". You have never been to a seminar. You have never read an ebook. You have never scene a youtube video of a pickup artist. If your reading this and all that is going though your head is "yeah but your just trying to get laid", theres a box with an 'x' in the corner of your screen. Your being sexist. Stop being a shitlord. For gods sake, were discussing 'anarchy'. What if every reply I had about anarchy was "thats great but wheres your moltov cocktail" or "you live in a fantasy, we need laws", or this [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzFCDqKE4yA] is anarchy. You'd call me a bigot. If this is your attitude please check the red box in the cornor of your browser. Great you've made it this far. You have an open mind. Congratulations. You probably think this [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6t62cnVDC0I] is pick up. Ross Jefferies is a conartist who can no longer pass a shitty product on to customers and is now trying the "I'm protecting women angle". Pickup is about self improvement. Pickup is a social skill that men learn. Pickup is about improving yourself so your a more attractive man to women. -yeah but your just trying to get laid- Kindly suppress your shitlord urges. We have an open mind remember? Pickup is a lifestyle change. Who goes to pickup seminars and buys ebooks and dvds? Nerds that play WOW all day and never learned social skills. Wall street millionaires who's only 2nd date is with golddiggers. Average men who broke up or got divorced and cant for the life of them get past friendship with women. -yeah but pickups for players- I told you to close your browser kind sir. Let me introduce you to David Deangelo (Eben Pagan) [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fwJ9JcyAd4&list=PL6EE591AAD07988FA]. Have you ever been told by a woman, she just wants to be friends, and then subsequently act cold. Does this video make since to you or not? When you act needy, you scare away women. Its like this [http://f0.pepst.com/c/082C76/955211/ssc3/home/021/alexsander2/britney_spears_2.jpg_480_480_0_64000_0_1_0.jpg] turning into this [http://metrouk2.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/britneyumbrellax17_450x500.jpg] for women. When you act needy you become very unattractive to women. David D. is very big on cocky comedy and inner game. He recommends spicing up normal conversation in a confident cocky manner. You might be on a date with a woman and shes says "my favorite color is green" now if you followed the advice to be yourself, you would reply "thats nice, I like green too, we have so much in common" or "that's nice I like black". Boring. No second date for you. What David D. says is this is a great opportunity to say something cocky and funny like "my favorite color is green, whats yours" "hmmm my favorite color is black, I don't know if this relationship is going to work out, we're just to different". - See theres your shady line. I knew you had a line!- Ugh I just have to deal with you dont I. Let me digress for a second back to Ross Jeffries [http://www.speedseduction.net/]. See how is product is 40% off. Compare that to David D. [http://www.doubleyourdating.com/catalog/index.html?spids=ZZZVHI,314] who sells products at full price, with a 100% money back guarantee. Ross Jeffries pushes lines. He trys to sell stupid shit like "it was raining the other day doens't the rain just make you *wet*" as if that turns on women. Ross J. tries to sell a product about sexualizing your language and tone. No way in hell stupid shit like that works. Ross Jeffries is to pickup artists as russians with moltov cocktails are to anarchists. Back to David D. Inner game. Every self improvement/pickup program is going to be 80-90% inner game. You know that feeling when you think about approaching a girl and butterflys tangle your stomach, and you talk yourself out of it. Theres no magic line for that. Any program that teaches a line to overcome that is full of shit. Firstly inner game is about improving your life. Like getting away from your xbox and finding a hobby both men and women enjoy, like dodgeball. Inner game is about having the confidence to just walk up to any one you want and say "hi im batman". How does one go from xbox and porn to social circle and girlfriend? David D. suggests things like NLP (neuro linguistic programming). He suggests to overcome that shyness you feel, imagine that feeling of your stomach turning in absolute fear, and imagine approaching that woman and realizing that the worst that could happen is a drink thrown in your face. Now imagine the scenario backwards with goofy laughing. Go back and forth at double speed with goofy laughing in an higher octave. Then you go out to starbucks and say hi to the barista, ask he how her day was, try something you wouldnt normally do, like ask her what her favorite drink is. Maybe even ask her if on her break you could buy it for her. -but but this is alot of work just to get laid, I want my money back- good the shitlord has left the building. David D. is great at Inner game, but Real Social Dynamics (RSD) [http://www.realsocialdynamics.com/] focuses a bit more on outer game (body language, clothing, demeaner, vocal projection, the execution of inner game). RSD is 50/50 inner outer where David D. is 90% inner/10% outer. Here is Tyler Durden (Owen Cook) talking about confidence [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L68oc3C42Fg], [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElbuiVwtXYc]. Does Tyler really come across as some slezeball with a few lines to get laid? Pickup is just a social skill. Theres nothing wrong with learning social skills. Your not trying to get laid anymore than when you take a business seminar your trying to rip people off. When men enhance their attractiveness is that any different then when women put on makeup? I dont see anyone calling women prostitutes for putting on eyeliner. So why are you just assuming men are trying to get laid by learning pickup? Do you also take fried chicken and watermelons to your friendly neighborhood black person? -but I clicked a link on youtube and watched Tyler teach a line-. Yes RSD teaches newbies stock lines. Its a crutch because theres some men in this world who spent highschool playing WOW and don't know how to talk to women! Or he got married at 18 and divorced at 26, and also never learned how to interact with anyone but his exwife. -but