Hey. I have been a libertarian for a few year (probably since 09' or 10') and have been interested in Austrian Econ for about 2 years. I guess the joke about the difference between a libertarian and anarchist is 6 months and the internet XD . Anyways, I am interested in philosophy, PT, agorism, libertarianism, economics, entrepreneurship (even if they are short lived), writing, traveling, investing, among other things. I am currently in college, studying for MIS. I have casually followed Stefan for several years, and he has some good insights on things, even if I disagree with sentiment (atheism) on some things. But many things, even on religious things, make good points. His ideas on peaceful parenting intrigue me, even though I have not swallowed everything hook line a sinker. Anyways, hello!
I should also note Stef's mannerism's remind me of my Psych teacher XD .