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Everything posted by Omarcrysis

  1. @Elizbaeth Thank you very much for the input. What you said made total sense. She will come see me in a day, and I will evaluate all my feelings over the next couple weeks. She has been being very responsible lately, but I will end it if I continue to feel uncomfortable with her and having these thoughts. Again, thank you so much, and thank you everyone on this forum for the effort.
  2. @Elizbaeth Very interesting point. In a way I understand that almost everything I want to do is WAY more difficult than I imagine it to be originally (business, travel, activities) but I always ignore it and thrust myself into it anyway, as I see it as a fun challenge... because if everything in the world was as easy as I imagine it to be life would be pretty boring for me. I make the mistake of not telling her this though... so she may think that I do in fact think everything is easy. You're right about me not supporting and listening to her thoughts. I guess its hard for me to talk about the difficulties of a task or its problems because when she brings it up she doesn't try to find the solutions... I hate thinking only about problems, but I love solving them. I will speak about this to her. Hopefully we make progress. --------------- I have an update on the conversations, and I'd love a female perspective on it: So last night I was talking to her and I admitted to thinking of someone else during that week of no sex and I also admitted to thinking about fucking other girls these last few weeks. She said she had suspected me mentally straying the last weeks, but was surprised and hurt for the sex part. She then confessed that prior to her going to Mexico to see me the following happened: A friend of hers who she had helped overcome a breakup 2 years prior (who she had suspected back then wanted something with her) was passing by her city on his way to another city and suggested they meet up that evening. She did meet up with him, drank a beer and got tipsy. At some point, she started crying because "she missed me" and her friend gave her a consolation hug. At some point during the hug or after it, she thought about kissing the dude for a second and then shut away the thought. The dude apparently thought the same thing, and tried to kiss her or asked to kiss her (not sure) and she said no. Supposedly it ended at that. She never told me this until now. We were "boyfriend and girlfriend" at that point. I did once tell her over the phone that I found it hard to control myself and if she didn't come soon to Mexico, I might en up fucking another girl because "Sometimes I can't control myself". This was not really true, but I said it to manipulate her into coming sooner to Mexico because she was undecided of when to come. Yeah, I know it was wrong to say that. what do you think? does me saying something like that excuse her? I haven't really processed yet what she told me. Do you think its a dealbreaker?
  3. I'll try it and see how it goes hahahah. I hope she takes it well. And yes, older women do seem to be just unattractive at all levels. Not only are they physically less attractive, but their low self esteem is definitely not endearing either. Oh yes of course, A woman will choose the man she *values* the most. But Socioeconomic status is definitely not all of it. I have known quite a few girls from wealthy families who are down for having sex with and even having a stable relationship with dudes of much lower socioeconomic status. Especially the girls born rich. Some tend to value personality much more highly than the bells and whisltes. The problem for me regarding the ones that "have their lives together" is they tend to have boring and in my opinion "too stable" lives. I value adventure and risk highly, and could not live without it. Many women might be put off by a decision I might make regarding business/certain adventures. What I took for is a woman open to the challenge. There are few, beautiful or ugly. I have to disagree with not discounting the girls in my area. Its a small town, 14,000 not considering the tourists. The genetics from the locals in my area are terrible. I am not exaggerating, unfortunately. I'd say the ratio of semi hot girls (let alone intelligent) is around 1:1000 here. That means that of the 14,000 population there are 7500 women. around 2-3000 are my age so there is literally only around 3 hot ISH women on this island who are not of foreign descent. Sadly all the ones of foreign descent are SJWs so its a pretty bleak outlook. There is a city nearby with more attractive women, so maybe I'll check that place out if things don't work out with my current GF. I will watch the videos you suggested later and comment, thanks! And to those who were thinking to themselves: "damn, I've seen a lot of hot Latinas and hot mexican girls, this dude must be crazy" most hot latinas you've seen are probably Venezuelan, Colombian or Brazilian, and yes, they're hot. Also very far from my city. There are some smoking hot mexican girls, but they're all in a region about 3 hours by plane from where I live (quite a nice city actually... I recommend anyone looking for an attractive lady to go to guadalajara... its promising). If you want to see what the women are like where I live, google "mayan women" and you'll get an understanding (even if you see any that you consider hot-ish, remember those are the "picture worthy" ones, most are worse). As I mentioned above, NAWALT. hahahah They are few of them, but there are many girls that are not on the "pump and dump" train. A ton? no, but enough. The gold diggers weed themselves out fast when I don't offer to pay for their drinks/food, the pump and dumpers weed themselves out when I tell them I don't drink and the sober-non-golddigger crazy SJWs weed themselves out when I speak. I also addressed the 27+ girls above. Regarding the pregnancy stuff, I occasionally go into the spray and pray mode when I begin to do risky activities, but those may be over soon if my business doesn't come crashing down. On sperm jacking/alimony, I don't understand why everyone is so upset about it.. I mean sure if it were to happen, I would feel terrible because of the child, but as far as money is concerned, why don't more people just up and leave the country? I know I'd never pay these ridiculous alimony payments if it were to happen to me. Does it suck that you can't live in your home country anymore? yeah. Will you let it enslave you and ruin your life? I don't see why. There are plenty of companies in the world that would love to hire a westerner.