you just attract low quality women-. This is just blatant sexism. Remember this example: "my favorite color is green, whats yours" "hmmm my favorite color is black, I don't know if this relationship is going to work out, we're just to different". This is called flirting. So women that flirt with men are low quality? Your sexist if you think that. Men dont flirt with each other. It is an alien language. It serves no purpose in male-male interactions. Flirting is something men have to learn and they might as well learn it formally from someone who knows how to flirt, like a "pickup artist". -your just manipulating women, enjoy being single- More sexism. Go read David Deida's book [http://www.amazon.com/The-Way-Superior-Man-Challenges/dp/1591792576]. Men lead. Women follow. For a fullfilling life long relationship with a women, a man must play the masculine, leadership role and the woman the female, follower role. If your "manipulating" women, your not leading because you are constantly gauging your next move off her response to you. And BTW, I only know of Deida's book because it was recommended further reading from David Deangelo. Thank you for making it this far. Hopefully you have at least considered that pickup might not be just about getting laid. Two last comments. First. Stef makes the argument that everything would just be honkey dorey if women would just sleep with "nice guys". ex. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6UVQUjS1T8&feature=youtu.be&t=2h3m50s]. This is inncorrect. This is like telling men they should sleep with her [http://www.funnyloves.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Funny-Fat-Girl-in-the-World_pictures-images-photos.jpg] because shes so nice and can cook you a good dinner. It is a mans responsibility to man up and learn how to flirt. After all, if a women has the option to marry a jerk or a typical "nice guy" and the nice guy is just as attractive as the jerk, shes going to go after the "nice guy" 100% of the time. Second. Stef, please try to interview Eben Pagan or Owen Cook. Please give them an open chance to explain themselves. BTW Owen Cook is a fellow Canadian, and got a masters in philosophy as well.
I think Stef should look into creating a vimeo channel or some other backup service than youtube (besides here). I assume what happened was that user/stefbot got a threshold number of complaints which temporarily shut the channel down. Not that youtube is going to just degenerate into cat videos, epic rap battles of history and video game reviews, but if they do that, some other service like vimeo, youstream etc, will fill the market for "controversial" "thought provoking" media.
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- termination
- youtube termination
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Let me preface this by saying I have found extraordinary value from Steph's analysis of human emotions. I am a donator and plan on continuing donating because I do find value from Steph's analysis on things ~85% of the time (I also disagree with him on male-female dynamics). I listened to this whole segment. I'm one of the crazys that wonder if an alien species did perhaps "create" humans. Now is this belief that crazy? Every christian believes god created man from the earth and woman from mans rib. How significantly different is that than saying I believe an alien species (god) came to earth and genetically engineered (created) modern humans. I fully accept both view points are crazy. Sure its nice to be cordial and respect other peoples emotions, and to approach certain topics in a cautious manner, but to blow off a question as saying you wont consider it because you think its a manifestation of childhood abuse is ridiculous. When do I know when something is appropriate? Steph at least gave the zietgeister's a rebuttal before he delved into childhood trauma. I was really disappointed from this call in show. Why are humans the only species natural to earth, able to engineer, and such. In the natural earthly evolution, when one species dominates, another starts to evolve and bring the habitat back to equilibrium. What I mean is that say a white rat migrates to the deserts of Arizona. Owls are going to have more food, and reproduce more, hunting more rats. We'll see a temporary spike in the owl population (or whatever is preying on white rats) . Now the white rats will have natural pigment variations. White rats will be easy to spot, but grey rats will be harder to spot against the brown desert sand. So the white rat population will decrease and the grey rat population will increase. As the white rat population is hunted to local extinction, the predator animals will have a harder time finding food and start dying off too, naturally bringing the habitat to equilibrium. Now if humans evolved naturally, why is there no other species that can compete with humans? As a side note, personally I think there is evidence that neanderthals and homo heidelbergensis (or some other prehuman) mated, forming modern human ancestors. The evidence is that neanderthals had a developed language, where homo heidelbergensis had less developed language. So the theory is that our vocal cords developed from the hybrid of the neaderthal and prehumans. But regardless if neanderthals and prehumans mated or not, why is their no competing species with humans? Why are humans out of equilibrium? Why is there no other species on earth that can harness the power of the atom? Also there are various unexplained phenomenon, such as why does the sphinx show water erosion (making it at least 30k years old), why are Egyptian statues perfectly symmetrical, (CNC type precision on granite), perfect right angles 1/2" deep on hieroglyphics carved in obelisks, machu picchu where there are 20+ton rocks on top of the andes mountains, of which they are interlocking in complex shapes with less than millimeter gaps. Yes I admit alot of things on "ancient aliens" is fantasy, but there are some interesting points. Maybe it is my inner abused child talking, but I seriously wonder if "zeus" and "ra" and "Vishnu" were aliens from another galaxy. And honestly if you read religious text replacing "god" with "alien" the religious texts start to make some since. I'm thoroughly disappointed Steph will not consider this as "legitimate" or "worth his time". Is there really nothing philosophical from this point of view?
