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Everything posted by vivosmith

  1. vivosmith


    As I have sojourned across the internet, I have come across several MRAs . I feel mixed about the movement. On one hand, I met one liberal fro Europe who is part of the movement, but then on the other hand there is another man who basically thinks women should get back to the kitchen (which if done voluntarily may turn out better outcomes, but the law should not slant one way or another). So what do you think about MRAs?
  2. It may work in the foothills of the Dakotas, but unless you want to be a minimalist, I think it is unworkable at best. Add to that the violence bit, and I think you have trouble. If you want the public on your side, you need force the authorities to use undue force against you (or at least make it look like that), and then gain sympathy. Exhibit A , Tibet
  3. Hey. I have been a libertarian for a few year (probably since 09' or 10') and have been interested in Austrian Econ for about 2 years. I guess the joke about the difference between a libertarian and anarchist is 6 months and the internet XD . Anyways, I am interested in philosophy, PT, agorism, libertarianism, economics, entrepreneurship (even if they are short lived), writing, traveling, investing, among other things. I am currently in college, studying for MIS. I have casually followed Stefan for several years, and he has some good insights on things, even if I disagree with sentiment (atheism) on some things. But many things, even on religious things, make good points. His ideas on peaceful parenting intrigue me, even though I have not swallowed everything hook line a sinker. Anyways, hello! I should also note Stef's mannerism's remind me of my Psych teacher XD .
  4. Hey there. In various podcasts Stefan has put out, he mentions how sexual abuse harm children (which most of us agree with). Now here is my question: how do you square libertarian beliefs (sovereignty of the individual) vs age of consent laws and the like? Do you think that all interage relationships are harmful, or was Stef referring mainly to familial relationships? I have had a big problem with this, especially with cultures varying on this (Europe is very liberal, vs the US, which is very conservative).
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