  4. @Dr. Dealgood Our relationship was mostly "near-distance", just recently (1.5 months) have we been separated. I suspect the unprotected sex didnt worry me much since I was doing other much more risky things at the time. Where would you suggest I meet girls in the future? There are zero women of any value living where I live. Its a tourist town in Mexico. The Mexican girls where I live have absolutely nothing going for them. They're not beautiful and they're not smart or wise. The only option I have are young tourist girls because the alternative are used, sad, 35+ nasty tourist women that are running from their problems. I cant properly leave as I'm starting a new business just now
  5. We are compatible in the sense that we like going about things in a similar manner (eg. we do things the best we can and look up how to do them beforehand if we don't), she is willing to push the envelope and think about new ideas. We differ a lot in pastime activities, which I believe is a good thing for the most part as we're not doing the exact same things 100% of the time (eg. she likes watching a ton of netflix and I prefer outdoorsy things) I definitely need counseling in general to understand myself better... I'll search for something down here. About the orgasms... Ahhh I've tried everything, trust me. I've read it has taken some couples years to get the girl to be comfortable enough with herself to achieve orgasm. It certainly doesn't help my GF is very anxious. Ideal scenario... Thats a difficult one. I'd say a more mature and motivated version of my girlfriend. More beautiful I guess? It's a bit difficult to say whether the above is true or if I'm lying to myself to be more satisfied with my relationship, because once I met a Dutch girl that was beautiful and wise as well. She was the only girl in my life that has ever given me one of those "holy shit you're right"/mindblow pieces of advice. It seems unrealistic to try to find a girl that will do that to me again, and my current girlfriend at least makes me think and challenges me on occasion. As far as being happy... I don't know what would make me truly happy. I have had 3 instances in my life where I felt completely "at ease" where I needed nothing and was completely satisfied with my life at that moment. Is that happiness? I don't believe such a feeling is sustainable. The most difficult part is I WANT to like her more and be in "love". Provided she's being honest with what she says she believes and does, I admire her thoughts about economics, society, etc. and I fear losing her and having to deal with the sea of delusional women. Sex is fun, but the other 23 hours in the day are equally important. Sure, pm away. I hope you're not being sarcastic hahahaha I feel I used up my "I" quota for a century. Thank you for the perspective, Smarterthanone. You are correct. I need to confront her more on the experience part. I don't like insisting that I'm right and prefer letting people commit mistakes and learn from them... but in this instance I see the value in asserting my knowledge. I tend not to argue with her a lot, mostly I state my opinion on the best course of action on any particular activity and if she disagrees, I point out how my method was better and try to reason with her. In any case, you are correct. Next time I see her, I will discuss all of this and hopefully she understands. Do you have any suggestions for when she gets stubborn on a difficult subject? Lets say we're talking about children and she says "you cant have children and travel" and I say "yes you can, you just need to blab bla bla" and she becomes fed up and tells me "I don't want to talk about this anymore". Normally I just stop talking and go to another room and do something else, as usually she will just lock up and not want to talk anymore. Any recommended course of action?
