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Everything posted by amommamust

  1. I want to encourage you to forgive your parents. Destruction of the family has been one of the goals of the NWO, and they have done a fine job. Your parents are just people, broken people. That is the only kind of people out there. Whatever way they were screwed up, it is a human thing, and being able to forgive humans is one of the keys to rebuilding a society based on love. Whatever else they did, they gave you life and that really is a gift. I am in a pretty shitty place myself, my children hate me for my lack of perfection as a parent. I had a psychotic reaction to SSRIs and they just can't forgive me for that. So it goes. My parents are both dead. They did things wrong, too - not as serious as what you endured, but none of us got perfect parents. I made my peace with them before they died, and that is a peace I cherish. Good locuk to you, I hope you find the healing you seek!
  2. Edited. Thanks to those who took the time to read my problem. It was a long shot, posting it and hoping for some kind of answer. I have deleted it, it seems I have to gifure this one out on my own.
  3. They are funding wars and trying to get people to blame the poor people. Or the brown people. Or the marijuana smoking people. Or the (insert whoever it is OK to look down on here) people. Of all the people on the planet, THEY know their money is worthless. If they are just printing it up out of thin air, does it REALLY bother you that they give a pittance of it to your neighbor? Taking taxes is BS, but most of this money they are robbing by inflation and that is not the fault of people getting government assistance. I dunno. I have this rule of thumb... If someone tells me to blame my neighbor, I look for the bankster hand up that puppet's ass. The very word "entitlement" is meant to create division. And here we are, on opposite sides... LOL! At least this is civil discourse!
  4. Hello. I took the name "amommomust" in support of Anonymous, many years ago now when they were outing Scientology. I am no computer hacker, unable to hide my tracks, but as a mother I needed to stand up... that was my thinking. I live in the rim country above Hell's Canyon, Idaho side. After doing all the "right" things, I found myself at the top of a medical-corporate ladder and with the aid of a little SSRI poisoning I took a spectacular dive from those lofty heights. Now I raise chickens, my first milk cow is pregnant, and I "preach" aquaponics. (Come, my brethren, give me an "Amen" for the fishies!) O dpm t have much time for the internet these days, but hope to find some "like minds" here.
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