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    Vancouver, BC
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  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_PEBsEyYHQ I just came across this video from another forum. After seeing it, I felt extreme anger and despair after hearing some interviewees actually calling it "just a game."Apparently, the "knockout game" has been ongoing, and reportedly, people have been killed as a result if not traumatically injured. I'm sure racial issues will get stirred up to complicate the whole thing, but most likely this will just become another excuse to up the police presence and give them more reason to fight violence with prison violence.
  2. Though my experience does not even come close to such desolate pain that you speak of, I believe it is one of the greatest powers to be able to fight your way out of it. If only this power is free to spread, then many more can come to the realization of reality, and healing will finally commence for this world.
  3. Vic, I bet!I've gone through similar processes, although without than the pains of obtaining a liquor license, passing food safety regulations, or satisfying the restaurant-building codes. The amount of undue stress has got to be extremely discouraging for start-up small business owners, then you'll have property taxes, accountants to pay, standardized wages to meet and the local's standards for food/services. Hey, but if you make it, then all powers to you!What's puzzling to me is how chains like Cactus club can just pop up anywhere and almost instantly.
  4. The 70's & 80's saw a huge bloom in economy, but regulation and corruption kicked in followed by the inevitable stock market crash. Today, average wages have not changed since the early 90's. Taiwan is nose-deep in the shits now...Nonetheless, thanks for the kind words! Hey Phil, now I have!Looking into it now
  5. Hi all, My name is David. I currently live in Vancouver, BC. I was born and cultured on the island of Taiwan, where there is a long history over the recognition of its sovereignty, which I believe has prompted its inhabitants to be utterly confused about their so-called nationality - the "are we Chinese or Taiwanese," sort of mis-identity. Perhaps it is due to this confusion and not having been effectively indoctrinated of nationalism, I felt it was very easy for me to relate to the ideas of anarchy. Or perhaps this has to do with the ever-so-dramatic nationwide craze of the Taiwanese people during election time, where families fight each other, friends throw up fists and people bleed and tear on the streets to vouch for their favorite candidate between the two parties... Prior to this, I have always believed in the independence of Taiwan and rule by a local non-Chinese-descendant elective resulting in everlasting happiness, of which all seems... overly absurd by now. My family belongs to the 1990's generation of Taiwanese immigrants to Canada, often used to be portrayed as fortunate-deserters who jumped ship during tense conflicts between ROC & PROC. We have since dwelled in and around the Pacific Northwest. As of now, I'm a chiropractor, and together with my wife who is also a practitioner, we work out of our small clinic in Vancouver East. We work hard and make very modest earnings, but in my business, I have always felt the constraints of the the provincial regulatory body and the constant oppression by the medical society towards my profession, which in-turn is heavily regulated by no other but its own association. The direct result is the loss of connection to our natural patient population and the forfeit of a massive sum of income. With that said, I come in peace and hungry for knowledge, and may you all live long and prosper V/
  6. Hey Victor & Philip, I'm also from Vancouver.Cheers all, and stay warm!
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