  6. Hello everyone, I'm newish to the forum (looked at it ages ago when I first became a donor and never posted). I'm half Mexican/half American born and raised in Mexico, so I've got the race cards AND the privilege cards... so if anyone needs a Mexican to back them up when attacking a SJW on anything race or border wall/ southern politics related, I've got your back hahaha. I have to say it is a pleasure seeing their faces start twitching and contorting when they hear a Mexican would agree with a border wall (I only agree based on current world status... if there were a complete open society then IDGAF if theres migration or not, but that isn't the case so build that wall). I first heard about Stefan AAAAAAGES ago... maybe 2010? 2008? can't remember. Just remember I saw the video about "the history of your enslavement" or whatever it was called. I'm an entrepreneur, Started a few crappy businesses here and there, sadly my most profitable business yet and the one I'm investing in now has been one that is only as profitable as it is due to state power (permits that make it basically an oligopoly). But hey the people want the gov so let them pay for it. I'll do my best in the future to reduce the state but for now I'll take advantage of it. I have also taken part in activities in the past which the state would consider illegal, of which I will not go into detail. I will mention that they were victimless, so as far as I can tell it is ok according to UPB? if anyone cares to tell me why it is not so, please do so. I like STEM topics, although sadly I've forgotten most of how to do most of it after finishing school (25 now). I've travelled to North america, South america, Cuba( I know part of NA yeah yeah) and Western Europe. Looking forward to Asia and Africa. Looking forward to hearing the logic and opinions of everyone here! Hope I can help you all as well!
  7. Fala Ladrao! Eu viajei pra brasil 5 vezes este ano e o ano pasado. Gostei muito e amo a picanha. Desculpe meu português de merda... falava muito la, mais escrever quase nunca fiz. Desejo sorte pra seu pais, o nivel de corrupção e incrível. Eu sou do Mexico e quando olho a situação dos países onde moramos fico cheio de raiva. Voce e do sul do brasil? Santa catarina? Rio grande do sul? Parana?
  8. This is gold. I prefer the real world better though... I'm terrible at tinder. I used to approach girls all the time. Over the years I've learned to filter out most girls visually. Most girls don't like me because I'm too blunt, but every few weeks or months I see ONE girl that I just cant take my eyes off of and for some reason the raptor eye contact I give them must tickle their pickle because they usually like me back. As you say not always the hottest, but always the one I like the most overall. I've noticed that with genuine attraction toward a girl, theres just something in the honest gaze into their eyes that pings their radar big time. When I see a girl that I just half want to have sex with because "im horny" or "why not", I almost always get rejected (supposing they're half hot... fatties are always fair game... game that I will never try after that first time hahahahaha not worth the effort even if negligible) It's almost as if the girls I don't like that much can see in my eyes that I don't really give a shit about them. But if I see a girl that for reasons I cannot explain I just cant take my eyes off of, the attraction tends to be mutual and many times these girls have approached me. As I said these are the "best of the month" type of girls.
  9. Hello everyone, I have come to ask for help because I don't trust any groups of people to have an objective point of view. Sorry for the essay. I've been dating my current girlfriend for 8 months now, and about 5 weeks ago I started to notice and look at other women a lot. This has made me question my feelings a lot as I'm not sure as this strange desire for infidelity has been brought by my subconscious to try to make me break up with my girlfriend. Some introductions and context in blue in case you want to skip it: I am 25, Half mexican half american Living in mexico. I'd say in the looks department I'm about a local area 9/10, global 7/10. I don't drink and the only drug I do on occasion (3 or 4 times a year) is weed. I have engaged in highly illegal things in the past, although all of them were victimless. I suspect these may be self destructive behavior. I have thought about suicide (16 y/o) but looking back I think I may have just been dramatic to get my way. My father was in my house but didn't speak much to me and my mother always told me shit to make me hate him (that stopped about 15y/o). I was never hit, only slapped once in the face. I have slept with 25 ish women (memory is hazy as most were one night stands) My girlfriend is 19, Brazilian. Looks: local area 8/10, global 6/10. She likes going to raves every month/few months and likes doing ecstasy there. She does smoke weed 1 or 2 times a week when she lives with me (never at parent's house) she had been depressed for a year before meeting me because her parents moved to another city with no friends). She was beaten many times by her mother and her father worked a ton and was tired when he did see her or he'd drink and listen to music. She has also contemplated suicide. She claims to have slept with only 4 people, including myself. She says she doesn't know what to do in her life. We met in brazil in a hostel (October maybe) (she was from another city) and had sex on the second day of knowing each other. I'd say the things that attracted me about her were youth, she speaks perfect english, is relatively smart, weighs 110lb / 48 KG, and had that look that just made me want to get up in her business. I know she was not on the pill during that time so her pheromones probably gave me rabies too. Oh and of course: she's libertarian-ish. I talked to her about a few complex topics and was able to shift her point of view based on logic, which is a GIANT plus to me. When I first tried kissing her, she said she was "seeing someone", and that she felt guilty about kissing