I want to encourage you to forgive your parents.
Destruction of the family has been one of the goals of the NWO, and they have done a fine job.
Your parents are just people, broken people. That is the only kind of people out there. Whatever way they were screwed up, it is a human thing, and being able to forgive humans is one of the keys to rebuilding a society based on love. Whatever else they did, they gave you life and that really is a gift.
I am in a pretty shitty place myself, my children hate me for my lack of perfection as a parent. I had a psychotic reaction to SSRIs and they just can't forgive me for that. So it goes.
My parents are both dead. They did things wrong, too - not as serious as what you endured, but none of us got perfect parents. I made my peace with them before they died, and that is a peace I cherish.
Good locuk to you, I hope you find the healing you seek!