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Everything posted by Wuzzums

  1. I hate it when people play the expert. If they would have done just that the headline would be something like "4 Cops Manhandle Child" or something like that. Or if they just saw the child with the knife, laughed it off as a non-threat and left it would have read as "Police Incapable of Of Subduing Armed 8 Year Old". Furthermore, who the hell called the cops on the child? What did they expect to do that the parents (who I assume were actually the ones that called) couldn't do? Why couldn't the mother distract the child while the father grabs her by the arm? No, that's too much of an effort, let's call armed thugs to do the parenting for us. Why would some strangers put more effort and thought in subduing her than the actual parents? What an idiot. That's shooting yourself in your own leg. If she wasn't presenting a danger to the officers then it means she wasn't presenting a danger to the parents. If she wasn't posing a danger to the parents then why were the cops called? Again, if the mother's such an expert how come she didn't apply that expertise on the situation? I'm not trying to play devil's advocate here, but someone called the police, they weren't just patrolling the streets and decided to take this 8 year old on. They called men with tasers to solve the situation and when they used their tasers to solve the situation they were shocked they used their tasers to solve the situation. What is wrong with people.
  2. In the past male nipples were as taboo as female nipples. So it would make logical sense to ban them both. I always thought that public nudity was more of a faux pas rather than an actual law. I'm pulling the social conditioning card here and claiming that this whole thing, including the backlash, has nothing to do with a rational, objective debate and everything to do with whatever people find acceptable or not. Regardless, nudity doesn't hurt anyone, I don't think, therefore banning it in any form is oppressive.
  3. Can you give us an example of free markets producing less freedom?
  4. If an action is frowned upon by society then it's only a matter of time until it's gonna be passed as a law. Few people know the laws, I myself have no idea if it's legal or not in my country to hit kids but people don't (or at the very least avoid) to "discipline" their children in public spaces. Furthermore, a law against jaywalking does not mean there's no more jaywalking. A country's laws aren't always reflective of its people, thus it's hard to determine exactly when people stopped abusing their kids in those countries only by looking at the legislature.
  5. There's no such thing as an universal tool. A hammer can be well suited for one job and inadequate for another. Or money, for me digital currency is far superior to paper but for my grandparents it is not. People have to be let to choose what tool to use according to their preferences and needs. I'm always weary of the word "allocating" (though your meaning of the word might be different than mine). You said it yourself, you can't change a person's goals (or preferences) therefore you cannot allocate tools. What capitalism does is to make all sorts of tools available and let each individual decide which best suits their needs.
  6. For every one of these there are dozens more vids of kids getting the news that their parents won't ever come back home because of "colateral damage".
  7. A rich unmarried, childless, young girl telling people how to run their businesses, raise their kids and act in their marriages... BRB, going out to find a hobo to give me some advice on investment strategies.
  8. If only he would have made more of an effort to point out the injustice of the Iraq war like a full length presentation or something... I know I'm being somewhat condescending but it was a review for a movie. Frozen is a movie about a crazy ruler and Stefan did a review on it but nobody complained it wasn't more balanced towards all the victims of crazy dictators like Stalin and Mao for instance.
  9. Yeah, you're right. I knew that sweet processed food was made out of fast-release carbs and for the slow-release carbs I just picked the first thing that came to mind without checking.
  10. If Nick was wearing skin-tight yoga pants people would be staring too, lady.
  11. The young vs. old trend has existed since forever apparently. I don't think the media is the cause of it, they're just catering to people's prejudices. “Our youth now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for their elders and love chatter in place of exercise; they no longer rise when elders enter the room; they contradict their parents, chatter before company; gobble up their food and tyrannize their teachers.”- Socrates
  12. You wanna know what's the secret to memorizing a deck of card in under a minute? Or the secret to creating great artwork? Or having great verbal skills? Or to having a great physique? Or to be good at thinking? Or to be an excellent spokesperson? Or to be great at anything? Well the secret to all of that is that there is no secret. It's just practice, determination and ultimately sacrifice. The pursuit of excellence in one field will force you to forgo a lot of what life has to offer. Stefan is great at thinking but he's not worth a damn at sculpting (presumably). There are no 3 minutes abs type of shortcuts in life. You gave the example of the guy that could have crossed the Pacific Ocean a lot easier had he followed some instructions. That's a presumption. Did he have the know-how to understand those instructions? How much time did/would it take to acquire the know-how? How much effort was spent into figuring out the easy method in the first place? There's also no such thing as "simple". A simple concept is just a concept that your brain fully understands, it's the illusion of simplicity. I was once talking to this guy about the free market and he kept arguing against it and I had no idea what he was trying to say up until I figured out it he had no idea what free market was. He considered the free market to be trade but he did not include labor in the trade, for him labor was outside the concept of the free market. This lack of knowledge made the concept of the free market foreign and confusing to him, even though for me it was just common sense. He did not do the work, I did, therefore I could understand the concept more easily. Going with a formula for thinking is limiting because you don't understand the worth of the formula itself and you won't be able to recognize a better formula if it appears. Knowing the formula E=mc2 does not make me a physicist. Knowing how that formula came into existence and what its implications are does.
  13. What are you guys talking about? It had a great ending. That guy dodged one hell of a bullet.
  14. Here's my problem with the article. It says sugar is linked to fatty-liver, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. Fatty-liver disease has many causes, metabolic syndrome is not a disease (hint: "syndrome") and type-2 diabetes in young people is almost exclusively fat related (i.e. you eat lots and sugars and get fat and get type 2 diabetes, you can't skip the getting fat bit). It says the FDA should force companies to list the sugar names just like they do for fat, protein, carbohydrates. Carbohydrates and sugars is a redundancy, they're synonyms. Carbs are easy to digest, given enough time they easily break down in the saliva. Sweet carbs (like candy) give your body a quick small jolt of energy because they break down almost instantly. Bread however breaks down harder and gives a lower dose over a longer period. So eating sweet carbs often will put a strain on your pancreas because it's forced to release insulin in an abnormal fashion. This has nothing to do with how the carbs are processed in a factory and whatnot, this has everything to do with eating habits. Sugars are only used for energy in the body. If some soft drink contains some sugar molecule that's unnatural the body won't metabolize it, basically it would be innocuous. In contrast, fats, salts and proteins are used for a large variety of things. Carbs are the only nutrient that is not necessary for life, it only helps.
  15. I think that if John is thinking about whether or not to tell those things to Judy then those secrets are more important to him than they are objectively. Or maybe John is not comfortable enough with who he is so he has to hide certain aspects of his life to not sully the image he built and presented to Judy.
  16. Stefan was arguing that under the current system the cops did not break the law thus they are innocent in the face of the law. The police weren't exempt from the law, they were protected by the law. He was explaining how things are, not how things should be.
  17. True to their word, Anonymous releases "The Interview" on all torrent sites on the 25th of December. Looks like Stefan was right, this whole North Korea scare story was a red herring. I dunno if I should post direct links but you can google it yourself, it's everywhere.
  18. All 3 have the same exact type of thoughts/emotions but a different one is in charge in each character. Regardless, it's the red thought in all 3 that creates the conflict. The thoughts in the mother and father all have a general look to them but the daughter's are a mishmash of the two. I'm actually looking forward to seeing it, I'm very curious where they'll go with the concept.
  19. Why are you trying to ruin Peter Joseph's Christmas?
  20. Each time I see this trailer it saddens me because it reminds me that Captain Mayweather will never happen:
  21. You say "for me" but then state it's bullshit, 100% bullshit. You say it's subjective then say it's objective.
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