"Your question makes morality relative to the circumstances of history, which it is,"
I would take this as an argument for "morality is relative" instead of an absolute, which is against what stef seems to argue. I have listened to it in my car while driving, however I need to reread it. I find stef's books rather difficult at times because he takes considerable time to prove his concepts rather then apply them. Especially the god of atheists. I was listening to a podcast and he or a listener quoted something that peaked my interest so I decided to relisten to it. I had trouble relistening to it because at least 1 hour is spent discussing how god cant exist in a parellel universe. I find stef most useful in "bytes" like when he says you self attack because you were spanked as a child and self attack is your body's physiological defense mechanisms agiasnts being spanked. perhaps I should rewatch this. when I found stef this is one of the first seris I listend to almost a year ago.
I'm sorry if this has been posted before. If I'm a woman in saudi arabia, and I grew up with propaganda that it is my duty to serve my husband and heir a son, would serving my husband and birthing a son not be what is moral? What if I was born in 1850 on a farm? Would it not be the moral duty of the wife to have 8 children to help with the farm work? What if you were in your 20's in 1776 in america. If you want freedom the moral thing to do would be to join Washington's army. If you want to live, the moral thing would be join the crown? What about today? I would say that its to leave your children with a better world than you received. So why isn't morality relative and subjective? I suspect that I am conflating "morality" with annother word I am unaware of. Anyone care to shed light?
Might be off topic, but the best self development books I've read are, "mind lines" by hall, radical honesty by blanton, change your thinking change your mind by tracy, 7 habits by covey, and think and grow rich by hill. Probably others, but thats off the top of my head. I think emotional intelligence was annother good one.
Personally, I'm fine with a talking head, but if you want to animate it go ahead. I'd recommend a RSA animation style, http://www.thersa.org/events/rsaanimate.
http://www.designandanalytics.com/philosophers-gephi/ maybe go over the biggest dots. I've heard of aristotle, but never george wilhem fredrick hegel or heraclitus.
Maybe like your "truth" videos, If you could do a quick video on the most popular philosophers, like plato, aristotle, socrates, kant, locke ect. Maybe give each of them 10-15 min, explaining their best known arguments or what they are famous for (becides being useful to the state) I would love it. I'm no philosopher but I would be nice to know what your talking about when you talk about lockeian ethics, or just in general what you mean when you talk about other philosophers.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZNrOzgNWf4 Interesting TED talk if you haven't scene it. Doesn't look at childhood, but this guy was a doctor and seems to be getting results reducing violence. His 3 steps to reversing epidemcs were: 1) interrupt transmission 2) prevent spread 3) Change group norms I'm sure you could apply this to spanking, statism ect.
I'd reccomend Dr. Paul Dobransky, author of Mind OS. http://www.menspsychology.com/mindos http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Dobransky Dr. Paul harps on observing ego and personal boundries. Observing ego is looking at your life from the 3rd person, kinda like your life is a movie. Personal boundies is a little more abstract. Imagine your personal boundry as the lining to your personal gas tank. An immature boundry has holes in the form of guilt ect. So maybe an ex exploits you using guilt, you need to use your observing ego to notice the guilt exploit and next time it occurs you say no. A mature preson knows when to open and close their personal boundry.
Does Steph still have the micosystem podcasts? Do I need to be a gold/plat. donator to access thouse? They sound interesting, but I cant find them. Or am I imagining things?
Causes of the American Revolutionary War?
batman1337 replied to travioli's topic in General Messages
Another stereotypical cause was the british ban on ball and powder. Not sure if that was just 1 of 50 reasons though.