me (she was the one that suggested we go out in the first place). I didn't care. I went to visit her where she lived a week later. she did not introduce me to her parents as they thought she was still a virgin, so she had to lie to be with me those few days, and on all the future outings/trips. Every time we had sex, it was without condoms and it was always pull out. She took a few morning after pills here and there as a precaution. She did on one occasion tell me I should trust nobody in life, not even her (she later said she was joking). She also told me once that if she was me, she'd be out having sex with as many women as possible(she recently explained that she said that because thats what all dudes her and my age try to do). At some point I did tell her about the illegal things I was doing, she said she suspected so, and chose to stay with me anyway. After about two months of knowing each other and meeting on weekends, I had to return to Mexico and I convinced her to come with me. She was fed up with brazil and was almost over her design course, so she accepted. I left on DEC 1 and she joined me on DEC 17. I was her first time out of brazil. She went on the pill when she arrived to Mexico to avoid pregnancy. I don't know if it was the pills, but around 15th of January she lost a lot of libido and for the first time in our relationship we went a whole week without sex. I was still very horny and was plagued with insecurity as she rejected my attempts for that whole week. That week I lost a lot of attraction for her as I thought she didn't like me anymore, so when she regained her libido, It was hard for her to turn me on, and on one occasion I even had to imagine another girl as I was having sex with her to be able to enjoy it. A few days later sex returned to normal, although a lot less than our pre-pill days (then it was every day). Some negatives about my girl: she gets easily irritated sometimes when arguing about the best way to do something(best way to sweep, how to pluck hairs, etc) and she shuts down, but with some other more complicated things she listens (like philosophy). she often ignores my experience in certain topics, when I clearly have much more than she does (example: travel) and does what she wants, to later find out I did actually know what I was talking about. She claims to be a feminist, but I think she largely miscategorizes herself and I would call her an egalitarian, especially considering what modern feminism is. She is very lazy sometimes and gives up easily. although she is skinny, she is out of shape and has no endurance. I am the opposite as I play beach volleyball every day. When she's feeling lost and without purpose she prefers to stay indoors all day in stead of come with me and at least watch the beach volleyball game. she prefers sitting on the beach and doing nothing. She has a lot of anxiety and often gets fed up when we start arguing about certain topics. A great negative for me is that she has never had an orgasm in her life ( or is having orgasms but doesn't know what "counts" as one). Try as I might, I cannot get her to do it. With women that have experienced orgasm before, I have always been able to get them to have one, I have been with a few women who say they have never had one and with them I was unable to as well. It definitely makes me feel worth a little less as I cannot make her have the same pleasure as I do. In a way it has made me a better lover as I have strived for longer and more intense intercourse, but all my effort is to no avail. With what I have been able to do to her, I now wonder how other women with orgasmic capability would react, and I crave the feeling of accomplishment that I would get from being able to deliver the pleasure to them with my new abilities. I feel as this is another contributing factor to my recent interest in other women. I don't know what "love" feels like, nor do I know if I do or have ever loved my girlfriend. I enjoy her company, and I like having her around. I fear losing her because I don't know if I'll ever find another free thinker that I'm attracted to. I don't know if I love her or if I'm just afraid to be alone. I don't want to go into the dating world again. I don't want to build other relationships because its hard for me to find women I'm attracted to physically and mentally. I got in a fight with a dude where I live and she had my back... her ferocity and anger toward that dude filled me with admiration for her... but I wouldn't say that most of the other time I am filled with admiration for everything she does. as I said she gives up with a lot of the small things, but then she soldiers on through other small things well.... ahhh its all so complicated in my mind. About children: she says she wants to wait at least 2 years, maybe 5 or maybe 10. I don't want to wait 10. I don't really want to wait 5 either. But I do not want to rush and bring a person into a world and fail them. She says she wants to travel, do things that you can't do wen you have children ( extreme sports, backpacking, etc) and I always say you CAN do those things, you just need to change little things here and there. I will add that when she's around children she starts telling me she wants kids.. right now she's with her mom and thats probably making her feel like a kid again (she will return to mexico in a week or two) I will be starting a new business in the next few months, If it works I will be making 100k a year and the subsequent year I will reach 1 mil unless i get government pushback (Mexico is a corrupt place... my competition might not play fair), so money won't be an issue. Sorry for the essay, I put in all the info because it is probably relevant. Anyone have any insight? should I break up with her and find another woman who is more developed? should I stay with her and see how I feel at the 1 year mark? should I avoid babies at all cost with her? is she a good candidate? am I a good candidate? help. If anyone would like some more relevant info, please feel free to ask. Thanks in advance
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