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    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

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  1. Wonderful to hear from you! Congrats on getting your masters! It would be great to meetup, I'll message you to set up a time and place.
  2. Hi! I live in the Pittsburgh area. I'd love to meet some other fellow FDR listeners who live in the area. Let me know if you're out there!
  3. Welcome to the boards, Rooster! -Audrey from Upstate NY
  4. Im wondering if anyone has any ideas or advice on what to do when you see someone hitting a child (or verbal abuse) in public? Or are there already threads like this? I just saw a woman hitting her child twice actually and I didnt do anything when I saw it which Im regretting even though I still dont know what would have been good to do. Scooping up the child and bringing her home with me would be bad, right? I did a fair amount of sobbing and shrieking when I was driving home just thinking about the little girl and being enraged at the mother. Now I just feel sickened at the apathy and cruelty of some humans and am wondering if anyone has any advice for me. Thanks
  5. Woooow! So flippin cool!! Those people are crazy! Or are they brilliant... or both. Thank you so much for the resources! Perhaps if their is not a finite amount of courage within me I will add intense and incredible rock climbing to my to do list right along with conveying the brilliance of peaceful parenting to people and fostering my own self knowledge. All terrifying but potentially immensely rewarding
  6. Thats awesome! My friend who got me into climbing is actually afraid of heights, I really admire her bravery. I dont think Ive been to any of those places, but maybe someday ill get to climb them. Im grateful to live in such a beatiful place as upstate new york, even with the winters
  7. Im from Rochester. So far Ive only done indoor climbing, and yes it is definitely a workout! Im surprised at how sore my muscles are afterward, definitely in a good way though. Outdoor climbing is intriguing, but I cant believe some people do it in the winter, brrr! As far as I know Rochester only has one indoor rock climbing place, called rock ventures. Have you done any outdoor clilmbing?
  8. Hi Al, Im from upstate new york as well. I had a similar journey of coming to accept the morality of anarchy after partaking in the 2008 presidential election. I also recently started rock climbing, its so much fun! Nice to meet you
  9. Id love to join in the skype call but unfortunately I will be working. Maybe if theres a next time
  10. When people keep sniffling even though they have access to a tissue, knuckle cracking, preferring the rolling stones to the beatles, any woman under the age of 50 calling me sweety, honey etc. Also bad parents.
  11. I totally sympathize with your regret, dsayers. Just yesterday I was talking with some coworkers about the legalization of pot, chose to throw out a few remarks about self ownership and the non-aggression principle, caught myself wishing later on that I had gone the route of comparing alcohol to marijuana, and then felt guilty for thinking about handling the issue as anything but a moral one. Minor sleep deprivation may have been a contributing factor. It is tough though, I automatically assume people consider morality to be subjective (therefore pointless), and am tempted to contribute facts instead of philosophy to a conversation for the sake of productivity. Maybe if the goal is just to get the other person to agree with you on a particular issue, and not to introduce them to reason and virtue, then it makes sense to argue from effect. But I dont think I want my end goal to be that shallow. Hmm... Haha, do you think they'll be blue and gold?
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2doTpYKG8sU I admire Mr. Goss for bringing so many peoples attention to this and attempting to spark meaningful conversation. Some of the comments I read were a bit horrifying, but its at least refreshing to see such a magnitude of discourse about corporal punishment.
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